Welcome home Aubrey.

Lainey's POV

Today is finally the day Aubrey gets to come home. She's been in the hospital for almost a week now and I've been staying with her the whole time. My parents don't know that she is coming home so Bailey is going to pick us up and bring us to their house so we can suprise them.

I heard a knock on my hospial room door and opened it to Bailey. "Hi Bailey." I said and hugged her.

"Hey girlie." She said and hugged me back. We let go of each other and walked over to where Aubrey was. "I swear to god she is the cutest baby ever." Bailey said.

"Yeah. She is. I'm thankful she doesn't look too much like Aaron." I said looking down at her.

"She looks nothing like Aaron now that I think about it." She said and softly brushed her hand over Aubrey's cheek. "Well. We should get going." She said. "And I have her carseat in my car already so we're good to go."

I nodded and picked Aubrey up and put her in her stroller that used to be Rowans and buckled her up.

"Ready?" Bailey asked.

"Yep. Let's go." I said and started pushing the stroller out of the room.

Bailey checked both of us out and then we went outside to the car. Bailey unlocked it and put Aubrey in it for me. I sat in the back of the car next to her and Bailey started driving out of the hospital parking lot. We sang a bunch of random songs that were on Baileys iPod on the way there and Aubrey would giggle when we sang.

We got to my house a little while later and got out of the car and put Aubrey in her stroller. We went up to the door and Bailey opened it for me and the baby. My dad and my uncles were sitting on the floor of the living room working on songs for their new album. My dad noticed me and walked up to me and my uncles did too.

"I thought you guys were coming home next week!" My dad said and held the door open so I could push the stroller in.

"We got to come home early." I said and pushed the stroller the rest of the way in the house.

"We have a suprise for you." Jake said.

"What kind of suprise would that be?" I asked and picked Aubrey up out of her stroller.

"Come on. We'll show you." My dad said. "Follow me." He said and I started following him up the stairs with Aubrey in my arms. I followed him to the extra room that we don't use. He opened the door and I saw the suprise. A nursery. It was so cute and it had everything I needed in it.

"Oh my god. It's awesome dad! I love it!" I said to him.

"Don't forget to thank your uncles. They helped too." He said.

"Thank you guys so much. This is amazing." I said and gave each one of them a side hug since I was holding Aubrey.

"Your welcome. We all love you so much and you and Aubrey both deserve a little suprise nursery." Jinxx said.

"I love you guys too." I said and smiled. I put a tired Aubrey in her new crib and she fell asleep.

My dad and the guys went back downstairs to work on their album and Bailey and I stayed in the nursery just quietly talking and taking pictures of the nursery.

My mom and Rowan walked in a little while after my dad and the guys went downstairs. "I thought you weren't coming home for another week." She said and smiled.

"Well now I'm back. And I brought a little person with me." I said looking over at the crib where Aubrey was. "Where were you? I got here like an hour ago." I said to her and picked up Rowan who was trying to hug me but was too short.

"Rowan and I were getting stuff for the baby shower that is going to be tomorrow." She said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot the baby shower was tomorrow." I said.

"Well don't worry. We have everything ready for it. So all you need to do is bring the baby and be there." She said.

I kissed Rowan on the cheek and set him down then gave my mom a hug.

I went back over to Bailey and sat by her. We sat there for a while just talking about what's going on in life. Aubrey started to get a little fussy so I took her out of her crib and started to feed her. After I was done feeding her I pulled my shirt back down and handed her over to Bailey who rocked her back to sleep.

My mom made dinner and Bailey and I ate and then we watched a movie while Aubrey was asleep.

Bailey spent the night at my house and Aubrey didn't wake up at all at night so we slept good. Bailey sleeping over reminded me of all the slumber parties we had when we were younger. I remember our slumber parties were always the best.


Listening to: Duality by Slipknot. It's a really good song. You should check it out >>>>>>

Aubreys nursery >>>>>>

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