
Laineys POV

Mrs. Anderson's voice came over the loud speaker. "Time for breakfast!" She said. Emily had just finished rubbing all the marker off her face and she stormed out of the room not even looking at me.

I wanted to skip breakfast but I knew that Mrs.Anderson wouldn't let me. If I skipped breakfast she might find out about my eating disorder. The last thing I wanted was to have everyone find out about it.

I got ready and left the room. I was wearing a black pierce the veil tank top, skinny jeans, and black converse.

I walked down the hall to the cafeteria. I didn't have much trouble finding it because there was a big sign that said cafeteria to the right. I walked in and sat at the nearest open spot. I brought my notebook with me because I like writing and drawing whatever is going on in my head. I set my notebook down and went over to the line of people waiting for their food.

I got my food about five minutes after I got in line. I went back over to the table and sat down, opened my notebook, and started writing down whatever came to mind.

I ended up drawing the BVB symbol. I was so zoned out at my paper that I didn't even realise that someone sat down across from me. "Cool drawing."I heard a male voice say across from me.

"Thanks." I said shyly. The boy had black hair, green eyes, and a perfect smile. "I'm Aaron." He said.

"I'm Lainey." I said to him. "I like the name. You like black veil brides?" He said/asked me. "Yeah. I love them." I said to him. I decided not to tell him about Andy saving my life because he would never believe me. "That's cool. I do too." He said.

Aaron and I talked for the whole time. I learned a lot of stuff about him. That he was 11 years old, he loved all the band's that I loved, and that he was Mrs. Anderson's grandson. Aaron lived with his parents but came to the adoption home sometimes just for fun.

After breakfast they let us all outside so we could hang out for a little bit. Aaron and I sat on the swings talking to each other while all the other kids played basketball or something.

"Who do you share a room with?" He asked me out of nowhere. "Emily." I said. "I feel bad for you." He said and chuckled a little bit. "How do you know Emily?" I asked him. "I met her when she came here last month. She can be a bitch sometimes." He said. "She really can." I said. Emily really is a pain. "Well, she won't be here for much longer because they found Emily's older sister, and she is going to take her." He said. "That's awesome! No more Emily!" I said and we both laughed.

We just sat there talking until our morning recess was over. I really liked Aaron. He was super sweet.

At the end of the day after dinner Aaron had to go home. His parents were waiting outside in their car. "Bye Lainey." Aaron said. "Bye Aaron." I said back to him. He started to walk out the door but then he quickly turned back around and hugged me. I hugged him back. He pulled away from me, smiled and then ran out to his car.

I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed. I noticed that Emily had thrown away all my markers. Emily was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I just plugged my headphones into my iPod and let the song, lost it all, by black veil brides, sing me to sleep.

I had found an awesome friend today. I said in my head and then slowly dozed off to sleep.

Author's note: Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter!! If you did please leave me a comment and a vote! Have a wonderful day!
