A Little Bet Never Hurt Nobody

Okay, guys can we first acknowledge Raven Lyn Corneil's beauty? She's a literal goddess! 

Anyhow, getting back on track. Here's a new chapter for all of you eager readers!

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️


"Well, that sure was something, darling" Kol's amused voice reminded me that, yes, he was still very present, and if he had a choice he still wouldn't go anywhere.

"Kol, there's a whole world out there, so why are you stuck to me like glue?" I finally looked at him, his eyes filled with mischief looking me up and down suggestively. "I've seen the whole world but you, I've never seen before" 

I ignored his flirting and looked at him deadpan "Right...and the real reason?"

He shrugged carelessly "Well, it seems that this is as far as I can go. I really am glued to you" 

I groaned not even knowing how else to react to this predicament. "First of all no. Second of all no, no, and no. I just wanted was a Mikaelson-free evening! Not only did I not get that, but now I have a Mikaelson glued to my side at all times!"

"Don't worry, darling, I don't mind it" he smirked and I shook my head grunting "I'm sure you don't mind, but I do! I know you Mikaelson men think you're a god-given gift but who said I wanted you?"

"You didn't have to say anything, I can see it in your eyes, but don't worry I'll keep that between us, darling." he winked and I looked at him bewildered. He must have lost his mind after spending all those centuries daggered.

"There's no secret to keep! There's nothing going on here!" I yelled frustrated by his ego.

"Sure there isn't. Although..." he trailed off and I looked at him suspiciously "Although what Kol?"

"Well, I highly doubt your cuddle buddy would agree with you" he smirked watching my reaction, but I had none to give, internally I was blushing but I pushed it off. I just sighed giving up. I would have more luck talking to a wall. 

When there was finally silence and I decided to watch something on TV, someone had to knock on the door. Begrudgingly I opened it after I smelled whisky, death, and woods, Niklaus' signature scent.  

Opening it I was met with Nik's smiling face which I would more describe as a half-smile half-smirk. I greeted him with my best resting bitch face "What, Niklaus?"

I could hear Kol chuckling in the background but as expected I ignored it "Well, Luna, I came to see how you were doing." his eyes scanned my face, focusing on my eyes in the end, he was searching for something I just didn't know what.

"I'm fine, what do you need?" better to ask him directly and get back to relaxing, instead of dragging it on. Knowing him, he certainly didn't come here just to ask how I was feeling. 

"You say that as if I have some ulterior motive behind my visit. You wound me, love." he clutched his chest as I actually caused him pain. I rolled my eyes at his act "I know you Nik, so what's up?" I leaned on the door frame waiting for his reply.

"I wanted to take you on a road trip, so what do you say?" his puppy dog eyes made me cave almost immediately. God, why was he so adorable? No, no, no. Focus. I huffed frustrated with my own thoughts "Let me guess, a hybrid making trip?"

He chuckled at my words while shrugging "Well, a hybrid making trip is still a road trip nonetheless."

"Don't tell me my brother finally broke his curse. I can guarantee that he's going to be 10x more annoying than before, and trust me he was already annoying to begin with!" Kol's irritated voice was heard in the background, I almost chuckled at his words but I managed to contain myself.

Instead, I hummed "Sure, I'll come with you. Is it just going to be the two of us?"  I was wondering what happened with Ty on the full moon, did he bite Damon?

"I think you're forgetting about me, darling" Kol smirked, now standing by my side, reminding me that he plans to literally be glued to my side. 

"Stefan Salvatore is going to be joining us, but don't worry love I can always ask him to leave us alone. After all, I can always make time for my cuddle buddy" He winked watching me carefully, I ignored his comment and the damn looks he gave me. I don't remember canon Nik being this flirty. 

Getting back to reality I realized that he said 'Stefan Salvatore' and damn it, his sulky self is going to be so boring. I looked at him seriously "Nik, he will betray you, just leave him here, trust me." 

Frowning at me he muttered "Thanks for the warning love, but I know what I'm doing", I chuckled humourlessly "That's the thing, love, you don't. Wanna bet?" I smirked in the end, while Kol watched us amused "I definitely can't wait to see how this plays out"

Nik smirked in defiance "Sure. What are you willing to bet?"

I matched his smirk "If I'm right you will undagger your siblings and give me the daggers"

Suddenly he looked unsure of our bet and I baited him "Didn't you say just a minute ago that you knew what you were doing?" As expected his ego shone bright and he smirked again "And If I'm right you'll be mine" 

Kol looked at me bewildered "You can't accept that! You don't know my brother! He's the most possessive person there is! He will never let you go!"  

"I'm sure your siblings can't wait to get out of their coffins" I mused while looking at Kol, but Nik thought it was meant for him. 

"Then what's it going to be, love?" he smirked and Kol just shook his head "Screw them! Don't do this darling, please" I could hear the panic in his voice but I smiled reassuringly "It's a deal. Although I'm surprised that you thought you would need a bet in order to have me" I teased him, Kol groaned but surprisingly didn't say another word. 

"One can never be too sure" Nik shrugged trying to seem as confident as ever, but I could easily see his insecurities, hidden behind his smirk. I smiled and said "Let me just get packed. I'll meet you at the Grill." He nodded and smiled finally relaxing, without thinking about it I gave him a quick hug and ran inside before he even realized what happened. Kol was right behind me, but he didn't speak up until we heard Nik's car leaving the driveway.

"What the hell were you thinking about?!" Kol basically screamed making my ears suffer. 

"Kol tone it down! I was thinking about you, obviously!" I shouted back at him which caused him to stop in his steps. I went to pack my clothes while he studied me. "Why?" he whispered and I just shrugged "Because."

"Because what?" It was obvious how impatient he was to hear my answer and I shrugged again "Yes, because"

"That's not an answer!" he yelled frustrated and at that moment I realized how much I actually enjoyed pushing their buttons. I swear someone should pay me for my marvelous work. If you consider how amazing I'm at it and how often I do it I deserve a big paycheck. 

"Sure it is, it just isn't an explanation" I winked making him grunt in frustration, but he still stood by the doorway, just watching me pack stuff for the trip. When I was done packing, I closed the door in front of Kol's face and started getting dressed. picking out my long white hoodie which was the length of a dress and my high heel beige-brown boots, along with a beige jacket, I finally got dressed. 

When I was finally ready to leave, I opened the door where Kol was waiting looking bored out of his mind. When he saw me his eyes raked over my body and he smirked "Oh, darling, you didn't have to get all dressed up for me. I quite liked that shirt you wore to bed" I rolled my eyes at his comment. 

Before either of us could say anything, someone entered the house. Letting my magic do all my work, I realized it was Bonnie. Since we were both witches and sisters, I could sense her almost immediately whenever she was near me.

Kol headed downstairs curious of who it was that just came in and I followed right beside him. 
"Hey Seraphina, I need to talk with you..." Bonnie worriedly said.

"I'm sure the Scooby-Doo gang can help you with whatever problem you have" I muttered not even a bit interested in the conversation. Kol on the other hand leaned on the wall and watched us curiously.

"Please Seraphina, I did something and I don't know how to deal with it..." she whispered but I still heard her loud and clear. 

I just shook my head "No, I'm not going to be here for you when you're having a hard time, only for you to doubt me and trust everyone else over your sister that raised you" my voice was hard, but my emotions went into overdrive. 

She was my little sister, I was there for her whenever she was sad or hurt. I was there for her when she suffered the most. I was there for her best and worst moments in life. I was always there for her. I felt protective over her since she was a baby. 

Despite all of that she treated me like shit. If she wasn't my sister she would have suffered immensely.  Her eyes filled with tears and I just shook my head in disappointment. 

Without sparing another glance in her direction I stormed out as if her tears didn't affect me one bit.  Kol was hot on my heels (and they were really hot heels).  "Sooo, Seraphina, huh?" he asked awkwardly. I just shot him a look to shut up, making him put his hands in the air in surrender, but the grin on his face showed me that he was anything but sorry. I couldn't help but smile at his constant childishness.

"That's my name, don't wear it out" I smirked, while he continued questioning me "Then why does Nik call you 'Luna'?" 

"Well, if you must know my full name is Seraphina Luna Bennett" I finally answered and as expected he was intrigued "A Bennett witch?"

"Something like that" I muttered not wanting to get into the whole siphoner werewolf conversation.

Do you think that Luna was too indifferent to Bonnie's internal suffering? If you were in her shoes would you have done the same? 

Do you think there's a chance for Nik to win the bet? 

What do you think about Luna and Kol's relationship? 

What about Luna and Nik's relationship?

Wordcount: 1860 words
