You'll be okay... I hope.

Andy's POV

Juliet and I sit outside with the phone by our side to see if Lainey comes home or if they call us saying that they found her. It has been hell knowing that our daughter that we loved more than anything was gone...

I saw Juliet looking at a picture on her phone of Lainey. "Come home soon baby girl." I heard Juliet whisper. Hearing her say that made my heart ache.

Juliet set her phone down by her side and stared out into the distance.

I put my arm around her and she put her head on my shoulder and let her tears fall.

A few minutes later Juliets phone started ringing. She put it to her ear and said hello.

I saw her face lighten up. She hung up the phone and turned me. "We need to go to the hospital now. They found her." Juliet said and started running to the car.

I got in the car with Juliet and I started driving as fast as I could.

~a few minutes later~

We got out of the car and ran to the front desk. "We need to see Lainey Biersack right away." I said to the woman who was sitting behind the desk.

"Okay. She is in room 209." She said and gave us permission to go.

We got to her room and a nurse opened up the locked door for us and we walked in and saw her.

Her face was pale, her eyes were barely open and she had a bandage around her neck.

Juliet and I ran to her side. "Mom? Dad?" I heard her say in a really quiet voice.

"Yeah Lainey. It's us." Juliet said and kissed Lainey on her cheek and I did the same. Juliet and I sat on different sides of Lainey and held her hand as she started to fall asleep.

I held onto her hand as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of beeping machines.

A woke up a few hours later to a loud and continuous beep sound. I looked up at Laineys heart monitor and saw that the lines had gone flat. Her heart had stopped beating. She was dead.

I woke up Juliet and ran out in to the hall and yelled for help.

A doctor rushed in with nurses and addressed the situation. "Sir, we're going to need you and your wife to step out of the room." She said.

"No. She's my fucking daughter!" I yelled to her and tried to push her out of the way. She yelled for security and a man pushed me and a screaming Juliet out and locked the door so we couldn't get back in.

Juliet started screaming for Lainey and crying. I fell to my knees and put my head in my arms.

"No. No. No. This can't be happening." I said. Juliet fell to the floor next to me and I held her in my arms as we sobbed.

My daughter is probably dead in there and there is nothing I can do.


I am so sorry for the sad chapter! Please let me know what you think will happen!

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