Saving One Person At a Time

I know, I know, I said one chapter a day, buuuut I'll try to post two chapters today in order to make up for it! The sacrifice and their meeting coming real soon!  
I look forward to your comments! Vote if you like this chapter!

Btw would you like to read a chapter from Nik's POV? Or someone else's perhaps? Let me know. 

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

My phone started ringing and without looking at it I turned it off and went inside. I decided to ignore everyone and their oh-so-big problems because well who cares? Just as I was about to crash on the couch, I realized that I will be turning tomorrow night. I will be breaking all my bones and turning into a wolf. How crazy is that when you think about it? Begrudgingly I dragged my feet to my room, taking the first sports bag I could find I packed some clothes to prepare for tomorrow.

I took off my talisman and left it in my hiding spot in my bedroom. Wouldn't want anyone to get ahold of it while I'm gone.  It was the first time I took it off and I felt strange without it. Not because of the magic but because of the comfort it gave me. With it, I felt like no matter where I was that I was never alone. Nonetheless, I didn't want to lose it in the woods, so leaving it at home would be safer. 

Deciding to get out of the house, for the time being, I rented an apartment close by. The only way to stir clear of their drama is to be physically as far away as possible. Wouldn't want to accidentally blow someone's head off, now would I? I mean I would, but not accidentally. I just had to be patient, now was not the time for killing, despite the werewolf inside of me itching to come out.

Considering that Tyler, Caroline, and Jenna were safe from Nik, I had nothing to worry about. They wouldn't be used for the sacrifice and even if Damon tried to save whoever Nik planned to use, it wouldn't matter. He had backups, but hey, he can try, maybe this time he will actually die from a werewolf bite. Katherine was still in the tomb, well to my knowledge...unless Nik had her but since they didn't even know that Elijah was alive I doubted that she saw the outside of the tomb since the Masquerade ball. 

That only leaves Jeremy to worry about. If everything were to happen as it did in the original timeline he would die. I wasn't sure if Bonnie and Jeremy were together this time around, but even if they weren't she would bring him back. The consequences were too big to simply ignore them. I wasn't in contact with Jeremy since everything started, but I had to ensure his safety. 

I called him immediately, waiting for him to answer impatiently. One ring. Two rings. Three rings and then I heard his innocent voice "Sera? Where the hell have you been? I heard what happened today, I understand that you don't want to help, but that doesn't mean you should abandon your friends!" Okay, his innocent voice sure showed a lot of anger. 

"Hey, Jer. I need to talk with you about something important. Can we meet?" I ignored his little speech, getting straight to the point. 

Immediately his voice changed from anger to concern "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Answering his question with one of my own "Can you meet me now?"

"Yeah, I'm at home, I can leave now. Where do you want to meet?" despite trying to calm himself down, I knew there must have been a million things going through his mind.  

"Don't move, I'll come to you." I hung up without saying another word. If I had tried to explain everything over the phone he would have run to meet up with me and I wanted him as safe as possible. I could be a bit overprotective sometimes, but just a bit.

The town was eerily quiet, like a calm before a storm. It was as if even the humans could feel that something big was going to happen. It was so silent that I became very aware of other peoples' presence. There wasn't anyone that I knew, just normal people going on about their day. I could hear each of their steps, like a clock ticking in my head. With my werewolf side, getting ready to come out in just 24h, everything became louder. A heartbeat here, a heartbeat there. A car a mile away. A phone rang somewhere in the distance. It would have been overwhelming had the town been as loud as it usually is. 

I hadn't even realized that I reached the Gilbert residence until I was about to walk inside. My body was on autopilot, while my mind was lost in everything being brighter and louder. Shaking off the current state of my mind, I focused on Jeremy. He was the only one in the house that I could hear and smell.

Walking inside I called for him "Jeremy! I'm here!" not even a minute later, I could hear his feet stomping on the floor, running in my direction without stopping until I was in his arms. I relaxed seeing him safe, plus he was like a teddy bear with his hugs. Hugging him tightly I sighed in determination, this time around he won't die.

Taking a step away from me, Jeremy looked me over "You're alive and well and yet somehow unable to make a single phone call?" he frowned the more he thought about it. I smiled apologetically "Sorry Jer, I was just busy trying to keep everyone safe, but now it's your turn"

He frowned confused by my words "My turn? To do what?"

"To stay safe." I stated, to which he almost chuckled but contained himself after seeing the serious look in my eyes "I have the Gilbert ring, I'll be safe Sera"    

I gave him a  disapproving look, not even a bit amused by his words. "You're not invincible Jeremy. If you leave this house tomorrow, you will die. I saw it happen and there is no way I will let that vision come to life. You'll stay here even if it means I have to lock you up."

He took a step away from me in shock, his eyes wide open in disbelief. "W-what? How?" his voice shaking with each word that came out of his mouth. "You were shot." I had no intention of explaining further. It didn't matter who, where, or when. It's better for him to just stay away from all danger for the day.

"I love you Jeremy and it is because I love you that I have to ensure that you stay safe no matter what. Even if the world is burning, you will stay here where you're safe." I didn't like taking away people's choices and I'm sure there will be times in the future where they will see me as more of a villain than a savior. I didn't care what role they would give me. If I knew exactly what would happen then I sure as hell intended to make those stubborn teenagers do as I tell them in order to keep them alive.

I knew that my words were still stuck on repeat in his head, but he tried to focus on something else or rather someone else "What about Elena? She could die tomorrow, I can't just..."

I interrupted him before he explained everything "Look at me, Jeremy! You will die if you go there tomorrow. Do you really value your life so little to throw it away so easily?!"

He looked to the ground ashamed by my words, he knew I was right, but he cared about his sister, she was the only family he had left. I cared about Bonnie just as much and I would do anything to protect her, but that didn't mean that I would run to my death with open arms.

Grunting at the thought that crossed my mind, I pushed away my annoyance and said "Do you trust me?"

He looked at me weirdly "What kind of question is that? Of course, I trust you."

"Then trust that I will get involved if Elena's life is threatened, but if it's the sacrifice that you're worried about then you need to relax. She will die, but Bonnie will bring her back. In the meantime, you're going to stay here and pass your time until your sister comes home. Okay?"  

He nodded with tears in his eyes "Thank you Seraphina. I know that you're not Elena's biggest fan", an understatement of the century, "but it means a lot to me."

I nodded not wanting to talk about it, just the thought of my promise annoyed me. "Why do you think I'm doing it? I don't want you to stress about it anymore. Now go do whatever teenagers do nowadays, I have to go home." 

He just rolled his eyes smiling "Right, teenagers. Which you're obviously not."

"Obviously" I grinned and hugged him one more time before going out. I placed a barrier spell on the house, just in case. You can never be too sure. It will be gone in two days, a temporary barrier spell, but very useful. 

I headed to the apartment and got lost in my thoughts once again, trying to focus on one thing at a time. Failing to do so, I went to shower and gave up on doing anything productive, it was late anyway and I had a big day tomorrow. 

Wordcount: 1600 words
