I'll always love you

Andy's POV.

I went downstairs to go talk to Juliet when I saw a guy standing by the door. "Umm... Hi." I said making my way towards him.

"Hey." He said running a hand threw his hair.

"You a friend of Lainey's?" I asked.

"Brother." He said correcting me. "Yeah I bet you are really confused." He said. He explained the whole story about how he's not dead and how Lainey is really pissed.

"I can go talk to her if you want." I said after he finished his story.

"Yeah." He said. I nodded and went to Lainey's room. "Lainey?" I asked and knocked on her door.

She came to the door with makeup running down her face. "What?" She asked and rubbed her face with the back of her hand.

"We should talk about this whole thing with your brother." I said. She nodded and sat on her bed. I sat next to her and started talking to her.

"I'm just really pissed that Conner didn't take me. I would have had a way happier childhood if he would have taken me with him." She said.

"Well I do have to admit that it's a little selfish that he didn't take you but he's your brother. You have to forgive him. And just think if he brought you with him we may have never met." I said to her.

"You're right. I guess I overreacted a little bit." She said and stood up. I also stood up. I kissed her head and she went downstairs to go apologize.

Lainey's POV

I walked downstairs and saw my brother about to step out of the door and leave. "Wait!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He said and stepped back in the house.

I ran into his arms and latched onto him. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"No I'm sorry, Lainey. I should have taken you with me. I'm really really sorry." He said.

I didn't say anything back. I just stood there hugging Conner. I didn't relise how much it hurt not having him.

We spent the rest of the day together. He met Aubrey and held her for a while. He also met Rowan. Rowan thought it was cool that he had a brother that wasn't actually his brother. I found out that Conner has a wife named Erin and they are going to be having twins. It took us a while to get all caught up on each others lives but we did it.

"Bye." Conner said and hugged me when it was time for him to go.

"Bye bye." I said and he let go of me. He smiled and went out to his car and drove away. It was pretty late so I just went up to my room and went to sleep. I'm glad I got to be with my brother. I fell asleep and felt the pain of missing Conner lift off of me.


I'm sorry that this chapter is short! Pwease forgive me!

Listening to: New Years Day by Black Veil Brides.

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-Reese Marie
