where is she?

Andy's POV

It's been almost an hour and Lainey still isn't home. She said she was only going to be gone for fifteen minutes. I hope she's okay.

"Where's Lainey?" Juliet asked me.

"She said that she was going to be at the park for fifteen minutes but it's almost been an hour." I said worried.

"We should try calling her. She always picks up when we call." Juliet said and sat down across from me.

Juliet took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Laineys number. Juliet put the phone to her ear and waited for Lainey to answer.

But she didn't.

"She didn't answer. I think she might be in trouble." Juliet said and stood up and put her coat on.

I got up and put my coat on and we started running to the park that Lainey always goes to.

We got to the park and started looking for her. "Lainey?!" I yelled.

Juliet and I looked everywhere. We called the guys and they came to help look for her and Bailey came with.

"Andy we looked everywhere. She's not here. We need to do something instead of just searching in the exact same place." Juliet said and she started to cry.

I realised that we did look everywhere. She wasn't there. I pulled out my phone and started dialing 911. "I'm calling the police." I said to Juliet, Bailey and the guys. Bailey looked like she was about to cry so Ashley wrapped his arms around her and told her that we were going to find her.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" I heard a voice on the other end say.

"We need the police right away. My daughter is missing. Please hurry." I said in a panic.

"Okay sir I need you to calm down and give me your location." She said.

I gave her the location and she said that police are on their way.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I had lost my daughter. One minute she was in my arms and the next she was gone. I wiped my tears. I needed to stay strong for Juliet. I walked over to Juliet. She was crying so hard. I hated to see her like this so I put my arms around her and told her that everything was going to be okay.

The police got to the park and started searching for themselves and asking us questions.

They searched just as hard as we did and said that they will keep us up to date and that we could go home.

Juliet and I weren't going to go home until we knew that our daughter was safe.

We spent hours looking with the police. They had started an entire search team for her. We walked and walked until we couldn't take it anymore. They told us to go home because we looked tired. We didn't want to go but they insisted. It was two a.m. when Juliet and I got home. Instead of sleeping we stayed up almost the whole night seeing if she would come home.

Laineys POV

My vision is starting to come back but I don't like what I see. I'm in someone's basement and my head hurts like a bitch. I have to find a way out of here.

I looked around and saw that my hands were tied behind my back, my legs were tied up extremely tight, and I had a thick layer of duck tape on my mouth.

I tried to at least untie my hands but I couldn't. It was way to hard.

I started moving around a little bit to see if there was any way out. All I could see was a window locked with a padlock.

I heard someone come down the stairs and open the basement door. He looked me dead in the eyes and saw that I was awake. "It's a little late for a young girl like you to be awake. Now go back to sleep." The man said in a horrifying voice that I couldn't stand.

I shook my head and tried to scream and tell him to let me go but all it sounded like was really quiet mumbling.

"I said Go to sleep. If you don't go to sleep you might get a punishment..." He said.

I shook my head again and started crying. I wanted my parents and I wanted them now.

"You asked for it. Here's your punishment." He said and pulled a bat out of a closet. He walked up to me and held me down with his foot and started hitting me with it.

I felt more blood drain from my head and my vision start to get foggy. The man went back upstairs and left me to bleed.

I know I'm going to die. I'm going to die here.
