Katerina Petrova

Hey bitches! So, I was wondering if I should kill Katherine or not, but damn it I loved her as a character. She was a badass bitch.

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P.S. I'm curious, if I were to write another fanfic, would you prefer teen wolf, fate the winx saga, true blood or maybe shadowhunters? I don't know how many of you have watched true blood, but damn it Eric Northman is hot.

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

"Hello Katerina"

Katerina stared at me trying to determine who I was and how I knew her name. The moment she heard her birth name she looked apprehensive, but she didn't let it show on her face. Her face was a picture of indifference. Instead of showing her true feelings she took a step forward and put a brave face.

Kol looked her over and leaned on the wall, enjoying her terrible state. "Katerina Petrova is alive, huh who would have guessed she survived Nik. She managed to evade him for 5 centuries, good for her. Maybe I should take some tips from her. What do you even want with her?"

I smirked at Kol whose interest had been peaked even further. His eyes went back and forth between Katerina and I, until he settled on watching me.

"And who might you be?" her voice sounded scratchy from her lack of feeding and I smiled sympathetically. I took out all the blood bags that I brought for her and threw them in the tomb. She immediately latched onto them, sucking them dry. She drank about 5 blood bags until she looked at me again. Her eyes filled with curiosity and confusion.

"My name doesn't really matter. I'm curious though, what matters more to you, being free or a vendetta against Klaus?"

The moment she heard his name she shuddered slightly and scowled, it was obvious that his name brought back nothing but painful memories.

"What's it to you?" she watched me hatefully and I rolled my eyes. 

"Come on Kat, can I call you Kat? Doesn't matter, I'll call you Kat anyway, I feel like we're going to be great friends." this time it was Katerina that rolled her eyes and leaned on the wall bored. 

"Look, I know a lot about you and I have to admit I like you. You're a real survivor and despite everything that you've done, I don't believe that you're evil. You're just selfish and want to live. Can't really blame you for that. Now, if you answer my question I think I could help you out."

She watched me, trying to determine which answer would be the right one, but I gave nothing away, keeping my face as blank as possible. She frowned and I spoke up once again.

"There is literally no wrong answer, I'm just curious. You ran away from Klaus for 500 years, what would you do if you had your freedom?" 

"I would stay the fuck away from Klaus and original business" she scoffed as if it was obvious and I nodded. 

Kol spoke up from behind me and without looking at him I knew he was scowling. 

"Please don't tell me that you plan to ask Nik for her freedom. You should know him by now, there is just no way that he would let her go, darling. Even if he did, he has been hunting her for half a millennia, she isn't going to be grateful and live a peaceful life. She will want revenge." 

I processed his words and nodded. He was right and I sure as hell didn't trust her, but that didn't mean that I would just let her rot in here. Plus, I already had a way of ensuring that people stuck to their word.
I wasn't really worried about Kat, Niklaus was the one that I had to make a deal with and that thought immediately made my mood sour. I couldn't deny the butterflies that took residence in my stomach the moment I thought of seeing him. Damn soulmate bond. 

"Hmm, and what about the news that you wanted to tell Damon?" I leaned next to Kol, enjoying his presence more than I wanted to admit. Was that wrong of me? Nik is my soulmate, so why did I miss Kol so badly? He was the only person that made my mind peaceful. Whenever he was around I was able to stop thinking about Nik.

Interrupting my thoughts, Kat spoke up "Like you said, I'm a survivor. If Nik isn't going to leave me alone then I have to find a way to survive him."

I hummed while I watched her stare at the wall, it seemed like she was lost in her thoughts.

"The thing is, Katerina, I want to get you out of this hole, but I need your word that you won't  harm my family or the Mikaelsons." 

She narrowed her eyes assessing me, million emotions ran wild but hope was the most prominent one. It was obvious that she wasn't sure what to think of me. Surprisingly she didn't know anything about me, if she did I'm sure that she would have used it against me.

"Sure, you have my word. Now get me out of this dump" she watched me impatiently and I barely managed not to role my eyes. Why did I expect her to be grateful instead of demanding? This is Katherine Pierce after all.

"Of course, my queen." I curtsied sarcastically and she rolled her eyes at my dramatics which were obviously called for. Despite her reaction, she was amused by my response.

"You just need to sign some papers and you're free to go" I grinned and stood in front of the barrier. Katerina frowned, confused by my words. 

"What papers? Why would I need to sign anything?" Instead of answering I searched my pocket and bag for a piece of paper and a pen. Kat huffed annoyed by the lack of response, but I grinned victoriously and pulled out what I needed. I focused on writing a contract similar to the one I wrote for Nik and Damon, except this one included the Mikaelson family. Finally I set it all up and gave it to Kat. 

"Fine, just give me the damn pen and I'll sign it." She huffed and held out her hand to me, waiting for the pen. When she didn't get it she looked towards me confused. 

"You need to sign it in your blood. I need to be sure that you will stick to your word." 

She started rethinking it, but in the end she sighed and nodded. I gave her the pen and she used her fang to cut her finger. One drop, two drops of blood on the paper and then it healed. She stopped for a moment, reading it carefully and then signed it. 

She gave it to me even though she was started rethinking her decision. I took the contract before she could change her mind. 

"Are you ready to finally be free?" I asked her with a wide grin and she leaned on the wall and smirked.

"About time if you ask me." her frustration was obvious but it was soon going to be replaced by relief.

"You do realize that she isn't free yet. That isn't for you to decide. Unfortunately you have to go see Nik." I heard Kol's voice and grunted once I heard his words. I was more than annoyed that he was right. I need to speak with Niklaus, and soon. 

Instead of showing my frustration over the situation I was in, I gave Kat a kind smile and touched the barrier with both hands. The magic flowed threw me and I smiled at the feeling. I felt complete whenever I drew magic from something.

Witches couldn't even imagine how empty we felt without magic. I could draw magic from my werewolf side and my talisman but it wasn't the same. Witches felt their magic at all times, whereas we had to draw magic from something else. 

After I drained the magic from the barrier, I took a step back and nodded. I couldn't stop smiling, whether it was because of the magic or the happiness for Kat's freedom I couldn't tell.

She took a step closer to the nonexistent barrier and touched the air. Feeling no resistance she stepped outside of the tomb and closed her eyes, her shoulders were no longer tense and only a small smile was visible on her face. 

Third Person POV

Katherine couldn't believe that she was finally free. She didn't know how to react. Should she scream happily or pass out? She was so used to being on alert and suddenly she felt peaceful. It was an unfamiliar feeling but she loved it. No more running. No more scheming in order to avoid Klaus. Her thoughts were no longer led by her survival instinct. She was always going to feel cautious of everything and have an escape plan, but in that moment her thoughts were primarily focused on him. 

She needed him. She missed him. Oh, how much she missed him. She longed for his presence. He was her everything and she left him as if he was nothing. She berated herself for that, but if she hadn't done that she would have been dead by now. At least he was alive and well. The bond between them was still there despite everything, even after all this time. 

Suddenly her feelings shifted and she could feel was worry. Did he still care? Would he still want her or has he forgotten about her? She wondered if he still felt their bond, because she definitely did. It was like a string that connected two souls. Like a string on a violin that would pulse every time their feelings would get out of control. 

Whenever he felt her fear, she would in return feel his worry. She knew that if something happened to either of them, the other one would be devastated. It would be as if their heart was ripped out. But that didn't mean that he still wanted her. She could only hope that he still cared. 

More than anything in that moment she was worried because she couldn't feel him. It was as if he was gone. No emotions. No reaction to the wave of emotions that she felt in that moment. He had to have felt that, but there was no response. Nothing.

She looked at the girl who helped her get her freedom and wondered if she knew what happened to him. She had to know. Katerina watched the girl that leaned on the wall and questioned whether to tell her anything or not. After all she didn't know anything about her. Why did she help her? What was in it for her? 

Luna watched Kat's wave of emotions and started worrying. Was there something else? What was wrong? She couldn't just let her lose her mind after she just got her freedom. 

"Kat? What is it? What's wrong?" Luna took a step closer, worry evident in her eyes. Katerina snapped her eyes and stared at Luna apprehensively, but her shoulders slumped soon after. Her face was almost blank, except her eyes that held so much pain.

"I need to...I need your help" she stumbled over her words but Luna just nodded and took another step towards her. 

"Of course, I'll help you in any way I can." 

Despite everything she knew about Katherine, she decided to trust her gut and help her out. She has never before seen her look so lost.

Word count: 1990 words

P.P.S. There may be some mistakes, so please let me know if you notice any.

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