Baby shower

Laineys POV

"Come on Jay. We're not going to wait forever." Bailey said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Hold on Bailey. I'm almost done with my hair." Jay said. He'd been in there forever getting ready for the baby shower that we had to get to in ten minutes.

"Jay if you don't hurry up I'm going to take a knife to your throat." Bailey said jokingly.

Jay opened up the door and swooped his freshly dyed green hair. "Geez. Well it's not the first time Bailey has thretened to kill me." Jay said to me. I chuckled and went in the bathroom with Bailey so we could fix our hair before we left.

I grabbed Aubrey out of her crib and got her ready. I put her in a black dress with a pink ribbon around the waist and little pink flowers on the bottom of the skirt part. She looked fucking adorable.

Jay brought Aubrey to the car and put her in her carseat and Bailey and I got in the back with her and Jay started driving.

*skipping the damn boring car ride*

When we got to the place where my mom set up the shower I got out of the car and carried Aubrey in her little baby carrier into the venue.

When I walked in I saw that the only people that were there were my mom, my dad, and Rowan. I looked at the time and saw that we were ten minutes early. My mom and dad were setting up the last of the tables and chairs and Rowan was sitting on the floor playing with his toy cars.

"You guys are here early." My dad said and walked over to me. He gave me a side hug since I was holding Aubrey and he kissed my forehead.

"Yep. I guess we didn't relise we got here this early." I said to him.

"Baiwey!" Rowan yelled because she snuck up behind him and started tickeling him. Rowan absolutely loves Bailey. It's so cute. Rowan was dying from laughter as she ticked him. She picked him up and walked back over to Jay, my dad, and I.

"Hi Aubwey." Rowan said when he noticed her in my arms.

I picked up Aubrey's hand and made her wave to Rowan. He chuckled and laid his head on Baileys shoulder.

People started coming in and meeting Aubrey. She was all happy and giggly the whole time. Baileys boyfriend came and met Aubrey and Baileys sister who I had never met came. I found out that her name was Lisa and that she was twenty- three years old. She was really cool.

"It was so cool meeting you Lisa. Bailey never told me she had a sister. Well anywa-" My sentence was cut off by Aubrey starting to cry. "Uh oh. Someone needs a change." I said.

"It's okay babe. I got it." Jay said and took her out of my arms.

"Thanks babe." I said. He kissed my cheek and walked away with Aubrey. Jay has only known Aubrey for a little while but they seemed to be getting along great. He is already like a dad to her.

The rest of the night was full of craziness and fun. I got so many cute gifts from everyone. One of my top favorite gifts was a little onsie that said 'mini purdy girl'. I bet you can't guess who gave that one to me.

At the end of the night Aubrey had fallen asleep in my arms and I was really tired. "Lainey, I want to show you something." My dad who was sitting across from me said.

"What would that be daddy?" I asked him.

He stood up and walked over to me. He lifted up his shirt and showed me a tattoo on the left side of his ribcage that looked fresh.

It was a bunch of names making up a heart. The names that were on there were; Lainey, Juliet, Rowan, and Aubrey and in the middle it said forever. It was a small tattoo but it was so cute. "I got it the day after Aubrey was born. Do you like it?" He asked.

"Like it? I love it! It's so cool daddy!" I said.

He smiled and pulled his shirt down and kissed me on the head. "I'm glad you like it princess." He said.

When the night was over I put Aubrey in the car and said goodbye to everyone. "Bye mommy." I said and hugged her. "Bye daddy." I said and hugged him. "And bye Rowan." I said and picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I set him back down and got in the car with Aubrey, Bailey, and Jay.

Jay drove us to his place and I put Aubrey to bed in the crib I had at his house and then Bailey, Jay, and I fell asleep on the floor of his bedroom.


I didn't really know what to put in the baby shower chapter so I'm sorry if it's kinda shitty.

Listening to: Kissing in Cars by Pierce the Veil >>>>>>

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