The Talisman

When I got up in the morning I was still tired. As if stuck on repeat, the dream was playing in my head all night. I gave up on figuring it out any time soon and went downstairs to get some breakfast. The first thought on my head was coffee, but as a 4-year-old it isn't really acceptable so I decided food would be the next best thing.

"Morning grams!" I couldn't help but smile when I saw her drinking coffee.

"Good morning Luna" she smiled lightly, her mind was probably in a frenzy, not only did her only daughter leave but she left her two children in her care.

"I wanted to talk with you about something angel." I just nodded curiously. I sat in front of Sheila and she smiled "Luna, our family is very special. The Bennett women each possess a certain gift."

Wanting to speed this along, I just grinned child-like "I know! We're witches!" I exclaimed happily. "Where did you hear that honey?" Sheila looked at me shocked.

"You told me, grandma!" I grinned again and if I was older I would probably look like the maniac that I am, but as a child, it probably looked cute. Well, let's hope it looked cute.

"When did I tell you that?" she asked confused, probably wondering if she ever babysat me drunk, and to her credit, she was fully sober each time.

"You told me I was your angel that can do magic!" I explained and she finally connected the dots. "You remember that?" she asked, continuously shocked by new information.

"Of course I do grams, why?" I tried to sound confused because what child is actually self-aware from the moment it takes its first breath. Yeah, me, that's who. "Right..." she mumbled absentmindedly.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" I was hoping she wanted to teach me magic, but I guess not today.

"Yes, it was. If you can keep this a secret then I could also teach you more about what it means to be a witch." I just nodded excitedly "Of course grams! From one witch to another!" I giggled and she looked at me amused and shook her head while smiling.

"There's one more thing, angel. I want you to wear this necklace at all times, okay?" after saying that Sheila gave me a beautiful necklace. It was, oh the irony, a moonstone pendant on a long silver chain.

"I love it grams! I promise I won't take it off." I said excited and happy.

"Good, because this isn't just a necklace, it is also a talisman. Now, since you don't have your own magic, I put some of my magic in it. It will help you if you're ever in danger." I could see the worry in her eyes, so I smiled and said "Don't worry grams, I'll be okay. Plus I have the prettiest necklace!"

I grinned and hugged Sheila tightly. Taking the talisman in my hands I carefully put it around my neck. Once it touched my skin, the moonstone shone, violet glow lighting up the white gemstone. I couldn't help but gaze, instantly mesmerized and surprised by its reaction to me. My magic? My energy? I didn't even know myself, but looking at Sheila I could see that she too was somewhat surprised, but it seemed as if she was expecting it.

"Grams? Why did it shine violet?" This was the first time I saw a talisman actually react to a witch or a siphoner. Grams smiled warmly "Well, angel, the talisman knows that it was meant for you, it belongs to you. It recognizes you."

Her explanation confused me further, how can a necklace, even a talisman, know that it belongs to me? This wasn't normal, so why was Sheila pretending that it was? There was something more to it, her last sentence 'It recognizes you', there was a hidden meaning in that sentence. There must be, but she obviously doesn't plan on telling me any time soon. I sighed, accepting that answer for now, but this conversation was far from over.

She smiled mysteriously and started walking away "come on, let's get you and Bonnie ready for kindergarten".

I followed after her but once I saw the couch in the living room I fell face first "Do I have to? I have no problem staying at home" I smiled sweetly and she just chuckled "I know you have no problem, but it is kind of mandatory."

I was about to counter that and tell her all about homeschooling and whatnot but I'm already acting more mature than a 4-year-old is supposed to. Sometimes I forget I'm still physically a child.

The day went by painfully slowly and I was quite bored and tempted to entertain myself with magic, but enough of my ancestors were burned for being witches so better not push my luck.

I spent time watching Bonnie and the soon to be Scooby Gang. 

Caroline was a princess from a young age and she was a spoiled little thing, but still adorable nonetheless.

Elena was cute but still whiny. It wasn't as extreme as it will be in the future, so it was bearable.

My Bonnie was so shy, but I could see how much she wanted to be friends with them so she pushed away her shyness and played with them every day. When she wasn't with them, she was attached to my hip like a baby koala, it was quite adorable. I know that her being attached to me so much has a lot to do with Abby leaving and it pisses me off that she was able to leave a permanent mark on us. I just hope Bonnie knows by now that I would never leave her. I would choose her over anyone else.

Tyler was such a baby, I just wanted to protect him. He was so innocent, there were no signs of smugness or cockiness that will come when he grows up.

Matt was running after Elena which got real boring real fast, but I can't deny that he was a sweet child. 

Jeremy was the only one missing but he was too young to be here. 

I just wanted these years to pass on fast forward, but at the same time, I wanted to spend time learning everything that was important regarding my magic and spells.


Wordcount: 1073
