Tying up Loose Ends and whatnot

Bonnie went to meet Elena and I went on my merry way to commit some arson. To anyone looking at me walking on the street, while singing and whistling, I would look like a sweet teenager. Not even in their wildest dreams would they think I was on my way to light a bridge on fire with a bright smile on my face. Psycho much? Nahh.

Anyhow, I took the sign and threw it on the bridge. I grinned and said "Incendia bitches.", and then wildfire enveloped the whole bridge, along with the sign, and in a matter of seconds, it was gone. Looking at the ashes on the ground I focused and let my magic finish the job. The wind blew away the ashes and rendered it useless.

I grinned, happy that the only weapon that could kill the Mikaelsons was destroyed. There is only one more thing to do for the day and then I can finally relax.

My magic has been buzzing through me all day, restless, just like me. I headed to Whitmore college, on my way to save Lorenzo St. John. Hey, you can't blame me for wanting to save the love of my sister's life. Sure she doesn't know it yet, but still. I gotta do what I gotta do.

Running to the door of the college that leads to the lab, I knocked and my oh my can my day get any better? The so-called doctor Wes Maxfield. I grinned like a lunatic. "Motus" he went flying into a wall at the end of the hall and I couldn't stop grinning, his pain makes me especially happy.

I dragged him all the way to the dungeon, knocking out guards one hallway at a time until I reached the dungeon. Arriving I yelled "Your savior has arrived! Ready to leave this dump Enzo?"

Enzo came out of the shadows looking like shit, his skin was ashy and his eyes looked like he was ready to give up. "Who are you?" he asked scanning me, I sighed "I'm Seraphina, now do you want to get out or what?"

I walked inside searching through the drawers for a daylight ring and some blood bags. Finding both I yelled "Bingo!"

I threw 2 blood bags and a daylight ring in Enzo's direction and started unlocking the dungeon. Before I opened it I just looked at Enzo devouring the blood bags and muttered "You better not attack me.".

He just shook his head "What kind of person would I be if I attacked the person that got me out of the prison I've been locked in for almost a century?" he asked rhetorically, but I shrugged and answered "A really shitty one."

"Now, I even have a little gift for you. Well more than one, but this one is a special one." I dragged Maxfield from the hallway and through him at Enzo's feet. Enzo grinned, his eyes darkening and his fangs elongating. Not even a second later he was harshly biting into Maxfield's neck.

"I'll wait for you outside Enzo, have fun with your buffet" I winked and left the dungeon. I hummed while walking out of the building, guards' screams echoing through the hallways. Reaching my car I immediately leaned on its hood. I couldn't help but gaze at the dark sky, stars were barely visible, the lights of the city dimming the beauty of the night sky. After a few minutes, I felt a vampire presence close by. I looked ahead and noticed Enzo coming out of the building. I lit up a fire without moving from my spot, burning the dead bodies to a crisp. No evidence was left behind.

"How did you know about me? Or this place?" he asked confused, I guess I have that effect on people.

I shrugged "I had a premonition about your pal Damon Salvatore and this place. I saw what they did to you here. They're the real monsters. I respect you as a person and I don't think you deserved this. It was high time you get out and be free."

The moment he heard Damon's name, his eyes darkened "Where is he?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I do know that soon he will be in my town. I need you to stay away from him and Greyson Gilbert for the time being."

He frowned unsurely, but his suspicious eyes locked on mine and his next words were expected "Are you protecting them? If you that I'm going to follow your orders just because you saved me, you'll have to think again."

I shrugged indifferently "I don't give two shits about either of them. Greyson Gilbert is a monster that will soon meet his demise and you can't interfere. Whereas for Damon, let's just say that I need him to play his role in something, and then you can do whatever you want with him."

He nodded still unsure, but I just shook it off "Great. Now that this is over. I need to go home. Want me to drop you off somewhere?"

We got in the car and I left him at the first bus stop, as per his request, his last sentence being "If you need anything, just let me know and I'll be there". I smiled and gave him my number. He nodded and a moment later he was gone.

I just need to get home and then I can finally relax. I was mentally exhausted. Don't judge me, explaining the supernatural to a teenager, committing arson, and saving an imprisoned vampire has that effect on people.

• That night I collapsed in my bed and immediately fell asleep, drifting into another killer dream. No pun intended. Except for the fact that this time I could actually see the dirty blond's face...Niklaus Mikaelson.

I looked at him confused. He was discussing his brother's whereabouts and I just watched him curiously. He was on the phone with someone, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I just heard him say "Yeah, he's mastered his disappearing act. Find him. Now. Tell him I need to talk with him."

I leaned on a wall close by and asked "Still haven't talked with Elijah?"

He turned around so quickly that I almost got whiplash.

"What are you doing here?" he asked confused. 

I shrugged nonchalantly "Beats me, I'm asleep right now"

He just smirked cockily "So, you tend to dream of me often?"

I just snorted and gave him an unimpressed look. He chuckled in response "So, you've been the one following me on my murder escapades?"

"I guess so, not that I knew it was you. Your face was blurry and I couldn't really hear your voice so there's that" I mumbled confused by the whole ordeal.

"Anyway, did you kill daddy dearest?" I asked grinning and he just chuckled "He's very dead, does that soothe your worries?"

I shrugged "I mean I was never worried for myself, you're the one he wanted to kill. As well as your lovely siblings."

He smirked "So, you were worried about me?"

I just smirked in return "Who said I wasn't worried about your brother?"

He raised an eyebrow "I believe Elijah is capable of keeping himself alive"

I just chuckled "Where did you even get the idea that I was talking about Elijah?"

"Then please do tell, who were you talking about?" he muttered like a child.

"Well, Kol obviously." I chuckled because in reality both Nik and Kol were my obvious choices, not that he'll ever know.

"Kol? Really?" he asked in disbelief and I smirked in return "I'm more into bad boys, Elijah is a tad too nice for my taste. He can be just as ruthless as any of you, but his personality just isn't what I prefer."

"How do you even know Kol?" he asked in curiosity

I just smirked "Bye Nikki!"


Wordcount: 1323
