The first day

Laineys POV

I woke up to the sound of my beeping alarm clock. I turned it off and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast and my dad playing with puddles.

"Hey mom. Hi dad." I said and yawned. I streched and sat down at the table and pulled out my phone.

"Morning princess." My dad said.

"How'd you sleep angel?" My mom asked and set a small plate of eggs and strawberries in front of me.

"I slept fine." I said and started eating.

"Do you have everything ready for today?" My dad asked and set puddles back down on the floor.

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous too." I said not looking up from my plate.

"Well don't be. Everything will go fine." He said and kissed me on the head.

I smiled and got out of my chair and put my plate with the food I didn't eat on it in the kitchen and went upstairs to get ready.

I got ready and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. What if people make fun of me? Or what if I do something idiotic and make a complete fool out of myself? I tried to clear those thoughts out of my head but it didn't work. I had a strange feeling making me think that something was going to go wrong. I just tried to forget about it and walked downstairs and got my backpack full of all the stuff I needed.

I heard a car honk outside. I looked out the window and saw that it was Ashley and Bailey.

I said goodbye to my parents and ran outside to the car.

"Hey uncle Ash. Hey Bailey." I said when I got in. They both said hi back to me and Ashley started driving.

We got to the school a few minutes later and Bailey and I got out of the car and started walking up the stairs to the school.

"I'm nervous Bailey." I said and looked at the large doors in front of me.

"Don't be, Lainey. Just be yourself and don't hang out with the wrong people. Everything will go just fine. Trust me." She said and smiled. I nodded my head and we walked into the doors.

I saw a desk and behind the desk were rows and rows of lockers.

I got my locker number and was thankful thy mine was right next to Bailey's.

Bailey's first class was science and mine was math so we had to go our separate ways which sucked.

I walked in to the room and sat down at the last open desk. Right away people were staring at me at whispering.

The whispering stopped when a tall woman with blonde hair walked in and told everyone to be quiet.

"In case you guys haven't noticed yet we have a new student." She said and told me to stand up.

"This is Elaine everyone. Try to make her feel welcomed. Okay? Okay." She said and I sat down. I found out that her name was Ms. Stevens by the name tag she had clipped to her shirt.

For almost the whole class I saw people staring at me and laughing and it was really pissing me off.

The bell rung and I ran out of the class as fast as I could trying not to be noticed.

I felt a piece of paper on my back and I ripped it off and saw what it said. It said 'emo' which really didn't offend me too much but it still made me mad.

I walked to my locker and saw two boys standing in front of my locker writing stuff on it and taping signs on it.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked with obvious anger in my voice. They turned around and I couldn't believe who the one on the right was.

"Aaron?" I asked and walked closer to my locker.

"Yes, Lainey?" He said with a stupid grin across his face. I looked at all the signs and words on the locker. 'Emo', 'whore', and 'ugly bitch' were just a few of the words. I felt anger bubble up inside me. I went in to punch him but he punched me before I could.

He threw a few more punches at me pinned me up against a locker. I saw Bailey run towards me and push Aaron away from me. "You really shouldnt have done that..." He said to Bailey.

I wanted to run to her and try to help her but Aarons friend was holding me back. Aaron pushed Bailey and pinned her to the floor. She struggled to get him off of her but nothing would work. She kept struggling and she finally got him off of her but before she could run to me Aaron punched her hard. I screamed as I watched her head hit the ground. Aarons friend let me go and ran off with him.

I ran to Bailey. Her eyes were closed. She wasn't moving but thankfully she was still breathing. "Bailey! Bailey please wake up!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

Ms. Stevens saw Bailey on the floor and started calling 911. More and more people started gathering around us.

"No Bailey. Please come back." I cried as a paramedic lifted her limp body up and set her on a stretcher.

I cried and cried as they put her into an abulence and started driving to the hospital.

It was only my first day here and I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.


Don't worry! Bailey is not dead! I would never do something like that to her!!! @hellopurdybatandy66 I'm so sorry I had to do this to your character!

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