Getting out of one place and going to another

Laineys POV

I woke up in the shitty hospital bed feeling better. I heard people talking outside my door. I didn't know who it was. The doctor walked in my room. "Good morning Lainey. Did you sleep good?" He asked. "Yeah." I said lying. I did not sleep good. There were a lot of beeping machines around me and my bed felt like a rock. "That's good. There's someone here to see you." He said. 'Andy! He came back!' I said in my thoughts. I waited all night to see him again. But the person who came in the door was not Andy. It was a woman with gray hair in a bun, a blue shirt with a brown jacket over it, and a long brown pencil skirt. I had no clue who she was.

"Lainey, this is Mrs. Anderson. She is the boss of the adoption home that your going to go to." The doctor said. She held out her hand out to me. I shook it. "Nice to meet you Lainey." She said. "Nice to meet you too." I said trying to be as polite as I could. "We are going to drive to your house and get some of your house, in case you were wondering." She said. "I already signed you out of here so whenever you're ready we can go." She said. I nodded my head. I wanted to get out of here but I didn't want to go to an adoption home. Her and the doctor left the room.

A little while a nurse brought me my breakfast. I thanked her and she left the room. I set the food tray next to me. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. I didn't eat last night either. I just wasn't hungry I guess. I got out of the bed and put my clothes on. It was the same outfit I wore yesterday but I didn't care. When I finished putting my outfit on I sat back down on my bed and waited for Mrs. Anderson. I also was hoping that Andy would come. I had a strong feeling that he wasn't coming. He seems like a busy guy... so why would he have time for me? I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled hoping that it would be Andy. It wasn't... of course. It was Mrs. Anderson. "Ready to go?" She asked me. I nodded. I wanted to stay and wait for Andy for just a little while longer, but I knew I had to go. I stood up grabbed my iPod and walked out with Mrs. Anderson. Then we got in her car and left.

We got to my house a few minutes later. I got out of the car and walked to the door. To be honest. I never wanted to see this place again. I opened the locked door with the key that my dad hid in the mailbox. I went in and went to my room. I got a suitcase and got some clothes. My shirts were mostly band shirts, and my pants were mostly ripped skinny jeans. I started walking out. I stopped by my brother's room really quick. I missed him so much. He was the best big brother ever. I walked in his room. I just wanted to grab something of his so I could always remind myself of him. I found a notebook. I looked at the first page. It had a picture of him and I on it. I looked really young. I skimmed through the pictures and saw that they all had pictures on them. I took the notebook and one of his favorite t-shirts. I looked at his room one last time and then I got in Mrs. Anderson's car and we left.

We got to the adoption center a half hour later. Mrs. Anderson and I got out of the car and she grabbed my suit case, and started walking in the adoption center. I followd behind her. I was listening to Helena by My chemical romance on my iPod. She held the door open for me and I walked in. When I first walked in I was greeted by a man that worked at the ground desk. Mrs. Anderson and I started walking down a hallway with a lot of doors. She stopped in front of a room with the number 302 on it. She opened the door. There were two beds. One of the beds had someone's stuff on it but nobody was there. On the wall above the bed with the person's stuff on it there were poster's of Justin Bieber and One direction. Yuck. "You will be sharing a room with Emily. She is very sweet. She is outside right now but she will be back in in about ten minutes. You can put your clothes and stuff in there." She said and pointed at a closet in the corner of the room. I put my stuff in the closet. "Well I guess I should give you the tour of the place." She said. "Okay. Sure." I said. I walked out of the room following her.

I had one of my earbuds in and the other out so I could listen to music and hear her talk about the place. I think I was a little more focused on the music though. I was listening to Bulls in the bronx by pierce the veil. She showed me all the rooms and I met a few people who worked there. The tour of the place lasted for about 20 minutes. When it was done Mrs. Anderson told me to go back to my room and unpack my stuff. I went to the room and opened the door I saw a girl with blonde hair, and green eyes. She was wearing a lot of bright pink and blue makeup. She was wearing a One direction shirt and pink Jean shorts. She was playing loud music though her little speakers that had her iPod plugged into it. When she saw me paused her Justin Bieber music. "Hi!" She said. "Hey." I said back to her and I walked in all the way and shut the door. "I'm Emily." She said. "Lainey." I said. I starting unpacking my bags. "Do you need help unpacking?" She asked me. "No. I'm fine." I said and I continued. "Okay!" She said and turned her music back on. I could barely stand it. Her mainstream pop music just sounded so fake and autotuned. It was annoying as hell. I had some posters with me. I put them up. I had a Black veil brides and of mice and men poster. I put both of them up. "Who the heck are those people?" She asked in a bitchey voice. "Two of my favorite bands." I said and sat down on my bed. "They look weird, and why do they all have a million tattoos." She said looking at the posters. "They don't look weird. They look awesome. And their tattoos are super cool." I said not looking at her. "I bet their emo music sounds like crap." She mumbled.

I have fucking had it.

I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. And my anger issues didn't help. "You wanna know something you little bitch? The music I listen too is way better than the shitty mainstream crap you listen to." She was just about to say something when a voice came over a loud speaker saying that it was time for dinner. Emily stomped out of the room. She looked really pissed off, but I didn't care. I plugged my my charger into my iPod. I wasn't hungry at all. I hadn't had anything to eat today but I was fine. I wanted to listen to music so I unplugged my iPod and put it on shuffle. The first song that came on was sweet blasphemy by black veil brides. I listened to the song and sang along with the lyrics since I was the only one in the room. Nobody even noticed that I wasn't at dinner. Until somebody knocked on my door.

I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Mrs. Anderson. "Why aren't you at dinner Lainey?" She asked me. "I am not hungry, and I'm really tired." I told her. "Are you sure that you're not hungry?" I she asked me. "Yes ma'am. I'm sure. I just want to go to sleep. I am really tired." I said. "Okay. Well if you get hungry there will be leftovers in the kitchen. All the kids are going outside for an hour. We will be in by 8." She told me. I nodded my head. I closed the door and laid back down on the bed. I got my iPod and plugged my headphones in. I put my music back on shuffle. The morticains daughter came on. I knew Andy wasn't coming back to see me, but I still thought about it. I listened to the song as Andy's beautiful voice sang me to sleep.

Author's note: Hey everyone! I really hope you liked this chapter!! Will Andy come back? Cliffhanger XD. Please comment and vote!! Have an awesome day!
