The Roadtrip

I'm amazing I know. I procrastinated with editing this chapter and since it's a bit late in my country, there could still be some mistakes, so feel free to point them out if you notice them. 

But yes, here's a new chapter!

Vote if you like it and let me know what you think!

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Btw I realized that I haven't posted a picture of Luna's tattoo before, so here it is! This is a triquetra and those that watched Charmed will immediately recognize it.

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

We walked in silence which fortunately wasn't awkward. I actually enjoyed spending time with him despite how often he managed to get on my nerves. Soon enough we reached the Grill and my eyes immediately zeroed in on Nik standing by the car. There was something about his presence that made it impossible not to notice him even in a crowd of people. 

Seeing him put a smile on my face instantly, temporarily forgetting about my previous stress and worries. 

"Finally Luna, I've been waiting for an eternity" Nik's grumpy self came out to greet me. I just chuckled "Then it's a good thing that you're immortal" I winked while patting his shoulder and slipped past his reach, heading for the passenger seat. Nik grumbled but went in the driver's seat without another word, Stefan joined us soon after, sitting behind us. 

Of course, Kol couldn't miss a chance to complain about sitting next to the depressed-looking vampire. I didn't know if I should scold him, agree with him or simply laugh, because honestly can you imagine Kol and Stefan ever being friends? Yeah, me neither.

Now, here's the deal. Nik was hiding something from me so I was hiding something from him. Childish? Perhaps, but he needs to understand that he can't hide stuff from me and expect me not to do the same.

So, here we were. Two hybrids, an original vampire and let's not forget the sulky Salvatore. Nik didn't know about Kol, nor about Elena being alive. I haven't seen her since before the sacrifice, but seeing Bonnie today told me everything. She transferred John's life force to Elena in order to bring her back to life as a human. I mean I'm not one to say 'I told you so', but I did tell her. That's the problem with kids these days, they just don't listen.

How did Stefan end up in this lovely predicament? Easy, Damon tried to free the vampire and the werewolf in order to delay the sacrifice, but with no Matt to save him, he was caught. What a shock. Totally unexpected. Anyhow, Stefan had to make a deal with Nik in order for Damon to be let go. 

I took Elena's blood before the sacrifice because I wanted to make sure there were at least a few bags for a few worthy werewolves. She willingly gave her blood to me after she slipped and told everyone about my plan. I guess she felt bad about it or whatever. I just cared about getting the blood, but hey, that doesn't mean I can't play nice when I need to.

So, where were we right now? Oh yeah, Nik is trying to find out the location of a certain pack and he's a bit pissy because...well he knows that I know their location. Obviously, I don't intend to tell him, he deserves to suffer. 

The woman has been searching for her dog and Nik smirked while looking at me. I frowned, looking at him suspiciously "Niklaus, no." I grumbled, already having an idea of what he wanted to do.

"But, I have to, love. Consider this a part of your punishment for keeping things from me" his smirk showed me just how much he was enjoying this. I looked at him incredulously "I wouldn't be hiding stuff from you if you hadn't done the same" I grumbled, but pouted without even realizing it, my eyes looking anywhere but at him. He made me feel like a scolded child and I felt bad for hiding stuff from him, but he needed to learn his lesson.

The Third-Person POV

Nik's eyes focused on Luna's plump lips that were almost begging to be kissed and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her at that very moment. The woman's voice led his thoughts in a different direction. 

"Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you." 

Without saying anything, Nik smirked while snaking his arm around Luna's slim waist and pulling her to his chest. Luna's eyes were back on Nik's not even a second later. Her wide eyes were filled with confusion and something else that Nik couldn't make sense of. Her heart was beating a million miles per hour. For a moment he got lost in her eyes, each time the hypnotic swirl of green, gold, and brown made it harder and harder to look away. 

Before he forgot what they came there for, he focused back on the woman that was searching for her dog. He sped right in front of her, not letting go of Luna for even a moment. Having her in his arms just felt right, like two pieces that fit together perfectly. Luna looked at him annoyed when she realized what he did.

It seemed that Nik couldn't look at Luna without a smirk on his face. He would use any excuse just to have her near him, not that he would ever admit that to anyone. He wasn't even aware of it himself, all he knew was that her presence brought him serenity. Why that was the case was something that for the life of him Nik couldn't figure out. He had some assumptions, but without proof, that's all they will be...assumptions.

When the woman picked up the toy from the ground she was shocked to see two people standing in front of her. Nik looked at her feigning remorse "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" his fake American accent made Luna cringe internally.

The woman looked at them and asked "Can I help you?" but it was obvious that she wanted them to leave.

Nik looked down, pretending to feel bad "Yeah, our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh, I feel like we've been walking forever, yours is the first house we came to so we were just hoping we could use your phone."

The woman looked at Luna and asked "Don't you have a phone?"

Luna shook her head, not even having to pretend that she was annoyed, and looked at Nik "Yes, well, I lost my phone and this idiot forgot to charge his. Can you believe that?" Luna grunted shaking her head at Nik. The woman chuckled after hearing Luna's words, whereas Nik wasn't too happy and squeezed Luna's waist. Luna did her best to ignore the goosebumps that rose all over her body at that very moment. 

"Sure" the woman said still smiling at Luna

Nik jumped in "Soo, we can come in?"

After looking at Nik the woman shook her head "No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you."

Dropping his nice persona, Nik spoke in his British accent "I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting."

Luna leaned over to Nik and said at the same time as the woman spoke "She's from Florida" "I'm from Florida."

"Well, that explains it. Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea." Nik grabbed her by her throat compelling her. The woman headed to the house, while Nik looked at Luna's innocent smile which he knew was anything but. "Are you sure you want to do this, love?" Nik asked Luna annoyed that she didn't want to share what she knew.

"Do what, love?" Luna asked innocently and if he didn't know her he would definitely believe her act. He just grumbled and headed to the house with Luna under his arm.

"Just remember Nik, every action has a reaction. You want to hide stuff from me?! Then let's see how you like it when I do it." Luna said carelessly, not doubting herself for one moment. 

Nik opted for staying silent, he understood her point of view, after all, he despised it when people hid information for him. It wasn't that he wanted to hide what he knew, he was just afraid. No one had ever accepted him for who he was, no one...but Luna. That was why he kept hiding stuff from her, he wasn't willing to lose her.

Getting inside the house he heard another woman ask "What's going on?"

"Please don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here." Nik said, his words having the complete opposite effect on the two women. They could see the viciousness in his eyes and it became clear to them that he would do anything to find out what he wanted.

The other woman spoke up again, scared out of her mind "He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly"

Nik hummed "But I expect he makes it home, once a month." seeing the two women exchanging looks, he continued speaking "That's what I thought. Where is he now?" 

Hearing no reply he continued talking while smiling "If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you. Hmm," His crazy smile was enough to scare the two women for their lives.

The other woman tried running out of the house but she saw Stefan standing in the doorway and started screaming. After seeing Nik and Luna come up behind her with her friend's life in Nik's hands she gave up.

Nik enjoyed their frightened looks and continued scaring them "I love it when they run!" Luna shook her head but a small smile was present in the corner of her mouth. 

Just as the woman spoke up, Luna once again leaned over and whispered in Nik's ear "He's in Toll, in a bar called Southern Comfort." her breath tickled his ear, making him shiver at the feeling. He was just glad that Luna hadn't acknowledged it or she wouldn't stop teasing him.

"He's in Toll. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on Highway 41." The woman spoke but Nik barely acknowledged it, having already heard the location from Luna.

Despite it, he let go of Luna and touched the woman's hair, making it seem flirty "Thank you, my love. Now, may my friend come in?" Luna grunted and walked out, she was annoyed, but she couldn't understand why exactly. Her annoyance at Nik was a constant occurrence, this was nothing new...right?

Nik looked at her retreating figure and smirked to himself, enjoying her reaction. 

@NikiHope17, you asked for Nik's POV and I delivered! Hope you liked it!  

I know that Luna and Kol's relationship may not be immediately romantic, but neither was her relationship with Nik. It takes time for two people to get to know each other and to start developing feelings for one another. So, bear with me here.

Wordcount: 1800 words
