Plans for the Future

It's been 6 years and now I'm 10 years old. Not much has changed in our lives, grams has been teaching me magic every day and if I dare say so myself I'm a natural. Sheila is surprisingly a great teacher. I say surprisingly because canon Sheila spent most of her time drunk and didn't teach Bonnie magic even after she found out about it. So, to say this is an improvement would be an understatement.

I even got Sheila to sign me up for martial arts which I was thrilled about. I'm supposed to start next week and it was a relief. My magic can't always protect me, I need to be prepared for anything that is to come. And there is a lot to come.

I started having more blurry dreams throughout the years and to say that they frustrate me would also be an understatement. Whenever I get close to seeing the blond man's face I wake up. They are generally of him either killing people or talking with people, which doesn't tell me anything. Most vampires are quite murderous so it's not really a shock. I believe he can also see me but in a blurry form.

Bonnie has been growing up carefree and there is nothing more I want for her...for now. Soon I will have to tell her, I can't have my baby sister in danger, she means too much for me to let that happen. She was still friends with Elena, but this time around she was also friends with Caroline. I might have pushed them closer because I know that Caroline is actually a sweetheart despite the way she acts.

I've been doing my best to teach them to love themselves and accept themselves the way they are. I've never understood why canon Caroline was jealous of Elena or why canon Bonnie constantly sacrificed her life for Elena, no matter how close they were. Elena is the same as canon Elena, meaning nothing changed, and I know I can't actually change the way her doppelganger brain works otherwise I would have tried, believe me.

I started practicing astral projection today and it was actually not as easy as I thought it would be. It seems to take more of my physical energy than magic, but with time I will master that as well. I just need to be patient. Why was that even important enough to waste my energy on it? Well, there may or may not be a certain original I would like to see.

There's a bridge that I plan to burn before anyone even thinks about using it to kill the originals, they're under my protection now. I have also been thinking about Enzo, I wasn't sure how to do it. I need to wait until the Gilbert's meet their demise. It's sad but it has to happen. Well, it's will be sad for the Gilbert family, I don't actually care. The only people I care about are Bonnie and grams, everyone else can fend for themselves. I liked the scooby doo gang baby edition, but that doesn't mean that their lives have meaning to me. 

- 7 Years Later -

Years have been flying by and I couldn't be more thankful for that. I'm finally 17 years old and I'm more than ready to get this show on the road. I've been able to master astral projection and now I can do it without a hitch. I wanted to wait as much as possible, you know, to preserve the plot and whatnot. I'm nice like that. 

I was able to get a hold of the moonstone when I was at the Lockwood mansion, along with Emily Bennett's talisman. Of course, a fake moonstone was put in its place so no one would get suspicious. As I said before, I've been busy. 

Rummaging through my hiding space, which was under the floorboard, I pulled out the moonstone and held it tightly while focusing on Niklaus Mikaelson.

There was a change in the air despite me not moving from my spot. I opened my eyes and hazel was met with blue. I smirked "Well hi there Niklaus, how do you do?"

His eyes held confusion and wariness which is understandable. He was after all a 1000-year-old original vampire and he has a special knack for making enemies even out of friends. He's just talented like that.

"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?" he almost growled and I almost rolled my eyes at the expected reaction.

"I think we can both agree that you don't give a shit about my name nor how I know your name. You want to know why I'm here and what I want. Now that is really simple, I want to help you. Think of me as your guardian angel, here to help you with your biggest problems." I grinned softly waiting for his reply.

He snorted looking at me from head to toe "Really? A teenager is here to help me with my biggest problems, how lucky I must be." He bit out sarcastically, but I just continued grinning because I would have had the exact reaction if I was in his shoes.

"Well Nikki, yes, you are very lucky, that is something we can both agree with. I am here to help you with your biggest enemy."

He rolled his eyes at the nickname but didn't comment, instead focusing on the topic at hand "My biggest enemy? And who might that be?"

I sighed, watching him intently "Mikael."

He looked murderous in that moment and I could see a fire in his eyes. Why does he always choose violence as a first resort?

"Now, I know that you want to rip me to shreds, but I advise you to listen to me instead. I have no intention to hurt you or your siblings. Guardian angel, remember? So, do you want to stab some nice old white oak stake in Mikael's heart?" I asked casually as if talking about a coffee date.

"How do you know about Mikael?" he growled dangerously.

I could see his brain working in all possible ways I could fuck him over. Knowing his paranoid brain there were probably a million ways. 

"How I know doesn't matter. What matters is that he's incapacitated. In fact, it was someone that I know that incapacitated him. I have nothing against your family, I think you deserve to live instead of constantly looking over your shoulder."

"Who are you? How do you know so much about my family?" his suspicious eyes scanned me once again.

"I'll just explain it in a simple way, I was gifted with the knowledge needed to help out you and your siblings." I shrugged indifferently.

"What is the complicated way of explaining it?" he asked and I just gave him a bored look "Sorry Nikki, but we're not that close. Mikael is desiccated and entombed in the Pickett Mausoleum in the cemetery in Charlotte."

"Oh and two more things before I leave. I suggest you keep his ashes, you're going to need them in the future. And do notify your brother that your siblings aren't buried in the sea or ocean. wherever you said they are. See you soon Nikki, tootles!" I disappeared before he could say anything.

I could only hope that he'll listen to me, otherwise, this could all go very badly. I know I could have killed Mikael myself, but I highly doubt Niklaus would have believed me. It's better if he does it himself, kill the bastard once and for all.

I don't know why I left all the important things for the same day but I did. I almost forgot about the second important conversation that awaits me. Getting to the living room, I immediately noticed and felt Bonnie's presence. "Hey Bonnie, we need to talk about something important"

Bonnie looked at me worried "What is it? Is everything okay?"

I just smiled and sat down on the couch, next to her.

"Everything is okay, don't worry. I just wanted to tell you something about our family that you're unaware of. We come from a long line of witches, Bon." I admit, it probably wasn't the best way to tell her about something so important, but I prefer ripping off the bandaid instead of an hour-long monologue.

She looked at me like I lost my mind "Really Sera? Witches? Couldn't you think of something more believable?"

I just grinned and after noticing a candle in front of me I decided that an example is needed.

"Incendia" not even a second later, the candle was lit. She stared at it wide-eyed "No way! That isn't possible!"

I smirked "You will soon learn Bonnie that nothing is impossible in the world of supernatural."

She still stared at it, I waved my hand and said "Suctus incendia.". The fire was out as if it wasn't there in the first place. "That makes no sense. I have no powers Sera."

I just smirked "That's what you think Bon, the reality is that everyone's powers manifest at a different age."

She just looked at me disappointed "Well when did your powers manifest?"

I sighed "You can't compare yourself with me, my magic is different than yours"

"How can it be different? Don't all witches have the same magic?" she looked so cute when she was confused.

I smiled "Sure, most witches have the same type of magic in their body, but I don't have my own magic."

"Sera, you're making less and less sense. If you don't have magic then how were you able to light that candle?"

"I'm a siphoner, I don't have my own magic, but I'm still a witch. I can take magic out of other supernatural creatures or magical objects. See this necklace?" I showed her my moonstone talisman and she nodded still confused "Yeah, you haven't taken off that necklace since I can remember."

I smiled "Well, it's not just a necklace, it's also a talisman, it's filled with magic. I pull magic out of it, that's how I'm able to do spells."

She looked speechless. "Look, Sera, you seem to like magic, but I like my life the way it is. I don't need magic, I've spent my whole life without knowing anything about it and it's been a great life."

I sighed "I understand that you prefer life without magic Bon, but how would you actually know that if you've never even used magic before? Being a witch is extraordinary, you become one with nature. You can feel everything around you. Using magic feels so exhilarating, it's a feeling that is so much more than anything you've ever felt or experienced before. I won't force you to use magic, but you'll always be a witch. You can pretend to be just a normal human, but it will come out eventually, and if you don't know how to control it then you could hurt a lot of people."

She looked at me wide-eyed "I don't want to hurt anyone Seraphina!"

"Whether you do or you don't doesn't matter, if your emotions are out of control then so is your magic. It's like having a gun but not knowing how to use it properly. Except this weapon is a part of you, something you will always carry with you."

She stood up abruptly "Why hasn't anyone told me about this before?! You said that we come from a long line of witches, does that mean that grams is one too? What about mom?"

I cringed when she said the last word. Abby was no mother of mine.

"They are both witches, yes. Abby ran away a long time ago and she preferred us not knowing."

"Then how do you know? Why was I the only one in the dark?" she was livid and it was understandable, I would be pissed if something that big was kept from me.

"I know because my powers started manifesting when I was 4-years-old. They had no choice but to tell me, being a siphoner puts me in more danger than you are in as a normal witch. Despite that, Abby wanted to keep it a secret. If it weren't for grams I would have been in the dark as well."

"But how would you be in danger?" she was once again calm but still confused. I sighed "Give me your hand and I'll show you."

She frowned not understanding but she put her hand in mine and I started siphoning a little bit of her magic. Red hue enveloped our hands and she looked at it in wonder, but I could see that it pained her. I stopped siphoning and she stared at me wide-eyed "What was that? Why did it hurt?"

"I siphoned some of your magic. Despite it not manifesting yet, it is still there. I already told you, I can siphon any supernatural creature. If I were to siphon a vampire or a werewolf then they could see me as a danger to them and want to harm me. That's why grams told me everything about magic. But I think it's finally time for you to learn about magic."

She shook her head in disbelief "I...I need some time to process all of this...I'm going to go meet up with Elena."

I nodded "It's okay, I understand, Bon. We'll talk when you're ready." She was still in a daze from everything that she learned, but she nodded absentmindedly and went out. Sighing loudly I leaned on the couch. Well, that well as it could go I suppose.


I'm not that proud of this chapter, but I wanted to speed up some things as much as I could so it might seem rushed. Plus it's 4 am so I'm on the verge of falling asleep. Hope you like it!

I plan on publishing more chapters tomorrow. Let me know what you think of the story so far!

Wordcount: 2282
