Thinking the Worst

Hiya guys! Here's a new chapter for you to enjoy!

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Before I went inside the bar, my feet halted. I needed to do this now, I couldn't continue to postpone it any longer. I've already waited long enough. Hearing Nik and Rebekah coming closer I turned around meeting their gazes. "What is it?" Nik asked frowning after he noticed my serious expression "I need to tell you something, privately"

Rebekah looked at me curiously, but nodded nonetheless heading inside "I'll wait for you inside"

Nik looked at me expectantly "Luna?"

"I know why your hybrids have been failing." I spit out before I could change my mind. Nik looked pissed "Yes, so you've mentioned. Do you plan to tell me the reason any time soon or should I just go talk to Gloria? I'll find out either way."

Scoffing I looked at him blankly "No, you won't, hence why I'm talking to you right now"

"You should know by now that I always get what I want" There was an underlying message there but I didn't even care to decipher it.

"Of course you do, you're the great Klaus Mikaelson after all. You just don't notice that everyone else seems to suffer the consequences of your actions"

His frown deepened further "Don't call me that"

"Why not? It is the name you go by, is it not?" I asked rhetorically, not really seeing the big deal, but he grunted answering anyway. 

"Yes, it is. That doesn't mean I like it when you call me that." He looked away annoyed but I frowned not understanding why he cared about it so much.

"You do realize that is the least important thing that I said, right? Who cares what I call you? Focus on what matters!" Seriously, this man can't even disregard something so trivial. 

"I care! I'll focus if you promise not to call me 'Klaus' " Sighing I nodded, giving up. I guess sometimes it really is easier to indulge him, otherwise, we'd be here all day long.

"Fine, Nik. I'll help you create hybrids." He narrowed his eyes, looking at me suspiciously "I sense a 'but' coming my way"

I just shrugged grinning "That's because there is a but coming your way. I'll only help you if we do it my way" 

He grunted once again while leaning on the wall beside the entrance. It was obvious that he wanted to end this conversation but he wanted to make his hybrids even more. "And what is your way exactly, Luna?"

I grinned enthusiastically "I'm glad you asked! I want you to promise not to treat them like your servants"

He rolled his eyes exasperated "Sure, anything else?"

"Well since you asked, yes there is" he sighed leaning his head on the wall behind him, looking at the sky irritated by my oh-so-demanding requests. Imagine not getting something the same moment you want it. Shocking! Remind me again how this man had the patience to wait 500 years for a doppelganger. Just how?

"I want it on paper" I smiled innocently. What? I had his best intentions in mind. If he treats them like shit then they will definitely betray him at some point.

"You've got to be kidding me" he deadpanned and I just shrugged "Do you want your hybrids or not?"

"Whatever, let's just get this over with" I grinned and pulled the contract out of my bag, and gave it to him to read. He looked at me bored but sighed and focused on the contract in his hands.

The Contract

Niklaus Mikaelson will treat his hybrids/pack members with respect. He will act as their Alpha and won't torture them physically or mentally. He will not order them around like servants. He will not belittle them. He will not hurt or threaten them if he believes they have betrayed him unless he has proof of it. If they want to leave they are free to do so, they will always have a pack to return to.  He will offer werewolves a choice in becoming hybrids. He will not force them into transitioning. He will not tell or let anyone else hurt them for no reason. He will protect them from other people and won't let anyone hurt them. 

After reading the contract Nik stared at me in disbelief "You can't be serious! I'm not a samaritan for fuck's sake!"

"Do you want to have a pack or some minions? You already have enough vampire minions that will do whatever you want them to. Do you want to earn respect or scare them into doing things for you? Do you want to be a leader or a tyrant?!" He looked away annoyed, we both knew that I was right. I wanted him to have what Marcell had in New Orleans, not that Nik knew about that yet. 

"Nik if I were to suspect them of betraying you I would kill them myself. Believe me." He looked at me, watching me carefully, judging whether I was telling the truth or not. In the end, he sighed rolling his eyes "Fine. Where's the damn pen?"

"About that..." I smiled innocently " see, I need your blood." I shrugged, I didn't see what the big deal was anyway, but I knew he would find some reason to be upset. 

He narrowed his eyes after hearing my words "What the hell do you need my blood for?!"

"Despite how much your word means to me, I prefer your blood as a guarantee. What, don't tell me you're afraid of spilling a bit of blood?" 

Grunting he bit into his wrist, letting a few drops fall on the bottom of the contract. I gave him a pen and he let out a few lovely words and finally signed the contract.

I bit into my own wrist, baring my canines for the first time since I turned into a hybrid. Finally, I signed the contract as well and looked at Nik. He was eyeing my barely bleeding wrist, watching the few last drops of blood falling on the ground. His hybrid features became prominent and I watched him worriedly "Nik? Are you okay?"

He shook his head, coming back to reality, his hybrid face going away for the time being. Judging by the way he was eying my blood, he was seconds away from latching onto my wrist. It was obvious that losing his control even for a short moment, bothered him. When was the last time he fed?

"I'm fine. Will you finally tell me why I couldn't make any hybrids or was that just empty talk?"

"No need to be rude about it. You need Elena's blood for them to complete the transition." I shrugged carelessly.

The moment he heard my words he looked like he was about to explode. "Nik, calm down. Just listen to my voice. I knew this was going to happen and..." before I could finish my sentence his hybrid eyes flashed dangerously.

"You knew?! Why the hell didn't you tell me, Luna? I should have known you were going to trick me and betray me all at once." he looked like he was about to kill me, but he had yet to come closer to me. 

His words cut like a hundred knives, but I pushed the pain away and let on my own anger take control. 

"Fuck you! I've done nothing but help you the whole time!" I yelled looking at him just as murderously. 

"Yeah? And why is that?! What was the underlying reason for your help, huh?" he shouted shaking with anger. It was obvious that his control was quickly slipping away.

"Because I care you moron! You've been betrayed so many times that you can't appreciate when someone helps you out of the goodness of their heart. You seem to search for betrayal in everything and find it even when there is none! I took Elena's blood before the sacrifice because I knew you would need it, but hey that must have been betrayal too, right?" I stared at him furiously and headed inside before I did something I would regret. 

"Luna, wait..." Nik called out but I just ignored him. It's funny how every time I help someone I end up accused of having bad intentions. It's getting boring already. I should have been prepared for it though, it was Niklaus Mikaelson, after all. If I had expected it then I'm sure it would have been barely annoying, instead of it actually hurting me.

I spotted Rebekah sitting at the bar drinking a cocktail, she was completely lost in her thoughts just enjoying the moment. Having heard me enter she turned around with a grin on her face. Noticing my sour expression she frowned "Let me guess, my lovely brother is the reason for your shitty mood, right?" 

I grunted not even commenting and took a seat next to her. "Do you want to talk about it or drink to forget about the damage my brother has done?"

I deadpanned "What do you think?"

She just nodded leaning over the bar "Drink it is then" Rebekah pulled out a bottle of bourbon grinned "This will do!" and poured it in a glass, filling it halfway. 

After handing me the glass, Rebekah looked at me with a smirk "Let's drink to the shared annoyance for my brother"

I just chuckled while shaking my head at her words "No, forget about him. Let's drink to...newfound friendship" Rebekah smiled happily "To friendship"

You waited a bit for this chapter, but I hope it was worth the wait! 

Do you want the next chapter to be just Rebekah and Luna chilling together?

Word count: 1600 words
