Bailey's birthday.

Jays POV one week later.

I woke up in the morning to my crazy girlfriend Lainey hitting me with a pillow. "Wake up!" She said while sitting on top of me and hitting me with the fuffy pillow.

"What." I groaned and sat up.

"Its Bailey's birthday! We need to decorate the house. And my parents and uncles will be here in five minutes. So you need to get your lazy ass up and downstairs." She said. Oh shit. I need to get ready and now. I quickly got out of bed and got ready.

I went downstairs and saw that Lainey's parents and her brother were already there getting the house ready for the party. I starting helping decorate and before we knew it we were done. CC, Ashley, Jinxx and Jake got to our house a few minutes after we finished decorating then we all hid and waited for Bailey who thought she was just coming over to hang out for a little bit.

I heard the door open and saw Bailey walk in then we all jumped out and yelled surprise.

Bailey's POV

"Suprise!" Everyone yelled when I walked into Jay's small house. Lainey walked up to me and hugged me. "Happy birthday Bailey." Lainey said.

"Wow. This is awesome! Thank you guys so much!" I said. Ashley walked over to me and also hugged me. Then before I knew it everyone was hugging me. It was one huge group hug. I saw Lainey run upstairs and come back down with Aubrey. "Hey sweetheart." I said when Lainey handed her over to me.

I held Aubrey almost the whole time I was there and I loved every minute of it. We had cake and I got presents from everyone. I thought I had opened every present but I forgot about Lainey. She walked over to me and handed me a small envolope. I opened it up and saw the card that had my name on it. I opened the card and saw two tickets in it. I took the tickets out and took a good look at them. "Asking Alexandria!" I yelled. "Oh my God thank you so much Lainey!" I said holding the three tickets.

"You're welcome. I thought we'd go together and we can go backstage and meet them!" Lainey said.

"That would be amazing. Thank you so much Lainey." I said. She smiled at me and started picking up the wrapping paper that was on the floor. I handed Aubrey over to Jay and started helping Lainey pick up the wrapping paper. This was the best seventeenth birthday party ever.

Lainey's POV

"Bye Bailey." I said while hugging her. "I hope you had fun." I said and let go of her.

"I had an amazing time. Thanks for throwing this party." Bailey said.

"No problem. And remember next Friday at seven Asking Alexandria!" I said.

"I can't wait! Well bye bye Lainey." She said and walked out.

"Bye bye Bailey." I said and shut the door. My mom, my dad, and Rowan were the only people left. They stayed and helped Jay and I take the decorations down.

"Bye guys." I said and gave each of them a hug.

"You did a great job on the party." My dad said as we hugged.

"Thank you daddy. I love you." I said and let go of him.

"I love you too princess." He said and kissed my head.

They left then it was just Jay and I. We put Aubrey to bed and watched the nightmare before christmas, as she peacefully slept.

"Damn. I'm tired." Jay said after the movie ended.

"Yeah. I am too." I said and yawned. We stood up and held hands as we walked up the stairs to we wouldn't trip in the dark. We made it to the bedroom and got in bed.

"I love you." Jay said and kissed me.

"I love you too." I said and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep to the steady sound of his heart.


Hai! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Especially you Bailey boo. This chapter was just for you <3

Listening to: Someone, Somewhere by Asking Alexandria >>>>>>

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