The Runaway Bennett

I have to admit that learning how to walk and talk all over again is as boring as it sounds. But at least I had other things to occupy my mind, such as planning. Oh, the planning... The action begins after the Salvatore brothers arrive but the real action starts after the arrival of the Mikaelson family and that is the part that I'm looking forward to seeing.

But for now, I have to settle for making plans and backup plans because we all know that the only person that is 100% safe is the one and only Elena Gilbert. Plus under no circumstances would I let my little sister sacrifice herself for her, no fucking way. The moment I first saw Bonnie an invisible bond was formed, like a thread connecting us for life, in that moment I realized that I would do anything to protect her.

It's been exactly one year since I was born or better said reborn, reincarnated, however, you wanna call it, but that isn't the point. The strangest thing happened when my, soon to be a runaway, mother picked me up. Where my skin touched hers, a red light shone and I was filled with energy and warmth, it was euphoric. I looked at her face after I heard her gasp and she grimaced, it was obvious that I was hurting her. Luckily it wasn't painful enough for her to drop me. Her bewildered eyes looked at my confused ones. Was I siphoning her magic?

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Abby asked Sheila, the grimace on her face along with her strained voice a clear indicator of her feelings.

Sheila, on the other hand, was looking at me amused, the curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Well, well our little angel is a siphoner," Sheila stated and I was happy to neither hear nor see hate or discomfort while she was observing me. She didn't see me any differently than she had before. I grinned at Sheila and decided to say my first word "Angel".

She grinned and shook her head taking me from Abby "You're a cheeky little thing, aren't you?" she asked amused and I just grinned in reply.

"We're going to have our hands full with little Luna. We'll need to start teaching her magic." Sheila said determined and I couldn't be happier until Abby decided to rain on my parade.

"No, we can't! Are you crazy? She's a abomination Sheila! Do you even hear yourself? She will be the end of us!" her dislike for what I was couldn't be clearer. To say that it didn't hurt would be a pure lie...despite everything Abby was my mother and if she saw me this way then how can I expect a stranger to look at me differently?

"You should be ashamed of yourself! That is your daughter you're talking about! How can you judge her for the way she was born?!" Sheila held me tightly as if she was afraid for me and I couldn't blame her. Abby, my supposed mother was acting as if I was the antichrist.

"She is still my daughter, but I won't let her be a part of the supernatural world. If she is then she will always be in danger and a danger to others!" I would love to say that Abby was more worried about me, but judging by the way she spoke, it was clear that she thought I will bring hell to Earth.

A part of me hoped I would forget that this conversation ever occurred, but I knew that this was a lifelong lesson. Sometimes even those closest to you won't accept you for who you are. That is the sad reality. Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. It's constant struggles and hardships and you have to continue fighting for yourself no matter what.

"This isn't up for discussion, you need to realize that when Luna inevitably comes in contact with a supernatural creature she could accidentally siphon them. No matter what supernatural creature, they could kill her. Witches hate siphoners, while werewolves and vampires just think about removing a potential threat. She is a threat to them all in their eyes and she needs to be able to defend herself if someone attacks her. I will not allow her to be defenseless." Sheila stated, feeling angrier and angrier the more she explained it to Abby.

I could understand her anger, after all, she did need to explain something so basic to her.

Abby retreated but it was evident that the discussion was far from over. For now, at least, Sheila won which meant that she will teach me magic. I was over the moon, it will be much easier to learn about magic and spells with Sheila's help. I would lie if I said that I wasn't surprised, I know that canon Sheila kept Bonnie away from magic her whole life.

Little Bonnie was growing up quickly and soon she will be abandoned by our mother and it broke my heart. I wasn't attached to Abby the way Bonnie was because I knew she was going to leave one day. The fact that Abby hated what I was only added to my lack of care for her and I made it clear every time she tried to take me in her arms. It didn't happen often because as mentioned previously, she hated what I was and there was a possibility that I could take her magic, god forbid! Whenever she would attempt to hold me I would scream bloody murder.

Dramatic? Maybe. At least I knew what I did and didn't want from a young age. That's a plus I suppose.

I felt terrible for my little sister...she will be forced to live without her mother. I didn't blame Elena for that, I blamed Mikael, he was a monster and he needed to be put down. Abby leaving her family was on her, she decided it was easier to abandon her children than to leave with them or better yet stay.

Years have flown by and I was already 4 years old. It was Bonnie's birthday today and I could feel the shift in the air. Abby was going to leave today, I was sure of it. Not only was she leaving us but she just had to leave on Bonnie's birthday, every birthday would be a constant reminder that her mother left.

She spent the whole day with Bonnie, laughing, talking, playing, but her eyes held deep sadness. She hadn't looked at me all day, her eyes were only focused on Bonnie. I wasn't jealous or envious of my baby sister, but it did hurt. Despite my mixed feelings for Abby and our rocky relationship, it still hurt.

I couldn't watch it anymore, I went to Sheila and when she saw the look in my eyes she immediately hugged me as if telling me that she's not going anywhere.

"She's leaving us," I whispered. I was prepared for it, but it still hurt. It didn't hurt me the way it will hurt Bonnie once she realizes that Abby isn't coming back, but I was still affected.

There is a bond that is formed between a mother and her child, it is a bond that starts forming while the baby is still in the womb. Some would say it is an unbreakable bond. Except it isn't unbreakable, if a mother hurts her child so badly that it breaks the child, the bond could be severely damaged, to the point of no return.

She will always be my biological mother, but it is my choice to consider her nothing more than a surrogate. A woman that carried me in her womb and gave birth to me, but never raised me, just gave me away, to my grandmother, like a piece of clothing.

Despite knowing the real reason she was leaving, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe we weren't enough for her, maybe if we were she wouldn't leave us behind like we were a nuisance. She carried us for 9 months, gave birth to us, took care of us for 4 years, and all that wasn't enough. Despite knowing that canon Abby did the same thing, some part of me was still affected by it and I hated it. She didn't deserve to be missed. She didn't deserve free rain over my thoughts.

Sheila just whispered, "I'm here, I will never leave you, angel." I just hugged her tighter. Her hug was filled with love and care, and being in her arms felt like a protective cocoon. I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep, falling from one reality to another, at least that's how it felt in my drowsy state.

• There were sudden flashes around me. Like a video out of focus, I could see a man with dirty blond hair, a vampire, flashing to another man, their voices were muffled like I was watching the whole ordeal from underwater.

The blond vampire had his back turned to me so I wasn't able to see his face and my curiosity was as present as ever. I needed to see him, to see his face. The second man took a few steps back, his body language was a clear picture of his fear. Apparently, for a good reason since only a moment later, his heart was ripped out. The heart slipped from the blond man's hand as if he had no care for other people's lives. The blond man suddenly turned around and he looked in my direction, head tilted in confusion.

I woke up with a gasp. What was that? It didn't feel like a dream, it felt like it just happened. But why would I be dreaming of one man killing another one if I can't even see their faces? I sighed annoyed, especially since I just realized that Abby was long gone. Bonnie will be a wreck... I collapsed back on the bed, trying to fall asleep, but the dream played in my head on repeat the whole night.


Wordcount: 1687
