New brother new life

Laineys POV two days later.

I could hear Rowans cries from down the hall. I looked at my clock. One in the morning. We have had Rowan for two days and right on the first day we brought him home we learned that he is not a very good sleeper. I got out of my bed and started walking down the hall. I saw my dad walking down the hall to his room too. I told my dad that I could handle it and that he should go back to sleep. My dad went back to sleep and I went into Rowans room to rock him back to sleep.

I picked him up out of his crib and sat down in the rocking chair. "Shh. Shh. Don't cry Rowan. Just go back to sleep baby boy." I said and rocked back and forth in the chair.

Eventually he fell back asleep but it did take a while. I kissed his head and put him back in the crib.

I went back to my room and crawled back in my bed. Having a new little one in the family is a lot of work for all of us but it's all worth it. Rowan is the cutest baby ever.

I fell asleep and that was that. Thankfully I didn't hear Rowan cry again.

I woke up a little bit later and saw that it was already ten in the morning. I got out of my bed and went downstairs.

My mom was sitting in the living room nursing Rowan and my dad was eating. So just a normal day I guess. I sat down on the couch with my laptop and checked my twitter and instagram.

When I logged in the first thing I saw were all the hate messages. They said things like 'go kill yourself' or 'everybody hates you'. I don't like all the hate I get bet a lot of people also send me good messages saying things like 'you're so beautiful' and 'keep being you because you're awesome'. When people that I don't even know say things like that to me it makes me forget about all the hate.

I read through some of the things on twitter and someone said that I should start a YouTube channel. I already had one but I had never used it before. I guess now was the time to use it. I closed my laptop and went back up to my bedroom.

I went to my dresser and grabbed my camera from off of it. I put my camera on a tripod and started filming.

"Hey guys. If you dont know who I am my name is Lainey and I just wanted to start a YouTube channel for fun and so you guys can know what's going on in my life. Well if you guys don't follow my twitter or instagram you might not know that I have a new little brother. His name is Rowan and he is so cute." I said to the camera.

The rest of the video was just me talking about my life and what's been going on besides the birth of my new brother. I uploaded the video and spent the rest of the day hanging out with Bailey.

Bailey and I had a fun time playing with Rowan and then we got to go to hottopic.

At hottopic Bailey and I found little black and white matching friendship bracelets that said bffs forever. We got those and some cute clothes for ourselves and some baby clothes for Rowan.

When we got home we watched the nightmare before Christmas and ate popcorn. Bailey ended up spending the night.

We fell asleep on the floor in the living room and Rowan didn't even cry for the whole night.


Hai! I just wanted to make a quick short chapter for no reason so yeah! I'm sorry that this chapter was shitty :( please forgive me. Next chapter will probably be better...

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