Dreams That Aren't Dreams

Now I know you all haven't expected me to be this amazing but you're lucky that I am!  

Vote if you like it and leave some loving comments for my amazingness!!!

P.S. I don't know or care about Nathaniel Buzolic's personal beliefs, but I know that many people don't like him because of that. I only know and like him as Kol Mikaelson and that's it. Take it or leave it. Just to make that clear before anyone starts complaining.

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

Darkness enveloped me and I scanned my surroundings, looking for any clue as to where I could be. I could swear this was a dream, but it felt so real...and yet so surreal. While my feet glided in the darkness I couldn't help but wonder if this space was the size of a room or just endless darkness. Hearing someone's footsteps, I immediately stopped walking further. The person's footsteps stopped as well.

Groaning internally, I realized that either someone is trying to scare me or mess with me and I wasn't in the mood for either. Now, I would gladly be polite and ask "Hello? Is anybody there?" or "Who's there?", but we all know those are the lines of the first person to die in a horror movie.

I don't know about you but I'm personally not in the mood to die again. Been there done that, not as exciting as it sounds. I mean it probably sounds exciting to some, just not me.

As an alternative, I opted for "Instead of lurking around, you could actually introduce yourself."

A chuckle came from my vicinity "Why? I find this rather amusing darling". A thick English accent was noticeable in his voice and I just shook my head smiling. "Hmm, let me guess, Kol Mikaelson"

He was suddenly quiet and his face eventually came into view, the darkness dissipating slowly.

"That depends on who's asking, darling" his voice was alluring, it showed amusement,  while his eyes told a completely different story.

He was alarmed and hesitant because of how quickly I figured out who he was, without even seeing his face. To say he was apprehensive would be the perfect description of his current state.

It was understandable, they were either hated, feared, or adored. The question in his mind was which one of those categories did I fit in.

I hummed pretending to consider giving him the answer he wanted to hear. "Well you see Kol, I'm not sure you deserve to know my name."

He smirked looking me up and down, he was sizing me up, but I could feel his gaze linger. Ignoring his actions, I just chuckled "Well, if there's one thing that you Mikaelsons share then it would certainly be the size of your ego."

"It's funny how you seem to know so much about my family and yet I know nothing about you." he mused looking at me in curiosity. Oh if only you knew...

"Well, it does make sense though, you have been daggered for quite a while, darling," I smirked, enjoying the bewildered look in his eyes. Before I could push his buttons further, I started waking up slowly.

Realizing that my sore muscles have recovered, I stretched on the bed like a cat and then in the same way dragged myself to the kitchen in order to make some coffee. I made a perfect plan to have a cozy stay-at-home day and no one is going to ruin that. Trudging around still in my long sleeping shirt and some fluffy slippers because they're cozy goddammit. I tied my hair in a messy bun, my wild curls temporarily tamed if that was even possible. That's when I heard "Now, you see, this view is rather pleasing especially when compared with the endless darkness." 

I jumped surprised to see Kol in my kitchen, just walking around as if he owned it. I groaned, my relaxed mood slowly vanishing. Nope. No way. I did not sign up for this. I refuse to believe that I jinxed my lazy day. 

"You know, ignoring me isn't going to make me go away." I could just imagine that incessant smirk on his face. I continued making my coffee when I heard my phone ringing somewhere in the kitchen. The continuous ringing was treated the same way as Kol's presence, ignored as if it wasn't even heard. That was working out great until I heard Kol say "Well, darling, it would seem like some Nikki is calling you? What is that name even? Or this device?"

It would also seem like groaning has become my new breathing. I mean I could also start banging my head on the wall, but my head is too precious to do that. Walking past Kol, I took the phone and answered "What Niklaus?!" I growled losing all patience, all I wanted was one lazy day, was that too much to ask for?! Now, not only was daggered Kol glued to my side, but Nik just had to call. I literally saw him a few hours ago. What did he want now?

"Now, love, is that any way to talk with your cuddle buddy?" he teased. Never have I thought I would hear those words come out of his mouth, but then again, it's Nik. I rolled my eyes and Kol started coughing from choking on his spit if that's even possible.

"I don't know, love, I didn't get the memo on how I'm supposed to act" I muttered sarcastically. 

"Did something happen?" His worry was as clear as day and I felt a bit bad for being so bitchy, just not bad enough to actually apologize for it. I mean this is who I am. Take it or leave it. 

"Not really. Just some witchy business, don't worry about it. Did you talk with Elijah?"

He chuckled and I already knew what he did "You could say so"

Sighing I leaned my head on the wall behind me "Let me guess, you daggered him" Without turning around I could imagine Kol's reaction to our conversation. He was shocked that not only did I know Niklaus, but I knew that he daggered his siblings.

"You know me so well, love" he mused to which I grumbled loudly "Niklaus, I don't know what makes you think that I condone this!"

His voice was as carefree as possible, one would think we were talking about grocery shopping and not, putting a dagger in your siblings "I'm sure you'll get used to it."

"What normal person gets used to someone daggering their siblings because they disagree with their actions?!" I yelled exasperated. Bonnie annoyed me to no end, but I would never give her a time-out by stabbing her with a dagger!

"Love, I think you forgot that you're not normal" his teasing was making me even more frustrated if that was even possible. He was making a joke out of the whole ordeal.

"Goodbye Niklaus" I hung up without waiting for him to say anything else. The last thing I wanted was for my magic to get out of control because of my emotions. It never happened before but he just knew which buttons to push so it wouldn't surprise me if my kitchen burst in flames because of it. Although, If I'm being fair, it does go both ways. 

"Well, that sure was something, darling" Kol's amused voice reminded me that, yes, he was still very present, and if he had a choice he still wouldn't go anywhere.

Come on guys, I'm saving the best for last 😉 

Just imagine for a moment the magical trio that consists of Nik, Kol, and Kai. I mean for real though. You're going to love it!

Wordcount: 1300 words
