32 - The First Date (part 2)

Zack's Pov

It was the most perfect kiss and the most perfect moment. It's been long since I had such strong feelings for anyone I had them for Brittany, I guess. I was just a hormonal Teenager at that time but with Anna it's so different, it's like every part of me knows it's right. I am too late for this, which I hate because I know she has feelings for kendall too, I can't do anything about it because well, feelings are feelings I was a jerk to her and I couldn't express what you felt for her it was obvious she liked Kendall from the first day they met in the bowling alley I saw how his eyes sparkled and i saw the look on Anna's face it's like she longed to see him, which made me feel weird. It bothered me since day one and to shake the feeling of liking my best friend I got back with Brittany that say, yes I am an asshole.

When I kissed her I could taste her strawberry lipbalm and she smelled like blue berries she must have used a new perfume which smelled really good. We were interrupted when we heard a smell of something burning.

Oh shit

"We burnt the cupcakes! God dammit!" She said as she face palmed herself.

"To be fair, it was kind of the goal so I could take my crush out on a date." I said as I held her hand.

"Oh who is she? Do I know her?" She asked.

God this girlllll!

"Nah you don't ,but she is like your twin."

"Oh where is my doppelganger then?" She asked while tapping her chin.

"Eh who cares, I will just take you out." I said as I winked at her and she blushed .


Heck I am turning into a girl

We cleaned the mess we had made and she changed into a new outfit and fixed her hair whereas I cleaned my self up and fixed my hair. When she came down I looked at her in awe, gosh she looked really pretty. She was wearing a red off shoulder dress which was hugging her body showing of her beautiful curves she perfectly did the messy hair thing and wore the necklace riley and I have her in her sweet sixteen.

"Are you done staring Leslie?" She asked with a smirk

"Yes ma'am , can we go know?" I said as took her hand in mine.

We thought of going to a restaurant nearby and have some food and then go for a movie , we sat in my car and talked the whole ride there was a bit of awkward silence but it didn't last long. We listened to our favourite songs bickered on who was better selena gomez or Miley Cyrus it was like the old times, when we hung out as best friends, it was different this time because it was a date .

Pov ends

Zack was a perfect gentleman, we went to the restaurant he ordered the food I always order. It was nice to see him pay attention to what I like or dislike, though it was pretty normal as he had known me for 11 years so even i remember his order at every food place by now I guess.

We ordered food, talk a lot, kid around a bit, flirted too and mostly teased each other. It has been long since Zack and I hung out like this. I forgot how good and light I felt with him . Ever since the feelings drama I knew I had missed my best friend in between which I didn't want to but now I felt I had my best friend back, just that we were on a date.

On the way back I was too tired for a movie so begged Zack to take me home. He was reluctant at first but then he suggested Netflix and chill. He said chill in a very flirtatious way to which I rolled my eyes. As we reached home I changed into Zack's sweatshirt and I noticed it smelled different, usually Zack's cologne smells like chocolate this smelled like lemon and green tea I know whose this is, I have smelled this before.

I went to my bedroom where Zack already had switched the tv on. Looking at me he said, " hey whose sweatshirt is that?" He asked

"I assumed it was yours" I replied.

"No it's not mine." He said whole shaking his head

Okay shit I know whose it is

It's kenny's!

How could I forget he left it here while he was leaving the other day.

Fuck Zack can't know!

"It must be one of dad's old sweatshirts." I said him. Lied to him

"Oh okay cool, so what do you wanna watch?"he asked.

"After we collided is out."I said

"I haven't seen the first part though." He said

"Well we'll watch both then." I said and gave him a big smile .

"As you wish m'lady." He said as he put his arm around me and tugged me closer to him which felt really good.

But the whole time I was with him I kept thinking any Kendall how I was wearing his hoodie when I was on a date with Zack. It seemed that the mere presence of Kendall's sweatshirt and occupied all my thoughts, I tried to drift away from them but I couldn't. I turned and looked at Zack. He gave a small peck on my forehead and I leaned on his shoulder.

What would kenny be doing right now? How will our date be tomorrow?

I was thinking all this and Zack realised it was already ten o'clock in the night and he had to leave as he has a match tomorrow even I was tired but today was perfect.

As he was about to leave he said ," Anna no matter who you choose I am always gonna be here as your best friend don't doubt that okay ? Well I would suggest you to choose me because well I am me and a bit selfish but I can't force you I know whatever decision you will make would be right." He gave me a reassuring smile and hugged me.

I was about to go to bed but before that I took a hot shower to think what all had happened today and what decision am I gonna make. With l these thoughts I drifted off to sleep excited for the day I was gonna spend with kenny tomorrow it would be our first official date. Soon i heard some noises like someone was out . I woke up to see someone was knocking at the window.

Is that Jesus?

Am I going to heaven?

What when did I die?!

I went and opened up my window and saw Kendall in my window  who had climbed up to my window by stairs. What am I rupanzel? I was still a bit shocked about him showing up at my window at 4 am! Whoever knows me , knows that without proper sleep I am as good as a drug addict and I can be very dangerous and moody if I don't get my sleep.

I gave ken a 'why are you here in the fucking midnight look' and he said,

"Hey there, Juliet."


Oooohh look who came at 4 o'clock in the morning! I know it's like Romeo and Juliet but this is a bughead scene from riverdale which I found so so so cute!!

Kennah date soon kids! Share ideas please :)
