Who won the Bet?

Hiya guys! I have a lot of amazing things planned out for the following chapters, you won't be disappointed that's for sure! But for now, enjoy the new chapter!

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Nik had been trying to talk with me for a while which I professionally ignored and instead focused on conversing with Rebekah. She certainly found us weird judging by the odd looks she gave us, Nik disregarded his sister and her glances and kept pestering me. Of course, I paid no mind to either and thought about Stefan who has been gone for quite some time. He should be at the bar with Gloria right now. It's about time to see who won the bet!

I turned to Nik with a smirk on my face "Ready to see who won the bet?" 

Rebekah looked between us confused "What bet are you talking about?"

Nik ignored her and frowned "And how would we know that? He showed no signs of betraying me" 

I kept smirking thinking about the surprise that he's going to get very soon "How about we go to the bar and see who was right" 

They both frowned but followed after me without another complaining. Rebekah was looking between us waiting for an explanation but since she got none she stopped in her tracks and yelled "Can someone tell me what is going on? What bet? What damn betrayal has your mind illuded this time around, brother?" 

Nik frowned after hearing her accusation but he kept following after me and muttering "Who said that I was the one that thought of it?!"

Rebekah stared at me wide-mouthed "Really Luna? Instead of reassuring him, you're just fuelling his paranoia further on!" 

I rolled my eyes at her words, what was I? His psychologist? His babysitter? Please, as if! 
"Rebekah, dear, could you stop yelling at me? I'm just showing him the truth, nothing more nothing less"

Rebekah muttered something under her breath that I'm sure was very kind-hearted but I disregarded it and focused on the task at hand which was the bet I was so going to win. We finally approached the bar and just when Rebekah was about to yell out something once again, I gave her a stern look and she surprisingly shut up. The only indication of just how irritated she was by the situation or, even more so, me, was a scowl that adorned her face. Finally, we reached the bar and waited in front of the door. We focused on listening to Gloria's "conversation" with Stefan if it could even be called that. 

Gloria's comment reached us loud and clear "I'm impressed. You've got discipline, Stefan. It's not going to do you much good, but...Just let go, honey."

Not even a moment later, Stefan's scream was heard. Rebekah and Nik looked ready to barge in and save the day but my magic held them rooted to the same spot. Nik was fuming, while Rebekah looked overwhelmed with worry. They looked at me pissed, ready to start screaming but I whispered "Just listen and everything will become clear. Stefan will be okay. Trust me." They didn't look too convinced but they continued listening to Gloria either way.

"There's the girl with the necklace. You love her. You'd do anything for her. And you have. A lot of darkness, a lot of guilt. All to keep her away from Klaus. Why would he be interested in one girl?" 
Nik and Rebekah stared at the door both having mixed emotions. Nik was angry, whereas Rebekah looked hurt, all I wanted to do was comfort her, but instead, we continued listening to the rest of the conversation. Stefan begged Gloria to stop probing his mind in her search for the truth. The truth that he didn't want to become known to anyone, especially not the originals.

Gloria sounded shocked and her next words revealed what I had already known for quite some time "She's the doppelgänger. She's supposed to be dead, that's why Klaus was looking for a different way to make hybrids, wasn't it?"

Nik looked at me shocked and I just pointed to the door "Time to save the traitor I guess"

They both stormed in while I lazily walked inside and observed the sight in front of me. Rebekah angrily tore out Gloria's heart relishing in the pleasure of taking her life, whereas Nik stood above Stefan, holding him by his throat. He tightened his hold, wanting to do nothing more than to kill the person he considered his friend. His friend had betrayed him because of a girl. Rebekah looked at Nik still on high alert, worried that he would kill Stefan. I so no reason to worry about it, if he wanted to kill him then he obviously wouldn't hold him by his throat, he would tear out his heart as all Mikaelsons do. Sure, all vampires do that but this almost sounded poetic in its own way. 

"Nik...let him go." Rebekah watched him wary of his next move. Nik didn't make any movement besides staring at Stefan angrily. Stefan had passed out before either one of us set foot in the bar. He was incapacitated to make it easier for Gloria to probe his mind, I suppose the vervain had done what it was supposed to. "Nik, let him go" I sighed wanting to end this before Nik and Rebekah ended up at each other's throats.  

I stepped in front of Nik, but he still stared at Stefan in anger and disbelief. "Nik, look at me" Slowly I reached for his hand, feeling the tingles running through me, but I ignored it like always and pulled his hand away from Stefan's neck. "Look at me" I repeated firmly and he slowly moved his eyes away from Stefan's traitorous body.

"What, Luna?!" Nik growled out, taking a step closer to me at the same time. I didn't move from my spot, my eyes were glued to his watching his anger rise with every word. His chest was so close to mine that I could feel every angry breath he took as if it were my own.

 "Anything else that you want to admit? What else have you been hiding? You made me sign some fucking blood contract and you didn't even tell me that the doppelganger was still alive!" his eyes flashed to their beautiful amber color. I didn't even bother to cover up my own anger from rising. I have been angry at him since last night and this just spiked up my fury.

"Really Nik? That's rich coming from you. You've been hiding something from me since the moment we met so it's about time you stop throwing accusations left and right. Yes, I knew that Elena was alive and I didn't tell you. Why do you think that is? I knew exactly what you would do the moment you found out. You would go there and threaten everyone, making it very clear that you don't care who you hurt so as long as you get what you want."

"Yeah, so what?! I'll kill anyone that stands in my way! If you have a problem with that then why did you even come with me?" he ignored everything I said before, only focusing on the last part of my speech.

"Goddamit Nik! You have enough enemies as it is, why do you keep making new ones if you can settle things differently. I got Elena's blood without threatening anyone" Sure, Elena broke the deal we made, but in the end, I still got what I wanted. 

"I think you mixed me up with Elijah, love. I do not make deals." his eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn't recognize. I frowned at his words "You don't need to make a deal with them to get what you want, but if the first thing that you do is threaten them then they will immediately look for a way to kill you or hurt those you care about. They shouldn't even see you coming. I don't see any reason to go in there guns blazing. It's ridiculous. Come on Nik, be smart about it"

"And what do you suggest I do?" he still sounded angry, but curiosity shined in his once again blue eyes.

"Let me worry about getting Elena's blood and you can focus on making hybrids," I muttered while shrugging. My mind no longer paid any attention to him, instead, I watched Rebekah caressing Stefan's face. Her eyes were filled with the love and care that she felt for him. Despite him being a vampire she was still worried that he passed out, worried that Gloria had hurt him badly.

Noticing what I was looking at his eyes softened "About yesterday..." Immediately my eyes connected with his and I coldly replied "I believe you already said your piece"

Turning around, I started walking out of the bar but he caught up with me quickly. We were standing outside, the only sound was that of cars passing by. Despite how much the loud sounds irritated my sensitive ears I preferred those over the sound of Nik's voice. I still couldn't shake off the anger that I felt when I so much as looked at him or thought about him, it was all too consuming. I just couldn't understand why it would affect me this much. It's ridiculous, I had worse fights with Bonnie and I hadn't been this hurt.

"Please Luna, at least let me explain" his pleading along with his puppy dog eyes would generally make me cave but at this point, we were beyond that. I kept my facade and continued looking at him emotionlessly. "I'm not interested in hearing anything that you have to say."

I walked away from him once again ready to head back to Mystic Falls, at least there I wouldn't be near him. I would be able to once again see the people that I cared about, my family. I missed them so much and finally, it was time to go back. Before I could think about it further, Nik spoke once again.

"Don't you at least want to know what I've been hiding from you this whole time?" his words stopped me in my tracks. He sounded cocky but when I turned around and looked at him, his eyes were filled with hope. "Well, are we going to stand here all day, or are you going to spit it out?" I muttered annoyed, waiting expectantly to finally hear what he's been hiding this whole time.

 "We're connected" he sighed looking away from me, I frowned waiting for an explanation of his puzzling words but it didn't come. I grunted watching him annoyed, "Do I have to wait for three more months to hear an actual explanation, or is now okay with you?" 

He sighed once again finally looking at me "We're connected, our lives are connected. That's why you have that birthmark on your wrist. It tingled when we first met, didn't it?"

I frowned at his words "How would you know that and how are we connected?"

"I don't know how we're connected, I've been trying to figure that out for the last three months" There was something about the way he said it that made me think he was lying. Why would he lie though? If we're connected then why not tell me how exactly? It made no sense.

"I really don't appreciate being lied to Nik. When you're ready to tell me the full truth we can talk until then goodbye." I turned around and left without looking at him. 

Word count: 1950 words
