
~1 month later~

Laineys POV

"I'm going to the park. I'll be back in fifteen minutes." I said to my dad as I walked out the door.

"Stay safe." He said before I shut the door.

I started walking to the park which is about five minutes away from my house. It looked like it was starting to get dark. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It's 8:30. I have to be home by 8:45 so I guess I'll have some time at the park before it turns pitch black outside.

I got to the park and sat down on the swing and plugged my headphones into my phone. I started listening to I'm low on gas and you need a jacket by pierce the veil and moving back and forth on the swing slowly while mouthing the lyrics.

I don't know why but I had a strange feeling that I was being watched or something. I just ignored it and tried to enjoy my time alone.

I looked at my phone. 8:43. I got off the swing and started walking home. As I was walking I felt someone push me over and try to knock me out.

I tried to get up but they put duck tape on my mouth and threw me in a van. They tied up my arms and legs. I couldn't do anything. Im weak. All I could do was try to scream through the duck tape. It didn't work.

I felt the van start up. Oh my God. This can't be happening! I need to find a way out of this fucking van before I'm brought to this person's house and killed for fucks sake!

I tried scooting down and kicking the door of the van. I started moving and I knew I was hopeless. I knew that there was nothing left to do.

I just laid there and cried and thought about my parents.

I felt the van stop a few minutes later and someone took me out of the van and carried me into their house.

I was thrown on the cold hard floor of a basement. I felt my head start to sting when it hit the ground. I looked over and saw a puddle of red liquid by my head. Blood. My vision started to get blurry I was passing out. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was a man sharpening a knife and then slamming the basement door.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that this chapter was short and ended with a cliff hanger. Comment what you think will happen next! Vote and comment.
