finding Lainey

Andy's POV

I woke up at 12 in the afternoon. I went downstairs and saw Juliet sitting on the couch looking at her phone. "Hey." I said while rubbing my eyes. "Good morning white rabbit. You slept in really late." She said. "I know. We should go get ready so we can visit Lainey." I said. I wasn't going to break the promise I made to Lainey. I went upstairs to get ready. I got in the shower and got cleaned up.

I got out of the shower 20 minutes later. I put on a black batman shirt and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and teeth and went downstairs. Juliet had already taken a shower and put on makeup. All she had to do was get changed.

She finished changing a few minutes later. She was a batman crop top and jean shorts.

We were ready to go.

We got in the car and left to go see Lainey.

We got there about twenty minutes later. We got out of the car and went in. The hospital seemed less crowded than it was yesterday. We walked up to the front desk. The lady sitting behind the desk was on the phone so we had to wait a little bit. She finally got done talking on the phone a little while later.

"Hello. What can I help you with?" She asked politely. "We're here to see someone." I said to her. "Okay, and who would that someone be?" She asked. "Lainey Haze." I said. She pulled out a clipboard and looked at it quick. She looked up from it. "I'm sorry but it looks like Lainey checked out earlier today." She told us. 'Who checked her out?' I thought to myself. "Where did she go?" I asked. "To an adoption home." She said. "What adoption home would that be?" I asked. "I'm sorry, but that is classified information. I can't tell you." She said. I wanted to say something back but I figured arguing wouldn't help. I grabbed Juliet's hand and pulled her outside of the hospital with me

We walked to the car and got in. "We're going to find her." I said to Juliet. "But Andy. The lady said that she can't tell us where she is." Juliet said. "I don't care. I'm not going to break the promise I made with her." I said. Then I started the car and sped off to try finding Lainey.

Author's note: What's up guys? I hope you liked this chapter! I know it's really really short and I'm sorry about that :( I will be writing more I promise! If you liked it please please please comment and vote!!!!
