Return to Mystic Falls

Hiya guys! I wanted to thank you all for 100k reads! I had no idea that this story would grow so fast but I'm thrilled! 

Thank you for all of your support and here's a new chapter to make your day better! 

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P.S. If you have any special wishes let me know and I'll see if I can make them happen!

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

So, here I am. Stuck in a situation which I would rather avoid, well more like avoid at all costs. I'm sitting between Rebekah and Stefan, and the awkwardness is killing me. Rebekah doesn't know how to speak with humanity-less Stefan so she's making small talk. Seriously Rebekah, what happened to you? Why are you doing this to me?!

Anyhow, I'm stuck in a back seat of a car while the two of them talk or something. I sent Rebekah to give Elena's blood to Nik, which she childishly refused to do. Rude! After my constant complaints, she finally caved in and compelled someone to do it. Luckily he got the package or else I would most likely go crazy since he would wreak havoc in, the not so mystical, Mystic Falls.

I spent the whole trip watching the horizon and trying to tune out Rebekah and Stefan, the keyword being 'trying'. I contemplated jumping out of the car and walking the whole way home, but luck was on my side and Stefan parked the car in front of my house. 

I jumped out immediately yelling "Freedom! Finally!" Rebekah rolled her eyes, while Stefan looked at me emotionlessly, which made sense since he had no emotions at the moment. 

I grinned and walked towards my home "See you later losers!". Rebekah huffed, but before she could even say anything back, Stefan drove off. I shrugged not caring and walked inside. 

"Hey Grams!" I yelled out after I heard her cooking in the kitchen. Quickly afterward I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. Bonnie jumped in front of me with a grin on her face "You're back!" She wasn't sure whether to hug me or not, but decided against it at the last moment, suddenly unsure of how she should act. I looked at her coldly despite the sudden wave of happiness that enveloped me the moment I saw her. Her hurtful words still rang loudly in my mind. 

"Since when are we on speaking terms?" I rose an eyebrow awaiting her answer even though it was more of a rhetorical question. I was about to go greet grams when I noticed Bonnie fidgeting in her spot. 

"I just thought...You've been away for more than three months Seraphina...I missed you..." her voice sounded so small compared to her usually strong voice. 

"I'm well aware of how long I was gone, but thank you for informing me. I'm sure that notifying Elena that Stefan is back is much higher on your priority list than making amends with your sister so you should skedaddle" 

She looked shocked to hear that Stefan is back in town, so I shooed her away with my hands but she just stood there looking hurt. It was obvious that she wanted to tell Elena that her boy toy was back. I walked away not interested in continuing this conversation further and headed to my room.

I showered quickly and searched around my closet for something comfortable to wear. Spotting some grey sweatpants and a white crop top, I got dressed and grabbed a grey hoodie in case I got cold or had to leave the house, with the way things are going you never know. Rebekah or well anyone could call at any point and demand to see me since I've been gone for quite some time and I'm sure that Caroline will be furious at me. I haven't seen her for 4 months, or was it 5? I lost track of time when I started getting ready for the Mikaelsons' return, and what good has that brought me? 

"Luna!" Grams' angry voice brought me to reality and I hesitantly headed downstairs. To say that I have been stalling would be an understatement, I knew how mad she was going to be and I definitely wasn't looking forward to her yelling.

She was sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee, and I approached her half-heartedly. She watched me carefully, squinting her eyes with a scrutinizing look. I settled in a chair in front of her with slumped shoulders "Hi grams" 

"Really, Luna? 'Hi grams'? That's all you have to say to me?!" She took a deep breath trying to calm down. It took her a few seconds, but then she spoke once again, this time she was calm and I could hear the worry in her voice loud and clear. "Luna, you've been gone for more than 3 months. You didn't even tell me that you planned to leave, let alone leave with Klaus Mikaelson. Seriously, Luna, him of all people!" 

She shook her head pursing her lips after her last sentence as if my leaving with Klaus offended her personally, which I don't doubt it did, why? Who knows? She would find some reason to be offended since she had no love for Klaus. He was not only a vampire but one that was known for terrorizing witches into doing his bidding.

"It was summer break, did you expect me to go visit Rudy perhaps?" she gave me a murderous look and I sighed reformulating my words "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before I left. That's why I called you the first chance I got. I know that you're not happy about it and that you were worried, but you know that I can take care of myself. I'm 18, I finished high school and you taught me how to protect myself."

"Yes, you finished high school but you weren't even here for your graduation!" she muttered annoyed and I rolled my eyes. "I informed them that I wouldn't be able to attend the ceremony, I'll still get my diploma. What's the big deal?" I watched her reaction trying to figure out why she was so upset. 

"Grams, what's the real issue here?" I sighed, my voice softer than before, I waited patiently for her reply but she looked away.

"What's going on between you and Klaus?" she finally asked and a frown graced my face. 

"Nothing is going on between me and Klaus. Where did you even get that idea?" Grams frowned matching my expression. 

"You left with Klaus and returned after three months, obviously something is going on" she huffed frustrated.

"Grams, I was helping him out. We're barely friends let alone something more" the reality hit me hard and I finally realized that Nik and I will probably never be anything more than business partners if I could even call it that.

"Luna, I may be old, but I'm not blind. I can see there is more to it than just acquaintances, so tell me." she rolled her eyes while I grunted annoyed with her incessant questioning about my inexistent relationship with Nik.

"Grams, seriously, there's literally nothing going on" while I was saying those words, my last conversation with Nik crossed my mind. The thoughts that went through my head were enough to make me sound unsure. Grams just gave me a look and I sighed realizing that she wasn't going to give up any time soon.

"There's something though...he told me that we were connected" hearing my words, Grams was suddenly on high alert.

"Tell me exactly what he said" it was not even a question, it was a demand and I grunted suddenly feeling like a child.

"He didn't really explain it. He reminded me of what I felt when I met him" I looked at Grams and knowing what she was going to ask, I continued explaining. 

"I felt my birthmark tingle and my eyes changed to their hybrid violet." she frowned getting lost in her thoughts, something told me that she knew exactly what I was talking about. 

"He didn't want to tell me how we were connected though" she frowned and looked at me once again demanding. 

"What birthmark was he talking about?" she looked suspicious for some reason and I rolled my eyes but decided to show her the birthmark nonetheless. She took my hand in hers, inspecting it. 

"When did you get this? You didn't have it when you were born" she frowned, not moving her eyes from the strange birthmark that couldn't even be called a birthmark.

"It happened after I asked you to leave Mystic Falls. I had a dream about him and when I woke up I noticed the mark on my wrist." having finally explained everything, I watched her reaction with interest after all if anyone could tell me what this connection was then it would be grams. She breathed harshly and I frowned unsure of why she was upset.

"Grams? Are you okay?" I asked almost timidly, judging by her facial expression and her raging heartbeat, she was on the verge of yelling.

She looked furious and unfortunately, that fury was directed at me. "Did I or did I not tell you to call me if anything happened?" Her voice was strained since she was trying to control herself but I knew it was just a matter of time before she started screaming at me.

"You did, but I didn't want to risk your wellbeing just because a mark showed up on my skin" the fury in her eyes made me stumble over my words as if I was a scolded five-year-old. Get yourself together Luna!   

"This isn't just any mark Luna! How can you just ignore it as if it was nothing? I taught you better than that!" I looked away from her, knowing that she was right. It could have been a hex and I ignored it because I was preoccupied.

"I was going to tell you..." I muttered not able to look at her in the eyes.

"But you didn't! You didn't tell me, Luna! It just had to be you..." she whispered the last sentence but I heard her loud and clear and frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean 'it just had to be you'? Tell me, Grams. I need to know what's going on! Please..." I was slowly losing my mind, a million possibilities ran through my mind but I had to know the truth.

"He was right, you two are connected for life. Luna...he's your soulmate" she finally spoke but her words ran through my head like an echo. He's my what now?! 

"What are you talking about? We're not soulmates, I can barely stand him!" all of my senses went into overdrive after I heard her words. The sound of my heart skipping a beat after I said the last sentence was the loudest. It was probably loud enough for her to hear as well. 

She smiled reassuringly and approached me slowly. She gave me a hug only a grandmother could give. It was filled with love and comfort. I hugged her tightly not wanting to face the reality.

"Everything is going to be alright, don't worry, angel" she whispered soothingly and I relaxed slightly, knowing that she will be by my side no matter what.

"Don't tell any of this to Bonnie. I need to deal with this on my own and if anyone finds out what I am to him they will target me" I whispered unable to find my voice, this revelation was messing with my head. I didn't know how to feel about the fact that Nik was my soulmate. It was surreal. There was no other word to explain it.

Grams nodded and kissed my head trying to calm me down "I won't tell anything to anyone, after all this is your secret to tell, not mine." 

Word count: 1990 words
