I'm so sorry.

Andy's POV

I woke up the next day on the couch. Juliet and I had a fight about something last night. I don't remember what we were fighting about though. I was going to propose to her that night but then we got in that stupid fight that I barely remember.

I got up and started walking upstairs to our room so I could apologise to Juliet.

I was about to knock on the door but then I looked over at Laineys room. The door was all the way open and her bed was empty.

I ran to her room and looked all around. She wasn't in there. Oh shit. She must have heard us fighting.

I went back downstairs to she if she was there. I couldn't find her anywhere. I sat down at the table and tried to think. I saw a piece of paper on the table. I picked it up and read it. It said:

Dear mom and dad. No, I'm not dead if that's what you were wondering. I heard you guys fighting and it brought back really bad memories for me so I called Ashley and he said that I could stay at his place so... Yeah. I'm at uncle Ashleys if you need me.


Fuck. She heard us fighting. We didn't even hear her walk in last night.

I got a text from Ashley a few minutes later. He sent a picture of her asleep on the floor. The text said, don't worry about anything Andy, she's safe.

I set my phone down and went upstairs.

I got upstairs and knocked on the door. Juliet opened it a few seconds later. Her makeup was all messed up and running down her face because she had been crying.

"Juliet. I'm so sorry. That fight that we had last night, it meant nothing to me. Juliet you mean the world to me and I love you so fucking much. Last night was supposed to be special but it was ruined by a shitty fight." I said. I pulled her into my arms and she held onto me tightly.

I couldn't wait any longer. I had to ask her the question. I let go of her and grabbed the small box out of my pocket. "Juliet. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be with you forever and never fight again." I knelt down and opened the box. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

She started to cry again. She nodded her hand and I placed the ring on her finger. She looked at the ring. It had a black diamond in the middle and two small clear diamonds around it.

"It's so pretty Andy!" She said and kissed me. She looked over to Laineys room. "Did she hear us last night?" She asked.

"Yeah. She called Ashley and he picked her up. She left a note downstairs." I said and I gave her the note.

"Oh my God. I didn't even hear her come in last night. I'm going to call her." She said and took her phone out of her pocket.

She called Lainey and put it on speaker phone. "Hello?" She sounded tired.

"Hey sweety." Juliet said.

"Hey mom." She said.

We told her that we were sorry and we also told her the good news. She seemed really excited. Lainey told us that Ashleys niece Bailey was there and that she was really cool. We said that we would pick her up in a few hours so she could hang out with Bailey for a little bit.

We hung up the phone and sat down on the bed. Juliet looked down at the ring. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too."


Author's note: aww. I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting XD

