The Hospital

Laineys POV

I woke up 5 minutes ago with a really bad headache. I don't know where I am. I just know that I'm not at home. It took me a few seconds to realize that I'm in a hospital. Why am I here? I suddenly remembered everything that happened. My father. The coffee shop. Andy. I sat up in my bed. Had the part where Andy saved me just been a dream? I don't even know. I heard my door open. When I looked to see who it was I realised that Andy saving my life was not a dream. He was there. Standing in the doorway. Looking at me. He walked over to me.

"Hey Lainey." He said and sat down by my bed. This is either the best moment of my life or a really awesome dream.

"Hi." I said quietly. "How long have I been sleeping?" I asked.

"Just a few hours." He told me.

"What have you been doing this whole time while I was sleeping?" I asked.

"Well. I starting working on some song idea's." I just remembered that bvb' s new album was coming out in a few months. "We're almost done with the album." He said.

"So anyways. Now that you're awake I have some questions for you." He said.

"Go ahead. Ask away." I said. I didn't mind him asking a few questions. He didn't even know anything about me.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I am 10 almost 11."

"What's your middle name?" He asked.

"My middle name is rebel." My mom came up with my middle name.

"I like that name. Rebel." He said. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" He asked.

"Yes. I had one older brother. His name was Conner. He was the best big brother ever. After my mom died my dad started drinking a lot. He would beat my brother and I. My brother would always try to defend me. But one day he went to school and just never came back. I asked my dad what happened. He said that Conner had been in a car accident and they didn't find his body." I never really talked about Conner to anyone but I felt comfortable telling Andy. He was my hero after all.

"Wow." Was all he said. I could tell he didn't know what to say.

A couple seconds later a doctor came in.

"Hello Lainey." He said to me. "Good news is that you will be getting out of here. Bad news is that you will have to go to an adoption home. Unless you have any uncle's or aunt's or maybe grandparents." He said. I had no one. My father always kept me away from my family. Andy looked as if he were about to say something but his phone rang. He walked out of the room and answered it. "So do you have anybody?" The doctor asked.

"No." I said holding in my tears. I couldn't cry. I had already cried today and I wasn't going to cry again.

"We will send you to the adoption home later today." He said and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later Andy came back in. "That was Juliet. She was wondering where I was. She wants me home." He said. "I promise I will come visit you again." He told me. He walked over to my bed and hugged me.

"Pinkey promise you'll come again." I said and held out my Pinkey. He locked his pinkey finger with mine.

"Pinkey promise." And then he left.

Authors note: Hey! I really hoped you liked the chapter! Will Andy break the promise? Comment what you think!! Have a great day/night!!!
