Aubrey Willow Biersack

Laineys POV.

"Ready. Push!" I heard and pushed as hard as I could while squeezing my dads hand. I cried in pain as I pushed harder.

"It's okay baby. Just push as hard as you fucking can and this will be over." My dad said. The doctor told me to push again and I did.

"One more big push and she will be here." The doctor said.

"Come on Lainey. I know you can do this." My dad said and kissed my head. I pushed as hard as I could and then heard the worst sound ever. Silence. My baby wasn't crying. Which meant... Oh no.

I was just about to scream for my baby but then I heard her cries. She is alive. I smiled and the doctor held my beautiful baby girl in front of me. I sat up to get a better look at her but just before I was about to ask if I could hold her the doctor brought her to the other side of the room and put her on a little bed. A bunch of nurses surrounded her hooking machines to her and giving her shots.

"Is she okay?" I asked the doctor who was standing next to me filling out papers.

"She is okay but we are just giving her some medications because of how early she is. She will most likely be okay though." He said. I nodded and turned to my dad.

"You did it Angel." He said and kissed my head.

"We're so proud of you Lainey bear." My mom said.

A nurse walked up to me with my little baby in her arms. She handed the baby to me and I held her in my arms. "Hey sweetheart." I whispered to her. "I'm your mommy and I love you so much and you're going to have an amazing life." I kissed her head and looked at my parents. "Which one of you guys wants to hold her first?" I asked them. My mom picked her up out of  my arms and held her for a little bit and then my dad held her. "Tell everyone to come in. I want to tell everyone her name." I said. My dad walked out of the room to get everyone.

He came back with everybody who came following him. Bailey, Jay, CC, Lauren, Jake, Jinxx, Cara, Ella, Ashley,Rowan and Jessica came. They all looked at the baby and thought she was adorable. "What's her name?" CC asked.

"Aubrey Willow." I said.

"She is the most beautiful baby ever." Jay said. I thanked him and kissed him.

Rowan being the second smallest person in the room was jumping so he could try to get a better look at Aubrey. My dad picked him up and set him on the bed.

"This is your niece. You're an uncle now." I said to Rowan. He smiled and looked at Aubrey. "Bailey. I want you to hold her first." I said to her.

"You want me to go first?" She asked.

"Of  course! You're her god mother." I said and handed Aubrey over to her. Bailey smiled and kissed Aubreys head as she held her. I could tell Bailey was more than happy to be her god mother. My best friend deserved every bit of happiness she got from that. Bailey was always there for me and I was there for her and I have no idea what my life would be like without her.

Next Jay held her. He rocked her back in forth in his arms. They looked so cute together. I could see him being a father figure for her. He would be an amazing dad.

Everybody got a chance to hold her then they left a while later. My parents had to bring Rowan home to go to bed so for the rest of the night it was just me and Aubrey Willow Biersack. The thought of finally being a mother made me so happy. I fell asleep in the hospital bed with my beautiful daughter Aubrey on my mind.


The baby has finally been born! ^_^

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