
Hey bitchess, okay I promise I'll post another chapter soon. Please comment and let me know what you think about this one! ♥️

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Driving to the location that Nik sent me, I talked with Kol, while also contemplating what I should say to him which by the way was going marvelously. My mind was a huge mess and I couldn't sort out my thoughts, let alone think of what I'll say to that cocky hybrid.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kol's soft voice brought me out of the daze that I'd been in since we got in the car.

"I'm just thinking about what I'll say to Niklaus"

"And what have you thought up so far?" I could feel his curiosity seeping out of him the longer he looked at me.

"I don't know, I have no leverage, and it's not like we're the best of friends"

The moment those words left my mouth I realized that I was completely unprepared, great, I mean what could go wrong? Just kidding, the possibilities are endless.

"I swear, my brother is such an idiot sometimes. Look, Luna, if anyone can do this it's you. You're his weakness. Just trust me."

I didn't let myself dwell on the meaning behind his words, I couldn't. There was no time for overthinking. Therefore, the moment we arrived I immediately jumped out of the car and went to the shack that Klaus called a lair. Well, judging by its appearance, I would never even assume the mighty hybrid was here. Seriously, it would probably fall apart before the wind even blew. Plus, who would even think that a small shack could store all that ego? Not me, that's for sure. 

Taking a deep breath I opened the door and went in. Niklaus was standing in the middle of the room watching my every step, carefully. I tried to push down all the anger that I felt and focus on the task. Sighing deeply, I thought of Katerina and took a step forward, confident in my words.

"You're going to let Katerina Petrova go. No more hunting, no more spies, just let her be." my voice was as strong as my wish to help Kat. 

"No." he didn't even look at me, just dismissed me which only irked me further.

There was something about him that just made me fume. He couldn't possibly be my soulmate, we don't even like each other, let alone want to spend the rest of our lives together.

"I wasn't asking, Niklaus. I was telling you."

The moment he heard my words, his ocean eyes were instantly on my hazel ones. Well at least we mastered annoying each other. It's a key to any (dys)functional relationship. 

"Funny, I don't remember you hunting her down for half a millennia. Oh, right, that's because it was me! She betrayed me! If you really think I'm just going to let it go, then clearly, you don't know me." he scoffed but continued looking at me as if he was waiting for me to submit. Yeah, right, as if.

"I really don't care. You're going to stop hunting her. Now." He just rose an eyebrow with a smirk and just like that his mood turned around.

"And why would I do that?" his annoyance has switched to amusement in a millisecond, which only irked me further.

"I am already pissed off because of our previous fights. Do you really want to test me right now?"

"Well, you do look quite adorable right now."

His smirk only widened, he was obviously enjoying my fuming state. I scoffed, ready to tell him off but then a thought came to my mind and I instantly smirked back.

"How about this? If I beat you in a fight, you will leave Katerina alone. There will be no hunting, attacking, hurting, or killing. How does that sound?"

He chuckled and leaned on the wall. "Well, as great as that sounds, I think I'll pass. I wouldn't want to hurt you, love."

I shrugged and smirked at his reply, "It's alright, I get it. We both know you would lose tragically."

Sure, he's the original hybrid, but I'm a siphoner-werewolf hybrid, I'd say my odds were pretty good. He just continued chuckling and his amusement shone in his ocean eyes. 

"You're serious? Do you really want to fight for Katerina's freedom?"

"I do. And if you refuse, then I'll just leave with Kat. At least I'll get the chance to travel the world and whatnot." 

I shrugged carelessly, if I was being honest, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Mystic Falls was getting more boring by the second and I could really use a change of scenery. Plus, having Kat as a travel companion would be amazing.

Nik scowled, stepping closer to me, and I just watched him, waiting for his reply.

"You're not going anywhere." His voice was stern, but it also lifted and wavered. If I hadn't paid attention I wouldn't have even heard it. I wasn't about to give up on my plans just because they affected him.

"So, are you going to leave Katerina alone or should I start packing my bags?"

"I don't believe you've heard me before, but I'll happily say it again. You're not going anywhere, love, especially not with Katerina Petrova"

"Oh, I've heard you loud and clear, love, but that's not for you to decide, now is it?"

He started walking toward me, but I held my ground, not even flinching from his sudden speed. I just rose an eyebrow, waiting for his next move. He watched me furiously, but I patiently waited for his next move. He searched my eyes. For what? I really don't know.

Just as suddenly as he appeared in front of me, he grunted and looked away, rethinking his next actions.

"Why do you even care about her, Seraphina? She's more trouble than she's worth, trust me. "

I just shrugged, leaning on the wall. His hand twitched, and it seemed as if he wanted to reach out to me, but gave up halfway and put his hands behind his back instead. His posture was stiff, but his eyes were hazy. It was obvious that he had a lot on his mind. Oh, what I would give for just a glimpse of it.

"I just do. She shouldn't be punished for wanting to live. Plus, I made a blood contract to ensure that she sticks to her word. Remember those?"

I couldn't help but smirk victoriously, knowing that I was the one that made him sign one. Hearing my words, Nik scoffed and took a step back. He was no longer looking at me, instead, he found the wall behind me particularly interesting.

"You're crazy if you think that one blood contract will change anything. This is Katherine Pierce we're talking about, she will find a way around it."

I sighed and looked at his serious expression. I felt like a scolded child, and I hated it.

"Nik, I appreciate your worry, but I know what I'm doing. If she does cause trouble, then I'll handle her."

I doubt that anyone could handle the infamous Katherine Pierce, but at least it might soothe his worries.

"Be careful, Luna. She will hurt you, maybe even kill you, just to hurt me."

His words were barely loud enough for me to hear, but I nodded non the less. I knew that we were soulmates, but I had no idea how much it would hurt one of us if the other was gone. I really needed to read more about it. Despite knowing what I was to him, he was yet to say it to my face and I enjoyed bating him. I was bitter that he still didn't have the balls to say it to my face or perhaps he just didn't care.

"Wow Nik, I had no idea you cared!"

I tried to sound like I was joking, but the moment I spoke the words, I knew that the bitterness was heard. I could only hope that he hadn't noticed it. His eyes were on mine in an instant and he looked pissed. His hands were no longer behind his back instead he was clenching them tightly as if he was trying to contain his feelings. Once again he took a step closer to me, if he was any closer I would be able to... snap his neck without reaching for him. What can I say? I'm a real romantic, I know. 

"Of course, I care! You're my..."

His eyes widened in surprise when he realized what he was about to say. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish his sentence, but instead, he stayed characteristically tight-lipped on the subject.

"Your what, Niklaus?"

Was he finally going to say it? Hope started to blossom in my chest, and I did my best to contain it. His eyes met mine, and they immediately softened.

"My business partner, obviously"

He looked away from me as if it pained him to look me in the eyes after he lied to me. Yeah, right, as if. Grinding my teeth, I turned away, not even trying to hide my annoyance.

"Right, business partner, obviously."

My voice sounded uncharacteristically monotone and void of emotions, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. Instead of caring, I started walking toward the doors while Nik's eyes followed my every step. I reached for the doorknob and without turning around tried to say my goodbyes.

"I expect all your spies to stop hunting Katerina. Starting today, she's off-limits. Oh yeah, one more thing. I want you to undagger your siblings, today."

"I'm not sure that will be possible" he sounded determined but the undertone of insecurity made me stop in my tracks.

Turning around slowly I breathed deeply, doing my best not to lash out. Seriously, he's been at it for too long, he needs to let his siblings live their lives freely instead of putting them to deep sleep over and over again. He has been alive for a millennium, he made enemies left and right and instilled fear in their bones, and yet looking at him now, he looked so human. His eyes held so much pain, he was hurt so many times, and those that hurt him, he hurt twice as hard in return. I didn't know if I wanted to kick the bastard or hug him until all the insecurities and fear left his mind. Unfortunately for him, I had no empathy for him. I was too drained and he was the one to blame. Just the thought of Kol's suffering was enough to motivate me to convince Nik, one way or another.

"Oh, it's very possible. Just pull the damn daggers out of their chest or I'll put you in deep sleep and I don't need a dagger for that. Remember dear old Mikael?"

Seeing the sickly sweet smile on my face, Nik frowned, confused and angry, he was suddenly seeing me as a new threat, which I mean, if we're being real here, he saw me as a threat long before this, so nothing actually changed.

"Are you threatening me, Luna?" he growled shaking with anger inspecting me as if I would pounce at any moment. Leaning on the wall behind me, I crossed my arms and sighed deeply, already tired of it all. 

"I don't know, Niklaus, am I?" 

I couldn't help but smirk when I saw him all riled up, damn I'm a pro at frustrating him to the max. Taking slow but determined steps Niklaus closed in on me. Now, one would say I was backed up in a corner, but I would disagree wholeheartedly. I wasn't scared of his fury or the madness in his eyes, I was already used to his roller-coaster of emotions, it was nothing new.

Putting his hands around me, he successfully trapped me, but the fury in his eyes was still very present. I stayed rooted to the spot, not at all deterred by Nik's attempt to scare me.

His musky scent surrounded me and I did my best not to melt at the beautiful scent. Why did he have to smell so delicious? Seeing his smirk, I realized that he relished in my reaction to him and that was enough to return my focus to the situation at hand.

"Yes, Niklaus? Is there something that you wanted to say?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you dared threaten me to my face"

I scoffed and looked him in his eyes. Did he actually think that he could ever scare me?

"Oh, my bad. Do you want me to repeat it or is your memory working properly in your old age? I said that if you don't undagger your siblings, I will put you to sleep for a century or two, let's see how you'll like it."

The moment he heard my words, he clenched his jaw and his whole posture stiffened, but his eyes dove into mine, trying to determine if I was speaking the truth or not. I wasn't really lying, but I wasn't completely honest either. While I didn't know which spell Abby used to put Mikael to sleep, I was sure I could find a similar one or better yet, create my own.

His eyes were filled with anger and sadness. I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. He felt heartbroken. He felt as if it was him against the world. Sometimes I forgot he took things too personally, he was so sensitive and it tugged on my heart. I hated that I felt the overpowering guilt. He hurt me so many times and yet, all I wanted to do was comfort him. Damn you, Niklaus...

Word count: 2300 words

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