Telling my parents.

Laineys POV.

"Bye Jay." I said and hugged him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with?" He asked me.

"I'm sure. I need to tell my parents on my own and that's how it is." I said and kissed him.

Bailey told me that she would give me a ride to my house so I went outside and hopped in her car.

Bailey got in and started the car and then we started making our way to my house. "How are you going to tell them?" Bailey asked.

"My dad is on tour so for now I'm just going to say it to my mom and hope she dosen't freak out. But I know that she will." I said to her.

Bailey stopped her car in front of my house. "Bye Lainey." She said and hugged me.

"Bye Bailey." I said and hugged her back.

"Call me after you tell her. Okay?" She said.

"I will." I said and hugged her again. I got out of the car and walked to the door of my house. When I opened the door Rowan saw me and ran up to me.

"Wainey!" He yelled. He says his L's like W's since he's only three. I picked him up and kissed him on the cheek trying to look happy so he wouldn't notice that I was sad.

"Hey little man." I said and set him down.

My mom came out of the kitchen. "Hey Lainey." She said and smiled.

"Hi mommy." I said to her. "Mom. I need to talk to you. Alone." I said to her.

"Okay..." She said to me. "Can you please go upstairs and play Rowan? Your sister wants to talk to me." She said to Rowan. Rowan picked up his toy car and crawled upstairs to his room. My mom and I went into the kitchen to talk.

"What's going on Lainey?" She asked me.

"Well. I'm. I'm pregnant." I said holding tons of tears back.

"What?! Oh I'm going to teach Jay a little lesson." She said angerly.

"No. No mom. Just listen. Jay and I went to a party a few days ago and I was.. Raped." I said and then let the tears go. "I was raped by Aaron!" I said and cryed harder.

"Oh my God. I'm calling the police right now." She said and got her phone out of he pocket.

"No mom please don't! I don't want Aaron to hurt me or any of us! He said he would if I told someone about it!" I pleaded to her.

"No Lainey. I'm calling the police and theyre going to arrest Aaron. He raped you for heavens sake and to top it all off your pregnant. Rape isn't a joke Lainey. We need to call the police." She said and dialed the number into her phone. All I could do was watch her.

She told them what had happened and then hung up. She wrapped me in her arms and held on to me. "Shh. Shh. Everything is going to be okay." She said.

"Mommy what am I going to do?" I cried to her.

"I don't know baby but for now we're going to focase on getting Aaron arrested." She said. She let go of me and said that she was going to call dad before the cops get to the house. My dad is all the way in England right now touring.

When she finished talking to him she handed the phone to me. My dad and I talked until the police got to the house. He kept asking me if I was okay and saying that he's going to come home early.

The police knocked on the door and my mom answered it.

They came in and started asking me questions and making me take another pregnancy test for proof. They saw that it was positive and asked for Aarons adress. I gave to to them and they left to go arrest him.

When they left I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I grabbed a small blade that I had hidden in my room. I put the blade to my skin and slowly started cutting my wrist. Someone knocked on the door. "I don't want to talk right now mom!" I yelled thinking it was her.

"W- Wainey?" I heard my brothers voice say from behind the door. I hid the blade under my bed and wiped the blood off my arm. I opened the door and saw Rowan crying.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked him and picked him up in my arms.

"There was a big scawy powice man tawking to you and mommy and I was scawed." He said in his little cute voice as he cried.

"It's okay Rowan. The big scary police man is gone." I said and kissed his head while I held him in my arms. "I know what would make you feel better. Some candy." I said. His eyes lightened up and he smiled.

"Yay!" He said. I set him down on my bed and pulled out a box of candy I had from Halloween a month ago.

I set the box on the bed and opened it. "You can have any piece you want." I said. He started looking through the candy but then he stopped and looked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked down at my arm.

"You have boo boos on your arm." He said looking at the cuts.

"Oh. These boo boos don't hurt. They're fine." I said to him lying.

"All boo boos hurt though. I'll be wight back." He said and hopped off his bed and ran to his room. He came back a few minuets later with a box of spongebob bandages. "These will make you feel better." He said and grabbed one with patrick on it. "Patwick is my favorite." He said and unwrapped the bandage and put it on my cuts.

I was on the verge of tears. That was so cute. "Thank you buddy. I love you." I said and picked him up and set him on my lap.

"I wove you too." He said and kissed my cheek. He grabbed a bag of skittles out of my candy box and went back to his room. I love Rowan. He's the best little brother ever.

I called Bailey because I promised her that I would and we talked for a while. I told her about the cute thing Rowan did and she thought it was adorable.

I spent the rest of the day talking to Bailey and texting Jay. At ten at night Rowan came in my room and said he had a nightmare. I told him that he could sleep in my bed for the night and we both fell asleep snuggled together.


Ta da! New chapter done! I really hope you guys liked it especially you Bailey boo ^_^

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