save me

Laineys POV

I've been here for almost three days now. Each day keeps getting worse and worse. I wonder if my mom and dad are looking for me... I hope they are.

I am being starved and beaten. What did I ever do to this guy? I don't even know who he is.

I heard him walk down the stairs and open the door. "Hello darling. Are you ready for something really special?" He said and pulled a small but sharp knife out of his pocket. "We're going to play a game and each time you lose I slit a different part of your body!" He said. I am almost one hundred percent sure that this guy is a legit sociopath.

"First question. What is my name?" He asked me right in my face. I could tell by the scent of his breath that he had been drinking. I tried mumbling through the duck tape saying that I didn't know.

"Huh? I don't know what you are saying. Well anyways your wrong!" He said and took the knife to my neck made a small slit. I screamed out of pain.

"Next question. Will your mommy and daddy ever come and save you?" When he asked that I felt tears run down my face. I actually didn't know if my parents were ever going to find me.

"Crying isn't an answer so your wrong! I win!" He said and started cutting the same place on my throat.

He was cutting so deep that I was sure I was going to die. He dropped the knife when he heard someone knock on the door. He ran upstairs and locked the basement door.

I tried screaming over and over to see if the person who was talking to him could hear me but whoever was up there obviously couldn't hear me.

I knew I was going to bleed to death so I stopped trying to scream and just sat there watching the blood from my neck drip on the floor.

I heard a loud noise from upstairs. It sounded like someone was pushed over.

A few minutes later a cop kicked the basement door open and saw me. He ran over to me and started cutting the rope off of me and taking the tape off of my mouth.

"It's okay. We have an ambulance and we're going to get you help." He said and pulled me on a stretcher and put me in an ambulance.

In the ambulance people were surrounding me and I didn't like it. I wanted my parents.

"Get the heart defibrillator. Hurry. I think we're losing her!" Was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes and faded away.


Cliff hanger! I'm so sorry I had to give you guys a cliff hanger. She might be dead or she might be alive...

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