
We got in the car and the whole way back I was thinking about Bonnie. Was my sister really so blind as to not see everything that I've been doing to protect the ones we love, including her best friend? I focused on the road, trying to shake away those thoughts. 

I decided not to sleep at home tonight, I just needed to be away from her for a while. I don't have the energy for another fight. It's been one thing after another today and I'm exhausted.

When we arrived back home I just smiled at Sheila "I'll probably sleep at Ty's tonight.", she nodded and smiled, but the concern was evident in her eyes. I hugged her tightly to lessen her worry "I'll be okay grams. It's just one sleepover." I grinned and headed to my car, while Sheila watched me with a soft smile on her face. 

After getting in the car I called Ty and waited for his reply "Hey Sera! Where were you? I was worried about you! I called you a million times today and there was no answer!"

I smiled softly, I didn't think anyone would be that worried since they knew I was fine. "I'm alive and well Ty, you know you don't need to worry about me"

"Of course I don't need to worry about you, but I still do. You're my best friend, what else did you expect? Where are you anyway?"

"I'm on my way to you if you'll have me" I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Of course I will. You know you don't have to ask." he huffed annoyed that I even dared to ask such a stupid question. 

"I'll be there in five. See you soon!" Grinning I hung up and started the car, excited for tonight. It's been a while since Ty and I had a sleepover, well ever since the Salvatores arrived. I was too focused on making sure that they were safe and even though I don't regret it, I missed him. I missed all of them but Ty was my ride or die. 

I arrived even faster than I thought I would. That could have been because I was going over the speed limit, but who knows?

When I parked the car I could already see Tyler waiting in front of the house. His arms crossed over his chest indicating that he wasn't happy with my disappearing act this past few days. I quickly got out of the car and ran into his arms. He hugged me tightly and smiled "I'm happy you came. It was pretty boring without you causing some ruckus. But don't think that I'm not mad at you for disappearing without saying anything!"

I chuckled ignoring his last words. I couldn't promise him that it won't happen again but I should have told him something instead of worrying him so much. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm always being proper."

He snorted, looking me up and down "Sure, you're the definition of proper, Seraphina"

I just grinned child-like "Why thank you, Ty, I completely agree with you!"

"Come on, let's go inside. We can have a movie night and maybe a drink or two." he winked while putting his arm around my shoulders and I just grinned. This was exactly what I needed right now, no supernatural, no stress, just a fun night with my best friend.

Ty and I were always close, but I think that us being werewolves brought us even closer. We were the only two werewolves left in this town and wolves do tend to stick together. I guess looking at it from that perspective would explain why we gravitated towards each other. 

I jumped on his big couch and he just shook his head "Let me guess, you're too lazy to move?"

I just grinned like a child "Well I am the guest here and you're the host."

He stumbled and looked at me stupefied "Excuse me? You spent almost as much time here as I have! You basically live here for god's sake!"

I just shrugged not even trying to fight him on that since we both knew it was the truth. "Fine, I'm lazy, like very veeeery lazy and as my best friend it is your obligation to help me out when I'm in need!"

He snorted "You sure are in need...of checking your mental health if you think you can just lay there while I serve you like a queen."

I grunted, completely forgetting that Tyler never fell for my tricks "Some best friend you are."

The asshole just smirked in reply and I ignored him on my way to the kitchen when my phone started ringing. I was about to escape from Tyler and answer my phone but he just pulled me back into the kitchen.

"You do realize it could be something urgent, right?" I asked trying to sound worried, even though I didn't really care, all I wanted was to escape doing any work. He just shot me a bored look "What could have possibly happened in such a short period of time?"

I looked at him exasperated "Anything! They're idiots that can fuck up even the most basic of things. If life came with step-by-step instructions and they tried following them, they would still manage to screw it up."

"I'm sure they can manage 5 minutes without you" Tyler muttered, ignoring my whole speech while he scoured the cupboards for some snacks. 

I shrugged indifferently, I seem to be doing that a lot lately. "Well if they can't then at least I'll have one problem less" 

He chuckled and shook his head, "Sure, I totally believe you" 

"What? I was actually serious!" I scowled and stared at him in disbelief, I meant what I said so why didn't he believe me?

He shook his head smiling warmly "Maybe, but don't think I can't see how much you try to protect everyone"

"I don't care about everyone, I care about you, Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, and grams. You guys are my family. Everyone else can fend for themselves for all I care" I said it many times before and I'll keep saying it despite how it made me look. It was the truth and if it made me look like a heartless person then so be it. 

"Oh come on. Don't think I haven't heard about the blood contract you made with Damon. You didn't put just us on the list of people he can't hurt. You also put Mason and Alaric. You're not close to either of them. Hell! You don't even know Alaric yet you wanted to protect both of them because you knew Damon would have hurt them."

I couldn't but frown confused by how he even knew about it."Maybe, but don't expect me to go around saving everyone. It would ruin my rep!" If Ty knew about the blood contract then I'm guessing everyone else did as well, I had no idea that Damon would be such a baby about it.

He chuckled admiring Seraphina's loyalty and how fiercely protective she was of those that she cared about. "I wouldn't dare!" he quickly said, putting his head in mock surrender. I smiled feeling emotional all of a sudden and jumped on him, hugging him tightly, he hugged me just as tightly.

It hurt, it really hurt, knowing that Tyler understood me better than my own sister. But I was happy to know that Tyler saw me, he really saw me. Before I could dwell on it any longer my phone started ringing again. After taking our food and drinks to the living room, I took my phone and checked the ID. Unknown caller. Ugh, who is it now?

I was annoyed before I even picked up the phone, already expecting it to be Damon or Stefan "What?!"

Silence... and then "Luna! Where have you been? I was trying to reach you all day!"

I immediately calmed down after I heard Nik's voice. "Nik..." if he was here I would probably forget all of my problems and hide from the world. Somehow he was always able to do that and I didn't mind it one bit. 

"Yes, love, it's me. Are you okay?" I could hear the worry in his voice, he changed the tone of his voice after hearing my voice and was suddenly gentle and sweet.

I leaned on the back of the couch, relaxing completely after hearing his voice "I'm fine Nik, I've just had a long and stressful day. How are you? Wait, how did you even get my phone number?"

"I'm well, except for the fact that you just disappeared before my eyes before we finished our conversation," he grunted. I swear he was such a Grumpy Cat. He ignored my question as if the answer was obvious and it really was. The answer was that he is Niklaus Mikaelson and when he wants something he gets it. 

"Why would I come to you when you're going to be here in two days?" I teased but before he could reply I heard Tyler yelling from the kitchen "Sera, what do you want to drink?"

"Bourbon! And hurry up already!" I yelled back completely forgetting about Nik.

"Luna, who is that?" Nik sounded, well, on edge would be the right way to describe him. Why? Who knows?

"Umm..." I was speechless, I know what he was like and if I tell him it was Tyler then he might as well be dead meat, so to speak. Not that I would let that happen, but he didn't need to be Nik's next target.  

"Love, where are you right now?" Let's just say that Nik did his best to sound calm, but the underlying threat was obvious to me. Well, not a threat to me, but to Ty. For what reason? None, did he ever need an actual reason to kill a person? Definitely not.

Then Ty walked in with a grin on his face "So, did the idiots manage to fuck something up, or was there no urgent matter?"

"That really depends on how you look at it," I said awkwardly not really sure how to handle the situation. 

"Who are you even talking with?" Ty asked confused by my reaction.

"Yes, love, who are you talking with?" Nik's agitated voice was very obvious.

I groaned giving up on thinking of something clever to say and opted for "Nik meet Ty, my best friend that I would hate to see even a scratch on. Ty meet Nik, my annoying acquaintance.

He looked at me even more confused than he was before  "Acquaintance? Where did you even meet him?"

"Really, love? Acquaintance?" Nik muttered annoyed and I chuckled "Oh, I'm soo sorry, next time I'll say we're besties. I have to go now, we'll talk later!"

I hung up before he could reply. I have nothing to apologize for, we haven't even met in person so he's nothing more than an acquaintance. One that I wanted to protect as if we were family, but acquaintance nonetheless.

I just lay sprawled over the couch and stared at the ceiling. Ty lay down next to me and said "So, acquaintance, huh?" He said it so casually, but I could hear the teasing underneath it and I just shot him a look "I don't want to talk about it."

He just chuckled "You know that won't stop me. You're my best friend, I have the right to know what's going on in your life and who the new guy is to you."

I sighed "Nothing is going on between us. I'm just helping him, I care about him, but we don't really know each other. He never saw me in person."

"Who is he? How did you even meet him if you never saw him in person?" I could understand his curiosity, I would act the same way if I was in his shoes. Well, I would probably be even worse. 

"You'll meet him soon. He's coming to Mystic Falls." I didn't say anything else, knowing that the more I told him the more confused he would be. Hearing my words just caused him to look at me puzzled.

"Now, are we going to watch something on Netflix or what?" I asked grinning and he just rolled his eyes "Fine, but this conversation is far from over. You have yet to answer my questions."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. By the way, can I count on you to keep this between us?" He frowned but nodded "If that's what you want, I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me."

There's a slight chance that Ty and I somehow managed to get drunk and laughed so hard that we fell off the couch. We either drank too much or it was because we haven't shifted yet, but we were drunk either way. Eventually, we cuddled up on the couch and I fell asleep in his arms. It must have been around 3 am? Maybe 4? Who knows, we were both drunk off our asses and I was finally able to relax and just laugh at stupid jokes, without getting stressed about everything.

I slowly fell asleep and found myself behind Nik, he was painting, but it was obvious that he was lost in his thoughts. He looked so peaceful like he drifted to another world. I came closer to him from behind and put my head on his shoulder, staring at my portrait that was drawn with so much care and patience. Every brushstroke was done with precision. He breathed in the air, and his muscles slowly relaxed.

"Luna..." he turned around and smiled tiredly.

"Nik, I need to talk with you about the sacrifice" Not knowing how long we'll be able to talk, I got right to the point.

"What about it?" he sighed and I moved a little bit to look at his captivating eyes.

"It's happening the day after tomorrow. Be prepared, bring your own werewolves and vampires. And a witch. I'm going to be turning, for the first time, this full moon. So, I won't be able to help you if anything goes wrong. Just please be careful." I couldn't help but worry about him. That's all I did these last few days. Worry.

"I'm going to be alright, love. Don't worry. Now, are you going to tell me what happened today?"

I shrugged in response not wanting to get into it "I just had a fight with my sister, you know how that is. But I'm over it. I'll see you soon." His blue eyes slowly faded from my view and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys! I wasn't planning on updating this soon, but seeing all your comments inspired me 😇

So, here's the new chapter, there isn't much action, but I wanted you to see her relationship with Tyler since I haven't focused that much on her friendships in previous chapters. 

I believe that each character in the series became who they are because of their childhoods and the supernatural world. That is why I wanted to bring them all together and see how their characters will develop if they had the right people by their side. 

Wordcount: 2550 words
