The Dreaded Encounter

Okay, yes, it took me some time, but I finally sat down and wrote the long-awaited chapter. I'm not the happiest with how this chapter turned out, but the next one will surely make up for it ♥️

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

Talking with Kat has certainly strengthened my resolve to help her out in any way I can. Damon has been handled. She told him that she didn't actually have any information and that she was only using him to get out of the tomb, and he peacefully retrieved back to his home.

Yeah, right, as if. He snapped and went to attack her and of course, I snapped his neck with a smile on my face. Can you actually blame me? I mean he's really getting on my last nerve.

I made a promise to help Kat out and since I keep my promises, god I'm starting to sound like Elijah... Anyway now I'm on my way to settle a score with dear old Nik.

I was walking towards my home and once I was far away from any prying ears, I turned to look at Kol.  For a short moment, I forgot that he wasn't actually there and grinned happily, almost reaching to hug him. Luckily, I stopped myself before I did. I would have surely fallen face first in the dirt and he would never let me live this down.

"It's been a's good to have you back," Kol smirked while he looked me over. The look in his eyes almost made me blush. I have to stop these 'almost' moments from ever actually happening, he definitely doesn't need his ego boosted, it might explode, you never know.

"Well, what can I say? Trouble called and I couldn't miss the chance to answer. You, my darling, have been causing quite a bit of trouble while I was away. "

"Of course not, you are Kol Mikaelson! Trouble is your middle name after all. I mean, can you really blame me? Without the supernatural, this town is as boring as they come. I have to make things interesting." My eyes lingered on his charming smile for a longer time than I would willingly admit to anyone.

I thought that I was stealthy with everything I did, but it seems that I have been living in a lie. Somehow he seemed to have noticed my lingering look and smiled even brighter. Luckily, he didn't say anything about it but his smirk and the insinuating look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He was so going to use this against me in the future, I just know it.

"Of course you did, but it's offensive to not include me in your schemes. You do know how much I love making my brother miserable."

"Who said you weren't included? You're here now, aren't you?" 

I grinned cheekily and turned my back on him. Without another word I headed towards my car and not a minute later I heard him groan in the background.

"You know what I meant. What happened with the bet that you won? Darling, I would really love to finally wake up and get out of that nightmare of a coffin." Opening the car doors I stopped in my track and guilt erupted in me like a volcano. I wanted so badly to avoid Nik, that I almost forgot that he was daggered in a coffin. Almost. I turned towards him, determined to end his misery once and for all.

"Don't worry, you'll be out of it before you know it. I promise, Kol."

He nodded, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. I don't know how many times I thought and said those words, but I was going to get him out of that dreaded coffin. Today.

I stepped inside the car and searched for my phone. Why don't I keep it with me at all times? Because you're always avoiding someone. Oh yeah, that's right. Talking of which, I had several missed calls from Bonnie and well everyone else, including Grams. Jeez, I just came back, what's all the fuss about? Meh, I'm sure they'll manage without me. Why did I even need my phone? Right, Niklaus. Dialing the devil's number I waited for him to answer.

"What?!" if I wasn't already dreading having to meet up with him.

"Hello, Niklaus" short and sweet? Just kidding, it was probably as cold as the Antarctic. Meeting with him was the last thing I wanted and yet my heart skipped a beat. Let's just pretend that didn't happen.


"Where are you?" What? Talking for hours on the phone surely wasn't going to do any good.


"I need to talk with you."

"Missed me already?" Knowing that he was smirking cockily just irked me further.

"Where are you, Niklaus?" I swear, talking with a child didn't require as much repeating as talking with Nik did.

"I'll text you the location." Without another word, he hung up. Jerk!

Kol sat on the passenger seat, staring at my phone as if he could will it to turn to dust. I chuckled at the annoyance that his brother caused each and every time.

"Come on, Kol. Let's go have a lovely Mikaelson reunion. How does that sound?" I grinned at the thought of it. One could only hope that all of his siblings will stab him for all the pain and suffering he caused. What? It happened on the TV show, stop judging me!

"I love that sadistic smile on your face. I always knew you had it in you" With a hand on his heart, Kol looked at me proudly and I chuckled while starting up the car.

"Let's cause some trouble then, shall we?"

Word count: 980 words

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