The Arrival of the Salvatore Brothers

This is it. I'm finally 18 years old which is great, but today I saw Stefan Salvatore which is sort of a bigger deal. I can't wait for Mikaelsons to finally arrive, things are so boring right now, especially with Saint Stefan in the building. I might just be the first person to actually die of boredom.

Elena and Stefan are acting like Bella and Edward which is quite disturbing if you ask me. Jeremy and Ty are actually best friends this time around and not enemies like in the canon version and I definitely prefer this. They even gave up on pursuing Vicki, when they realized they both liked her. They didn't want their friendship to be damaged in any way. Respect.

I worked on bringing them all closer while they were kids and luckily I succeeded. I wanted Bonnie to have more friends than just Elena and seeing how well they got along I couldn't help but feel proud of both myself and them. They were there for each other through everything while they were growing up. They were each other's support.
Oh, how I wish the parents in this town actually paid attention to their children. Instead, they're either focusing on work, booze, or simply don't care.

Bonnie has accepted being a witch and started focusing on learning spells and waking up her magic if we can call it that. It's been going pretty well, she's getting a hang of it and I'm happy for her. She promised not to tell anyone she was a witch which was a relief. I wanted to keep her out of the mess that was about to come, well as much as I could at least. I know that Bonnie is attracted to the supernatural chaos like a moth to a flame.

I decided to take a week off and to spend that time speeding up the timeline. If I wanted this to go my way, I needed to do it very carefully. My involvement is bound to make things hectic. 

Seeing my grandma sitting on the front porch, I sat on the chair across from her. "Hey grams" I couldn't contain my smile whenever I saw her, she made my heart fill with warmth.

"Hey Luna, why aren't you at school?" she looked at me confused to which I just shrugged. 

"I figured I deserve one week off. My grades have never been better and I've never missed even one day of school."

I could see the wheels in her head turning, but in the end, she reluctantly nodded "Okay, Luna, but don't make this a habit."

I grinned "Of course not. You know I'm responsible."

Remembering what I wanted to talk with her about, my facial expression morphed into one of worry  "Grams, I need you to leave town for a few days." I could see she was about to protest but I looked at her pleadingly "Please grams, if you don't Bonnie and I will lose the only family we have left."

She frowned "Why? What did you see angel?"

I just shook my head "Please grams..."

She shook her head "I can't just leave you and Bonnie alone"

"We will be fine, I have taken care of Bonnie our whole lives, I will keep her safe. You know I'm capable. You promised me you would never leave me. If you don't leave for a few days, you will break that promise, and Bonnie and I need you alive and well." I spoke up, trying to convince her in any way I could think of.

She just sighed, agreeing reluctantly "Okay, but at the first sign of trouble you call me. Promise?"

I nodded excited "I promise grams. Now let's get you packed!"

She shook her head with a small smile on her face. Reluctantly she followed me inside and headed to her room.

After a few hours, Sheila was packed and on a bus out of town and I was finally able to breathe easier. One worry less. I noticed Bonnie's tired self approaching the house. "Hey sis, everything alright?" worry swarmed my mind, what could have happened in one day? Forget I asked, this is Mystic Falls after all.

"Vicky is in the hospital. Stefan and Damon are brothers and vampires. Stefan was a complete douchebag towards Caroline, but she told him to get over himself and walked away leaving him stunned. Damon tried hitting on her and compelling her but she told him to f*ck off. Luckily she's been drinking vervain with the tea that I gave her. Jeremy was stressed because of Elena and his parent's death. Tyler had a shitty day because of his asshole of a father. So, I invited all of them here, I hope you don't mind...I know I should have asked you but I wasn't thinking..."

I just hugged her tightly "Breathe love breathe. Everything will be okay."

She relaxed in my arms and I added "We will deal with everything that is going on. I sent grams away for one week, we need her safe and Mystic Falls is anything but safe right now. They can stay here for as long as they want to. I don't mind, they're like additional annoying little siblings."

"That's a lie, we both know I'm not annoying." She just giggled, completely ignoring the look of disbelief on my face.

"You speak as if you don't know you're a little menace! Either way, I'm going to bed, Bon, have fun!" 

"I'm amazing and you know it! Night Sera!" she yelled after me and I smiled. Everything was going well and hope started blooming in my mind that it will stay that way. But you know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery...

Just like many times before I fell into a deep sleep and slipped into a dream that was anything but a dream. Somehow it became a constant occurence in my life, as with most peculiar and unexplainable things in my life, I tried not to overthink it. Although, let's be real, how can one not overthink something as bizzare as comunicating through dreams.

• Before my mind could explode from overthinking I showed up in front of Nik, who was standing just in his pajama pants looking as handsome as ever. I might have been subtly checking him out the whole time, but can you really blame me? Did you see the guy?!

"Well, hello there love, did you get lost again?" his ever present smirk became almost like a greeting at this point.

I just shook my head smiling, happy to see him again, not that I would admit that to him. "Long time no see Niklaus."

"Why can't you just call me Klaus like everyone else?" he grunted as if hearing his full name annoyed him.

I grinned "I thought you knew by now that I'm not like everyone else. Otherwise, your pests of witches would have found me a long time ago."

He frowned like a child, obviously not pleased which only amused me further. "You know about that?"

I couldn't stop my smirk from showing, glad to have been one step in front of him the whole time.  "I'm a witch Niklaus, did you really think I wouldn't be able to feel other witches searching for me? Did you really think I wouldn't hear the current supernatural chatter? The almighty Niklaus Mikaelson was digging for more information about little old me?"

He was frustrated, that much was obvious and I was enjoying every minute of it "Then where were you? I've been looking for you for months."

I just shrugged indiferently "I've been here and there, mostly there sometimes here." I grinned cheekily teasing him and then added "But I don't think it's any of your business, now is it?"

He was angry at me for reasons clearly unknown to me, but knowing him I must have been acting insubordinately which is quite ridiculous considering that I don't work for him. "Then why are you here now?!"

"Now Nikki, that's very rude and I don't think that after my kindness I deserve to be treated this way." Teasing him was something I couldn't resist even if I tried. Honestly, how could I? He would get so mad in a matter of seconds and it was too amusing to miss out.

He just grunted, clearly even more frustrated than before "You've come here several times and I don't even know your name."

I smiled sweetly "You can call me Luna"

He looked at me skeptically, his eyes searching for even a trace of a lie in my words. "Is that even your name?"

"It might be." I mused, seeing the annoyed look in his eyes I just smirked further "Come on love, I never imagined it would be this easy to make you this frustrated. It's quite adorable!"

He just gave me a murderous look and I grinned "Anyhow, I might have some nice news for you quite soon."

"What news?" he asked, his frustration forgotten for the time being, replaced by pure curiousity.

"Ones that will change your life darling. Let's just say it's the news you've waited for your whole life. I won't say anything more! Until next time!" I winked and left.

"Wait, Luna!" He yelled after seeing me fading.

Before he could continue talking I was back in my room. I shook my head still grinning, god I love pushing his buttons. I leaned back on my bed and started slowly drifting back to sleep. The rest of my sleep was strange, it felt like I was dreaming again, but everything was dark and cold. I just wanted to get out of there. I thought I saw a figure in the dark, but after staring in the dark for a while, one can start imagining things. I could feel pain on my left wrist but I just ignored it, it was probably nothing.

Slowly dragging myself out of bed, I headed directly to the kitchen. The only things on my mind were coffee and food. After that, I would have to go and wake up the children. I went to check on them and saw them all cuddled up in bed. They looked so peaceful that I was considering letting them sleep, but school is school...for most people at least.

I started sorting out my plans for the day. I needed to talk with Damon about the tomb. I have Emily's necklace which should make opening the tomb go without a hitch. Kat will be turning Caroline soon enough which isn't really comforting. I also needed to get rid of Shane and Silas' tombstone.

I started making food and preparing coffee when I noticed something strange. There was some sort of birthmark on my left wrist? That wasn't possible though, if it were a birthmark I would have noticed it a long time ago, right? It made no sense...It was a symbol, a triquetra. I ran a finger over it, I could almost feel tingles, it was bizarre. Shaking it off, I decided to talk to grams about this when she comes back. If it was a curse of some sort, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it now anyway. If I start thinking about it then I won't be able to focus on the task at hand.

Hearing Bonnie's alarm going off brought me out of my daze and I shook my head trying to get back to the real world. I set up the table, putting the food and coffee on it. I heard them groaning and grinned "Come on children! Breakfast is ready!"

Their tired eyes scanned the kitchen in search of food and coffee. The moment they entered they spotted them and immediately grinned. "You do realize you're just one year older than us?" Bonnie asked and I grinned happily.

"Yes, you are correct, I'm older! Now have a nice day at school and be careful. You never know if a creep like Damon might be lurking around"

Caroline shivered, her face morphing into a grimace just from the thought of him. "God, he creeps me out. I intend to stay as far away from him as I can." I sighed in relief, she didn't know about the supernatural yet, but I warned them subtly and they took that seriously. Luckily.

I nodded trying not to worry about the feisty blonde, but I cared about each of them, not as much as I did about Bonnie but they were sweet children and I was glad to have brought them all together. I didn't intend to get close to them but seeing them constantly with Bonnie and how sweet they were, it was hard not to care.

I can't wait for Tyler to be rid of his monster of a father. I want the prick to die so badly and I can't wait for it to finally happen which is why I didn't particularly care about finding the Gilbert device. I hope the asshole dies a painful death, he certainly deserves it. 

I needed to just speed up a few things and open the tomb tonight. As soon as it's open Kat will be on her way to Mystic Falls and then the real fun begins.

After the four of them went to school, I headed to the Grill. After ordering myself a cup of coffee I settled by the window and waited for Damon to show up. I waited for two hours, well I was reading a book, so I wasn't just staring out the window like a creep, and low and behold the one and only finally walked in. I could see him eyeing me with a smirk and I did my best not to cringe.


Wordcount: 2300
