Wasn't expecting that!

3rd Person's POV

'So this is what she means by all years.' Y/n thought as he walked in the hallways of Kuoh wearing a blue tracksuit with the top jacket is tied around his waist leaving his white shirt out.

"I'm going to be teaching PE on all of the year levels."

As he walked he came across multiple female students that looked away from him the moment they saw him.

'I was kinda expecting the classic "kyaahh!", "He's so handsome!" And "Please be my boyfriend!" From them with my looks but I think I'd rather have this kind of reaction as for some reason their stares are really annoying me.'
Y/n thought as he passed the students.

After Y/n got out of earshot all of students then quickly looked at his direction moments ago before-

"Kyyaahhhhhh~!!!" The entire hallway was then filled with the sound of squeals coming from the students.

"That was so embarassing!" "I know!" "I didn't know he would look in my direction! I should've put on lip gloss if I've known he'll see me!" "Do you think I'll have a chance Tachi-chan?" Came from the red faced students.

One curious student asked "Who was that?" She was then quickly answered "That was L/n-sensei he was teaching my class earlier" said the red faced student.

"Yeah! They said he just started teaching today." Chimed by another red faced student.

After all classes had ended Y/n is now walking on the corridors while heading towards the faculty to meet up with Emi. As he was walking pass another classroom it's door suddenly slid open as a figure bumped into him dropping the things that person is holding.

"Kyaa!?" The person yelped as she fell back on her rear as she looked up to him in surprise.

'The person from yesterday!' the person said as she readjusted her glasses.

"Shitori-san?" Y/n said recognizing her. Sona then got up "What are you doing here..." She said before trailing of at the end as she realized she didn't get Y/n name yesterday.

"It's Y/n L/n I just started teaching PE today." Y/n explained.

"So-tan I'm so soorryy!!!" A distinctively feminine voice yelled from the room as she collided with Sona and with Y/n sidestepping away from the two.

"Uwah!?" *Crash!

"Sorry again So-tan!" The figure apologized to Sona revealing Serafall in her twintail glory.

After apologizing to Sona, Serafall then faced Y/n before eyes widen in regocnition as she then placed herself in between Sona and Y/n

'How am I not feeling his presence now when I could when he was in the Underworld!?' Serafall thought in panic.

"What are you doing to my sister Dragon of Dreams?" Serafall asked threateningly with Sona's eyes widening in shock from Serafall's words.

"How did yo-" "Answer the question!" Interruped Serafall.

"Nothing. I was just heading towards the faculty so that I could meet up with my friend." Y/n answered with a GLARE, irritated from Serafall's rudeness.

He then left the two to continue towards the faculty room.


Serafall made a sound as she teared up and fell on her rear as her knees gave up on her. "UWAHHH!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIEE!!!" Serafall cried as her sister then tried to calm her down. "O-Onee-sama g-get yourself together!"

Timeskip-Y/n POV

As Emi, Tohru and myself were walking back home I asked a question bugging me for a while now.

"So you told them who I am?" I asked Emi.

"Yep" she said tiredly.

Well it doesn't really matter if they know.

While thinking I noticed the sound of humming and look to my left seeing Tohru in a good mood.

"What got you in a good mood today Tohru?" I asked.

She then blushed and said. "Well, with the three if us walking home this kinda feels like we're all on a date!" Her words then almost made Emi trip as she looked at us with a blush "D-don't say such things in public!" She said with an embarrassed face.

"So you're not denying it!?" Tohru's logic spoke.

I'm pretty sure that's a no...

Anyways, Emi just ignored Tohru and brushed her shoulders with mine while looking away.

I then leaned towards Emi.

"You could've said Yes?" I whispered to her as she blushed harder and gave me a quick nod.


"You're serious!?" Accidentally raised my voice.

She just kept quiet while she discreetly pinched me on the side.

You know that doesn't hurt, right...

I then looked at ahead and said to no one "Okay we're eating out tonight."

Tohru's eyes sparkled in delight while Emi got scooted closer. Now holding onto my arm.

But first we need to change clothing. After changing our clothes through magic.

We are now all wearing our casual outfits. With Tohru wearing a pink shirt and a blue short skirt that hugs her figure and Emi with her blue cardigan with a white shirt and dark slacks which would seem plain but with her new body now making her figure more accentuated instead. I then chose to where a red long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled to my elbows I then wore blue slim jeans with white sneakers for the bottom.

"So where to?" I asked them both

"Welcome to McRonald's how may I help you?"

Huh... Apparently Emi doesn't have any experience in dating either.

We stood in front of the counter as the cashier took our orders.

"What's a 'Burger' Kobayashi-san?" Tohru asked.

I sighed.

"Say ahhh~ Great Red-sama~!" Tohru said while holding up a French fry to my mouth.

"Dip that in ketchup or gravy first then talk to me." I said to her in deadpan.

What? I'm not eating a non-dipped French fry, I'm a cultured person afterall!

"Okay~!" Tohru said not offended from my refusal.

After dipping it on a ketchup dip she then offered to feed me again which I happily took.

After chewing and swallowing the food, I then asked Tohru to call me by my 'disguise' name of 'Y/n' and remove the '-sama' as well while in public.

"O-Oi! Turn this way!" Emi called as I turned my head her.

Red. That's what I'm seeing right now. Because her face is so red right now that it's hard to tell where her hairline's supposed to be.

She then slowly raised her hand while holding up a fork with chunk of poutine in the end.

*Shake* *Shake*

I noticed her hand is shaking so much that I felt sorry for her.

'She must be embarrassed then.' I thought with a hidden smile as closed my eyes to at least make her less embarrassed than she is right now.

"S-S-say AaAhhhHHh!" She shakily said.
Heh. A kuudere and a tsundere alright.



"I-I'M SORRY!!!"



I just sat there choking and drenched in soft drink that Tohru called 'water'.

And I was doing so well...

'Dear God...' I thought.


Tada! That's 13 everyone!
