Damn you, Niklaus!

Hiya guys! It's totally not 2 am and I totally don't have to wake up in 5 hours. The good thing is that the chapter is posted!  

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

"Rebekah Mikaelson."

As soon as the words left my mouth Caroline started screaming, no joke, she was actually screaming while I was driving! We could have crashed! Sure she would have survived but what about me?! Getting out of my head to hear what she was actually saying I saw her waving her hands around to display her displeasure.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you say 'Mikaelson'? As in KLAUS MIKAELSON? That Mikaelson?! Really Seraphina?!" 

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face, despite her screaming that probably impaired my supernatural hearing. How quickly she could go from cheerful to dramatic, I couldn't help but find it amusing.

"No, Caroline. Not that Mikaelson" she narrowed her eyes at me, not noticing the small smile that I still held.

"What other Mikaelson could there be?!" She yelled and I chuckled 

"Well, there's a whole family of them. Not just one Mikaelson" 

She looked unimpressed and I laughed even harder. 

"It's not funny Seraphine! You know what I mean!" she huffed annoyed by my laughing, but I could see a slight blush tainting her normally pale skin. 

"Come on Care, what did Klaus actually do that was so monstrous?" I looked at her noticing her staring at me "He sacrificed Elena! Sure, she's a whiny bitch but still!" 

I chuckled and nodded "I agree, she's really whiny, but she came back to life, so no harm done. Sure her whininess increased since the sacrifice but she's alive"

Caroline looked at me incredulously, but soon enough the corners of her lips curled, involuntarily and despite how hard she fought it, it was no use. Her laughter erupted and her cheeks reddened.

"Wow, I'm so used to Bonnie judging me for saying anything even remotely judgy. It's quite ironic if you think about it. Wow, I had no idea how much I actually missed you. It's great to have you back S!"

I chuckled and shrugged "What can I say? I'm the cool sibling"  

"You're the best sibling I could have asked for" Caroling grinned, but I could see the insecurity hiding in her eyes, so I smiled reassuringly "You too Care. You guys are my family, don't ever forget that"

"Damn right we are! Now, where is the Mikaelson waiting for us?" Caroling sighed, begrudgingly accepting that we will be meeting up with Rebekah. She didn't really have a choice in it, but I was glad that she was no longer screaming at me. 

"I asked her to meet us at the mall" I was paying more attention to the road ahead of us than Caroline, so her sudden yelling startled me and I spared a wary glance in her direction trying to determine if she was going to start yelling again. 

"What? Why?!" her suspiciousness made me chuckle and I could feel her burning glare directed at me "Come on, Care, for shopping obviously! Why else?"

She huffed "Well, I don't know, maybe you planned an outright massacre!" 

I rolled my eyes, but I still couldn't stop smiling. Whether it was her bubbly energy or being back in town, I was in an amazing mood and nothing could ruin it. Not even the one who shall not be named. The mere thought of him reminded me that we were soulmates and I internally groaned. The lack of his presence caused an ache in my heart. My chest suddenly constricted and I struggled to breathe normally. 

I could see lights on the side of the road shattered, just like last time, my uncontrolled emotions caused a surge of magic to burst out of me. The speakers wailed like a dying cat, the deafening sound startled me and the car swerved on the road. I had trouble seeing things clearly, my vision became blurry and my hearing followed suit. My magic was destroying anything in its path. To some extent it was comforting. It made me feel less empty...less alone. 

"Seraphina? Are you okay? Slow down. Hey! Seraphina, stop the car!" Caroline's voice was muffled by the ringing in my ears. 

Judging by how loud her voice reached me she was probably yelling and panicking. Closing my eyes for a short moment I focused on my breathing. Soon enough I was able to breathe easier and I focused on the road in front of us. My vision was slowly clearing, like a dissipating fog, until I could actually see the road. I didn't even have to check how fast I was driving the car, it was too fast for the state I was in. Immediately slowing it down I spared a glance at the panic-stricken Caroline. 

"Are you okay?" it was barely a whisper, I was ashamed of myself. How could I let myself fall apart in front of someone? Why did it have to happen while I was driving? Damn you Niklaus!

"Seraphina...are you seriously asking if I'm okay? You're the one that had a panic attack. How are you feeling?" hearing the worry in her voice made me hate myself, so I did what I did best. I put on my favorite mask. emotionless. unfeeling. cold.

I had no problem showing love and care towards the people that I called my family. I had no problem showing my happiness, hope, pride. I had no problem showing my anger, but fear? Pain? I couldn't let them see that. I couldn't watch them worry and suffer just because I was suffering. 

I hated showing fear. I hated feeling weak. It was better to look emotionless than scared. No one could convince me otherwise. It was almost as if that was drilled into my head.

"We're almost there." I noticed the mall ahead of us and tried to distract Caroline, but she still stared at me worriedly and I screamed internally. This was exactly what I didn't want

"Caroline stop staring at me. I'm fine" I huffed unable to hide my annoyance.

"No, I won't. Not until you tell me what happened." she turned her nose up, refusing to take me at my word.

Parking the car I leaned on the seat and looked at her. She was waiting for an answer and I had no intention of being honest. Admitting that my heart ached because I was away from Nik was not an option. Let alone telling her that he was my soulmate. Now, that would be a tough pill to swallow. Knowing her she would start screaming again and my hearing still hasn't recovered from the last time.

"Returning to Mystic Falls has been...overwhelming. I don't know what Bonnie told you, but we had many fights over Elena. Right now, our relationship isn't the best. We don't really talk. It's been really hard for me. It will just take some time to get used to it all."

Caroling nodded slowly. Her energy was buzzing with interest and she started blabbering.

"I had no idea your relationship was that bad. I noticed that Bonnie has been cranky for a while now, but I just assumed it was because of Elena. I have a million questions to ask you" she was about to continue her rant, but she looked at me and stopped talking. She probably noticed my tired eyes and decided against asking anything.

"I get it. We'll talk later...Just so you know, you two are going to fix whatever problems you have, otherwise, I'll have to intervene. I love how close you two are and no Elena Gilbert should be able to come between you. Now, let's go meet the Mikaelson" By the end of her speech she smiled and I nodded happily. 

Rebekah Mikaelson here we come.

Word count: 1300 words
