I don't want to go home

Lainey's POV

'I don't want to go home' I think to myself as I start walking home from school. 'My dad is just going to beat me for not getting a good report card'. As I am walking home my best friend Jade runs up to me.

"Hey Lainey." She says as she runs up to me.

"Hi." I say not looking at her.

"Sweet shirt." she says and I look down at it. I am wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt that has Andy Biersack on it.

"Thanks." I say and I fake a smile. It's hard to smile when you know that you will be beat when you get home. Jade and I both love BVB. We wear our BVB merch all the time.

"Well I gotta go." I say and I look up at Jade.

"Okie dokie. See ya tomarrow Lainey!" She says and she hugs me. She starts running towards her house and I start running towards mine.

I walk up to my house and go up the steps to my door. I don't want to go in but I know I have to. I take a deep breath and walk in.

As soon as I walk in I see my dad sitting on the couch watching T.V. I start walking up the stairs hoping that he won't notice me.

"Get your ass down here now!" I hear him say and I slowly start walking back down the stairs. "Hurry the hell up!" He yells and I run down and stand by the couch. "I saw your report card. You fucked up like you always do." I look away from him.

"It wasen't that bad." I say.

"Are you kidding me?! You got a D in almost every class." He says and he stands up and knocks me over. I hit my head on the ground hard. I get up and start backing away from him. "Looks like you deserve another beating.." He says and he gets really close to my face.

I can smell the booze in his breath. He smaks me in the face and then punches my nose. I push him away and start running up the stairs. I get to my room and lock my door. He banged on my door and tryed to open it.

"You will get a really really bad beating when you come out little bitch!" He yelled and finally went back down stairs.

I wiped the blood from my face and cryed a little bit. 'I can't say here anymore' I thought to myself. I got out of my bed and got a bag and put some clothes and some money that I had in a box under my bed. I grabbed my bag and opened the window.

I jumped out and got it overwith. I landed in a bush and I started running. I didn't know where I would go but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of my fathers house. I ran for about a mile and I stopped running. I was by a busy street. There was a coffee shop next to me so I decided to go in. I went in and sat down at a small table. I put my face in my hands and cryed hoping that nobody would hear me. I felt someone put their hand on my back.

"Are you okay?' A deep voice asked. I looked up and I did not believe who was in frount of me.


Authors note: Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first chapter! If you liked it please leave me a comment telling me! If nobody starts reading it I will not make anymore chapters and update it. so please tell me if you want me to update!!!
