
I know, late update again, but I'll try to update more often. Honestly seeing all your comments motivates me to write.

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Without thinking twice, I threw myself in his embrace, hugging him tightly. He was as stiff as the moment before, and I was wondering if I should have done this in the first place. I really should have thought twice before throwing myself in his arms, but I couldn't let him feel so heartbroken. Slowly, I started pulling away, suddenly feeling stupid for hugging him, but before I could, Nik hugged me even tighter. 

He buried his head in my neck and he held me flush against him. His hot breath caressed my neck and I melted in his arms. I snuggled in his chest and relaxed in his embrace, it just felt right, just like the first time we touched. The only difference was that this time I understood why I felt safe around him.

"Look, Nik, you need to trust your siblings and let them make their own decisions. Do you want them to start running from you like you ran from Mikael? They love you so much, they've been by your side for centuries and yet you see their desire to live their lives the way they see fit as a betrayal."

"If you really know about my family as much as you claim to then you should already know that it wasn't their desire to live 'as they see fit' that made me feel betrayed."

"I know everything Niklaus, but you make them feel as if they have no other choice but to rebel against you. They love you but you've hurt all of them over and over again without a care in the world. How many times have they actually betrayed you and how many times have you betrayed them by hurting or killing those they held dear?"

"That's beside the point, family comes first, they should know that already"

" if one of your brothers killed me, you would just forgive and forget?

"They wouldn't dare hurt you" he suddenly stepped away from me, apparently he was angry that I even suggested such a thing.

"Of course they wouldn't, I can defend myself. It was a hypothetical question Nik"

"Well, I see no point in commenting on a hypothetical situation that will never happen" He rolled his eyes and I almost groaned at his stubbornness.

"You know what, you're completely right, please forgive me, you've never wronged your siblings or hurt the people that they cared about. So, why would they ever do the same in return? Silly me!"

By now, Nik was fuming and if looks could kill, there would be no reason to worry about his murderous siblings, cause I would be dead by now.

"Are you trying to give me more reasons not to wake up my siblings?"

"Not at all, I'm asking you a hypothetical question.", seeing as he was losing the little patience that he actually had, I continued talking, "Please, Nik, just answer the question".

Whether it was because of the pleading look I gave him or he just wanted to get it over with, he decided to answer.

"If they dared hurt you I would hurt them ten times harder, but if they actually killed you..." suddenly his eyes met mine and they were filled with so much longing that I wanted to be back in his arms and never leave.

"I would fucking kill them." the fire in his eyes burned so bright that I could feel it graze my skin. He was shaking with so much anger and fury as if someone actually dared hurt me, let alone kill me. Without even realizing it, I took his hand in mine and held it tightly making sure that he knew that I was here, and I wasn't going anywhere.

"Then you have to understand how much you've hurt them by killing those that they loved..."

Before I was able to finish my sentence, Nik angrily interrupted me.

"That is completely different!"

"How is it different?! They loved them!"

"Because you're my soulmate!"

The moment those words left his mouth, he froze. I stared at him, surprised to actually hear him say it. While I looked at him, he looked away, unable to meet my eyes.

"Nik..." I started talking, but soon I realized that I didn't know what to say. Despite all the time I spent hoping that he would admit that we were soulmates, I was speechless. 

"Just forget it."

"No, I won't just forget it! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because it doesn't change anything" he said it so emotionlessly and if I was anyone else I would have believed him, but I wasn't anyone else. I was his soulmate and for some reason I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. He was hurt, vulnerable and angry at himself. 

"Right, because why would a fact that we're bonded for life and meant to be together change anything? Forgive me for my stupidity" Apparently he didn't appreciate my sarcasm, and he stared at me angrily.

"Whatever. We're here to talk about your siblings anyway. You have to understand that at the end of the day they're your siblings and you need to let them be happy with whomever they want. Respect their wishes and they won't betray you, it's really that simple." 

I shrugged and headed out, while Nik watched my every move expressionless. Before I closed the door I said "Plus, you lost the bet, so you have to undagger them either way"

When I got in my car, Kol was already gone and I could only hope that the next time I see him he will be undaggered. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Scooby-Doo gang finding out that not only is Kat out of the tomb, but she's free from Nik. That thought alone made my day better. I doubt they will be too happy to hear about the Mikaelson family joining the Mystic Falls community, but I was definitely looking forward to seeing it.

Word count: 1040 words

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