
Laineys POV

I got out of the car and ran into the house and my parents walked in after me. My mom set the pictures of my unborn brother on the table and sat down.

"Lainey?" My mom asked before I went to my room.

"Yeah mom?" I said and walked back down the stairs and sat down next to her.

"Your dad and I were talking and we think that we want to send you to real school for at least a year." My mom said. I had been doing online school for almost eight months now. I don't know why they would want to send me to real school now.

"Why? Is there a problem with the online school or something?" I asked.

"No. We just think that you should go back to school again. Baileys school has an opening for a new student and we want to send you there. Bailey is you best friend sweets. You two would have so much fun if you guys went to school together. And you would get to meet new people."

I thought about that. My mom was right. Being able to see Bailey almost every day of the week would be really awesome. I love Bailey but at the same time I think that it wouldn't be a good idea because I don't really fit in that well. My hair is pink, I wear black a lot and I don't listen to 'normal' music. I took a deep breath in and made up my mind.

"Alright. I guess so." I said to my mom.

"Well then that means we have to go school shopping right now because your first day is in two days." She said and stood up.

"Uhh.. Okay..?" I said and slowly stood up. My mom grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house and into the car.

She backed the car out of the driveway and we drove to the nearest store.

~1 hour later.~

We got home an hour later with bags full of notebooks, pencils, pens and everything that I would need.

I set the bags on the table and looked at my mom. "Are you sure about this whole school thing?" I asked her.

"Baby. Trust me. I talked to the director of the school and he said that everything is ready for you and that you have nothing to worry about." She said and kissed me on the head and then walked to the kitchen to make dinner.

Honestly I was still worried as fuck about it. I had a strange feeling that everything was going to go wrong when I walked through the doors. But I don't know maybe it will be fine. I hope.


I know this chapter was boring as shit and I'm sorry! I just wanted to do something to change up Laineys life! Warning: The next chapter will be really dramatic and crazy! And also something will happen to Bailey in the next chapter so get ready!

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