Being a Diplomat

I woke up the next morning thinking about my next steps. Elena and Damon are both going to be on their own quests. Should I include Damon or talk to Elena directly? He will disagree with anything that puts her in any kind of danger. NEWSFLASH: She's a danger magnet! Shocking, I know. Who could have predicted that?

Remembering where Elena was based on the series, I realized that since it was the day after the kidnapping she must have already talked with Kitty Kat.

I got in my car and headed to the tomb while thinking about what I'll say to her. After all, Elena does tend to make dumb decisions which leads me to believe that even if I were to offer her the deal of a lifetime she would still betray me in the end or screw up something. I'm seriously contemplating letting Nik just kill her, not coming back to life, just dead. 

But...and that's a big but, she has a lot of people that care about her and those people would feel inclined to go on a revenge rampage. I don't want to have an altercation of any kind with my sister or even worse, a falling out. Plus I don't want the Mikaelson family to get hurt. So, being a diplomat it is.

I thought about calling Elijah for advice but let's be real if he didn't manage to do it in the canon version, I doubt he will succeed this time either. I should learn from his mistakes. I shouldn't conceal any important information, well besides the fact that I don't give a shit whether she lives or dies or that I would always choose the Mikaelson's over her. Again no hate, just a preference.

I called her when I was close to the tomb and she answered after two rings "Seraphina?" her surprised voice reached my ears. I've never cared enough to call her, until this moment.

"Hey Elena, I need to talk with you." I tried to sound serious but friendly, how does one do that? I have no clue.

"Sure, we can meet at the Grill. I'm on my way there." Elena replied, sounding a bit agitated but still kind. I assume that Stefan just found her in the tomb and won't get off her back. I mean it's one of the Salvatore brothers, what did you expect?

"Great. See you soon." and with that, I changed route and headed to the Grill. I finally arrived and scanned the place, immediately spotting her. I hadn't noticed any pesky Salvatores so I approached her and sat down across from her.

"Hey, how are you doing after everything?" I asked her kindly because it must have been stressful, getting kidnapped and finding out that someone wants to kill you for a sacrifice just because you're an exact copy of another woman.

She shook her head tiredly "Honestly, I don't know. I just want all of this to be over. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Everyone is in danger because of me. Damon is willing to risk everyone that I love and I'm not, whereas Stefan won't get off my back about staying safe and away from any kind of danger. So, you could say we're having a disagreement."

 "I get it. You don't want them to get hurt and they don't want you to get hurt. But there's more of them and one you. They will get what they want either way, whether you agree with their decisions or not." I stated sure of my words, they have done it over and over in the canon version and not much has changed.

She looked confused after hearing my words. "What are you trying to say?"

I looked at her seriously. "I'm saying, Elena, that people will get hurt. People that you love and care about will be hurt one way or another."

"I was planning to surrender to Klaus tomorrow, either way, then I won't have to worry about them getting hurt," she said and I could see the determination in her eyes.

"That won't work," I stated, already knowing how that ended.

"Why would it not work?" she frowned, confused as ever. I wonder how it feels to be confused half the time. I'll have to ask her at some point.

"Because as long as the Salvatore brothers disagree with your decisions they will do anything to stop you. Especially if they consider it to be suicidal." I just stated emotionlessly.

I would go crazy if every decision I wanted to make in life was evaluated and interfered with by two people, two men. I believe that women have come far compared to the days where they had no say in their lives, compared to a hundred years ago when they couldn't even vote. So, I consider this to be quite a step back. But, hey, it's her life, she should live it how she deems right. Who am I to judge?

"Then what am I supposed to do Seraphina?! I can't just sit on the side and let others make the decisions for me!" Isn't that what you always do? Sorry, right, no judging. 

"I never said to let them make the decisions for you. I think you should all make smart decisions, especially in a situation like this one. I have a way for everyone to get what they want. I have a way for everyone to stay safe." 

Her eyes filled with hope and she leaned closer as if I was going to tell her some big secret "Tell me. Please, I just want my family and friends to be safe"

I looked at her seriously while watching her reactions "Don't think that there will be zero sacrifices. But those that you love and care about will be safe and you won't have a vengeful Original going after you."

"Just tell me, please." she nodded impatiently wanting to know the answer right away while her eyes portrayed her desperation and hope. 

Smiling kindly, I finally answered her. "The sacrifice would still happen, but John would give his life for you, that way you would come back to life, as a human. No one else would get hurt or die."

"I can't...I know that everyone hates him, but he's still my father, Seraphina," she said right away, devastated by the thought of losing another family member, another parent.

I understood, despite everything I understood where she was coming from. Blood is thicker than water. Even though John has never been there for her and he's an asshole, he is her father and she already lost Greyson, who was a different kind of an asshole. A lot of luck in the father department if you're asking me.

"There's also an elixir that could bring you back to life, but I can't guarantee that it will work," Before she could say anything I continued explaining "Elena if you plan to take the elixir you can't tell anyone. Tell them that I will bring you back to life. They won't trust the elixir will work and it will create additional problems."

"You can't expect me to lie to them," she said surprised, while I only looked at her impassively. 

I was about to lose it, she's so moral when she wants to be, other times it's like meh why not lie, scheme, and manipulate. I seriously need to get my murderous tendencies under control around Elena, or else I might just accidentally snap her neck.

"Why do you think I'm having this conversation with you, Elena?"

She was surprised with the sudden change of topic, but answered without a second thought "Because I'm friends with you and Bonnie"

I almost started choking on my own spit, she must be delusional if she thinks that we're friends. Sure, I was friends with Jeremy, Tyler, and Caroline, but Elena was a different story. We never hung out, we didn't even spend time together when Bonnie would invite her for a sleepover, in fact, I avoided her at all costs. I think that about covers our so called friendship. 

"You know that Bonnie and I are witches." she just nodded to what I was saying and I continued talking "Witches get visions, some are up for interpretation, others not so much. My visions are as direct as possible. Do you want to know what I saw for all of us? For our future?"

She nodded curiously but I could see the worry in her eyes. Good. She should be worried.

"You decided to use the elixir and Damon lost it and fed you his blood because hey that's more of a guarantee than some old elixir. John gave his life so you would come back as a human. Regretting giving you his blood Damon then decided to go against Klaus, in order to delay the sacrifice which resulted in two things.

1. He was bitten by a werewolf and slowly from the bite. and 2. Jenna was turned and used for the sacrifice. Stefan had to sell his soul to Klaus in order to save Damon. Oh yeah, let's not forget that Bonnie lost her magic, and Jeremy lost his life. Is that enough to convince you or do you want me to keep going?"

Okay, sure, if I remember correctly, what happened with Bonnie and Jeremy wasn't exactly Elena's fault but it happened in the same time frame. She stared at me in shock, not knowing what to say.

"I understand that you're trying to stay moral and all that, but you have to understand that in the supernatural world you will always have to make some kind of sacrifice. If you're not willing to do that, then everyone else that loves you will keep sacrificing until they have nothing left." I finished what I was saying and waited for her reply. If she gives me another one of her oh-so-moral answers, I will drag her to the sacrifice myself.

She was still baffled by my words but nodded in agreement. "I'll take the elixir and lie to them"

Huh, who knew I could actually talk some sense into her.

"Great. There's just one more thing. You will have to give me your blood from time to time."

"Why? And what about Klaus?" she asked, confused once again, it seemed to be her natural state.

"Does it actually matter why? You're Bonnie's best friend, I wouldn't do anything to harm you. Just trust me. Your blood will help protect those that we care about. I suggest you not mention this to the Salvatore brothers. I'll handle Klaus and make sure there is no bloodshed."

She nodded in agreement despite the flustered state that my words left her in "I trust you. What should I tell Damon and Stefan?"

Now that's the big question, isn't it? 

"If they do anything to try to stop the sacrifice, someone we care about will get hurt, and then they won't have to worry about Klaus. I will kill them personally and make sure it's painful. Tell them whatever they need to hear to prevent that. Because they do not want to see me mad. Say that you'll go through the sacrifice but Bon or I will bring you back to life. You know them, Stefan will agree with whatever you decide, but Damon is impulsive so be very careful what you tell him"

She smiled in gratitude "I will. Thank you, Seraphina"

I simply nodded, "I just want to protect the people that we love without unnecessary bloodshed. I have to go now. Good luck with the Salvatores."

God, I don't know how Elijah does it. This is so goddamn tiring, now I understand why Nik chooses torture and killing as his first resort. 

I can't say I wasn't worried, sure, the conversation with Elena went pretty fine all things considered, but she loves to bail on deals especially when impulsive Damon is by her side.

Some would call me a pessimist, whereas I consider myself to be a realist which is why I'm not jumping with joy after hearing her agreeing with me. There is absolutely no way that everything will go according to plan. No way that someone won't screw up something. No way that there will be no bloodshed. It is simply unavoidable. For now, at least I will do my best to maintain peace. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wordcount: 2074 words
