
Laineys POV

"Bye Jade!" I said. "Bye Lainey!" She yelled and her mom started driving her home. I spent the entire day at Jades house and it was really fun. They had just dropped me off at my house and left. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 8:55 pm. I better go in and get ready for bed.

I unlocked the door and walked in. The first thing I heard when I got in was Andy and Juliet upstairs. Yelling at each other. They never fight. Why we're they fighting now?

I slowly went upstairs and into my room. They didn't notice me. They didn't even notice that I was home.

I tried to tune it out by shutting my door, plugging my ears, and listening to music but nothing would work. I don't want to stay here tonight. Hearing them fight brings back bad memories for me.

I pulled out my phone and called Jade so I could see if I could stay at her house. She didn't answer her phone. Fuck.

I looked through my contacts list. I decided to call Ashley. I dialed his number and hoped that he would pick up his phone.

After a few seconds he picked up his phone. "Hey Lainey." He said.

"Hi uncle Ashley... I was wondering if I could stay at your place tonight." I said.

"Sure. If it's okay with your parents. Is there a certain reason you want to stay with me tonight?" He sounded concerned.

"No. Uh I mean yes. I'll just explain it to you later okay?" I said. I didn't want to tell him about the whole Andy and Juliet thing right at that moment.

"Okay. I'll be over in ten minutes. Oh and my niece Bailey is here so... Yeah. I'll be over in a few minutes." He said and then hung up the phone.

I didn't even know Ashley had a niece. I'm excited to meet her though.

I grabbed a notebook that was under my bed so I could write a note to my parents saying that I was going to be staying with Ashley for the night.

Ashley texted a few minutes later saying that he was here. I went downstairs and put the note on the table and then ran outside.

"Hi uncle Ashley." I said and I buckled my seat belt.

"Hey Lainey. Now can you tell me why you wanted to stay with my tonight?" He asked and started driving.

"My parents were fighting."

~skipping the rest of the car ride~

We got to Ashleys house and he unlocked the door and walked in with me. Right away when I walked in a saw a girl with black hair and dark blue eyes.

"Lainey this is Bailey. Bailey this is Lainey." Ashley said. We both said hi to each other and I sat down next to her.

Ashley showed us the room that we would be staying in. It was a somewhat big room that had a lounge chair, a pull out couch, and a flat screen tv.

Bailey and I ended up talking for a while and then we watched batman. Bailey was really nice. She was a really cool person.

Batman was over a little while later and Bailey and I were bored and then she came up with an awesome idea. "We should play a prank on Ashley." She said.

"Oh my God that would be so funny. What should we do?" I asked.

"Come on. I have an idea." She said. We went to the living room and saw Ashley asleep on the couch.

We got markers and whipped cream. We drew random stuff on his face and sprayed whipped cream all over him.

He woke up and rubbed his face and he felt the whipped cream. "Oh God." He said and he ran to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. "What did you guys do to me?!" He yelled. We just laughed.

A little while later he got all the stuff off of his face. "I'll get revenge on you two." He said and we went in his room and shut the door.

Bailey and i talked for a while then we both ended up falling asleep in different parts of the room. Bailey is so awesome. I'm glad I didn't have to hear my parents fight.
