Chapter 46: Emi's big move!

"Uuuuu... That's not fair..." Rias pouted as she walked out of the school gates.

"What's not fair, Rias-chan?" Artoria asked the pouting girl, wondering what got her friend/student upset. 

Turning to her friend/teacher, Rias replied. "I won't be able to walk with Red to school tomorrow!"

Her words confused Sona making her ask Rias to elaborate her words.

Y/n, wanting to know the meaning behind her words decided to stay silent as he listened to the upset redhead as she explained why she is upset.

"Red is on gate duty tomorrow. That means he has to leave the house early, missing my chance to walk with Red to school!" Rias said in frustration as she childishly stomped on the ground, making Y/n sweatdrop at her.

"Rias, I'm only tasked with closing the school gates after the first bell rings. That means I wouldn't need to go to school early." Y/n said to her making Rias stop her temper tantrum.

"That means-!" Rias said with wide eyes as she happily tackled Y/n making the latter laugh at her occasional simpleness.

"This calls for a celebration!" Rias said loudly making everyone nod.

"Sure, but before that..." Y/n said as he glanced at Tyuule and Velvet before placing his hands at their head causing the two girls to faintly blush.

"There. I placed an illusion on you two. That way the both of you will appear human to the public and avoid unnecessary attention to ourselves." Y/n said as he removed his hands on their heads.

"As for you..." Y/n said as he turned to Rory with the latter quickly realizing what is about to happen to her halberd causing her to hug it tightly to herself. "No way Red! Nope!"

"K then..." Y/n shrugged before lifting his hand. "I guess I'll just turn that into a magic stick to at least make you less threatening..." Y/n said causing stars to appear in Serafall's eyes.

"Dew it!" Rias dared Y/n making the latter walk closer to Rory scaring the girl.

"Yeah, Red-chan!" Serafall joined in daring Y/n scaring Rory even further.

"Noooo! I give! I give! Just don't turn my halberd into a weird looking stick!" Rory yelled.

"Don't worry I'll just place it in my Kamui dimension." Y/n said causing Rory to hesitantly release her tight hold on her weapon.

'Kamui' Y/n thought as he transported Rory's halberd in his personal dimension.

"I'll bring out your weapon when we get home, k?" Y/n said to her.  

"Okay..." Rory timidly replied causing Y/n to pat her head.

"Don't mess up my ribbon." Rory said to him but not making any effort to stop his actions.

"A-ano... What about me?" Soka asked Y/n making the latter look at her.

"You're looking just fine Soka-chan! There's no need to put an illusion over you." Nana said to the former Lizardgirl causing Soka to sigh in defeat.

Sensing her disappointment Y/n said to her. "Soka, What Nana is trying to say is that, you look just like your typical high school girl-"

"-Cute and magical!" Serafall added making everyone except the girls from the Special Region give an awkward smile as Serafall began to teach her the wonders of a high school girl.

'Is it just me or is it some of the stuff she's telling Soka-san sounds like what you would typically hear from a perverted old man.' Rias wondered to herself while listening to Serafall's words.

[Can I be a high school girl, Red?] Cortana asked Y/n as the latter mentally answered her. 'If you are capable of manifesting a young adult body for yourself  then yeah.'

"He called me cute again..." Soka slowly said to herself while blushing faintly causing the others to sweatdrop as they all thought simultaneously 'That's the only thing she heard.'

"Alright, now that's all done. Where to Rias?" Y/n said to the girl happily hugging his torso.

"I know just the place!" Rias confidently said while releasing her hug as she led the way.

"Hey, we could also tell Emi-sensei, Tohru-chan and Kanna-chan to meet us there!" Rias suggested making Y/n and Artoria nod.


 "This looks familiar..." Y/n said to himself as he looked at the restaurant.

"You've been here before, Red?" Rias asked causing Y/n to shake his head 'no'.

"Nah, just familiar." Y/n said to her.

"By the way Rias..." Y/n said making Rias look at him.

"What are we going to do with those two behind us. They have been tailing us since we left the school." Y/n said while jabbing his thumb behind him, while internally wondering to himself. 'When did they appeared? Was it during my stay in the Special Region?'

Rias turned her eyes at the direction Y/n is pointing at and smiled after spotting two familiar faces. "Ah! Shirone-chan! Kuroka-san! Wanna join us?"

"Of course Rias-sama!" Shirone immediately agreed making her older sister giggle as she and her sister walked towards Y/n's group.

"Hi! I'm Shirone nya!" Shirone cheerfully said as she introduced herself Y/n and the girls from the Special Region."

"And I am Kuroka nya~! I am Shirone's onee-chan~!" Kuroka introduced herself while casually pushing Shirone's cat ears down. "Shirone, your ear's are out~" Kuroka said to her sister who sheepishly smiled at her older sister.

"Cat ears?" Y/n asked while feigning ignorance on their identities.

"I'll explain later." Kuroka smiled as they all went inside the restaurant where they were greeted by a short girl.

"Welco-" The girl said before being interrupted by Nana.

"Ara? Where are your parents Ojou-chan?" She asked the short girl.

'Destroyed.' Everyone thought as the short girl got teary eyed.

"I'm not a little girl!(Yes, you are. -Rias) I'm seventeen years old and I attend Kouh Academy!" The girl cried as she showed her ID to Nana.

"Ah! Gomen." Nana apologized tonelessly making everyone sweatdrop 'That's it!?'

"I-I'll bring you to your table" The short girl shakily said as everyone silently follower her.


3rd Person's POV

A few minutes later the group are now seated on the tables with Emi, Tohru and Kanna showing up after the group got their seats.

"I'll would like to have this one and this one for my drink." Rias said while pointing at meal in the menu she is holding.

"Okay~! One lasagna and strawberry milkshake coming up~!" The short girl cheerfully said to her making her smile.

"So that's why you're not in a club Taneshima. You have work." Y/n said to the short girl surprising her.

"H-how do you know my name?" The girl named Taneshima asked Y/n before her eyes widened in surprise. "L-L/N-sensei!?" She said recognizing

"Sup." Y/n greeted before asking Taneshima. "You guys have pizza here?"

"Red, if you wanted pizza we could have gone to Pizza Bu-" Rias said before being interrupted by Y/n. "-Don't you dare finish that. I don't care if they named their store like that, but that's going too far for just a parody." Y/n said to her.

[Pfft! I-I gotta agree. That's kinda weird for a pizza restaurant.] Cortana agreed while suppressing a laugh.

Sighing for the lack of pizza in their menu Y/n told her "Then I'll just have the biggest steak that you guys have." 

"Okay~" Taneshima said before walking away finally finished taking the group's orders.

Right after Taneshima left Tohru didn't wasted a second and immediately hugged Y/n making Artoria who is seating in front of them pout in jealousy

"Don't be like that Artoria-sensei." Rias said while chuckling from Artoria's pouting. "Touhru-chan really missed Red here. We have to at least give her this one." Rias said to the woman sitting next to her causing her to sigh.

"*Sigh* You're right." Artoria said stopping her pouting.

"So anything interesting going on?" Y/n asked Emi who is sitting on his left.

Pausing to think Emi answered. "Nothing much aside from a couple of angels and a devil transferring to Kouh. Everything seems to be normal."

"From your perspective? Yes." Rias said while playing Pokémon on her Gameboy advance.

[She's still on with that challenge you gave her?]  Cortana asked Y/n who answered. 'Yep, ever since she saw me playing it after the Orc army invasion.'

"-But! From the student's side of view it's different. They're missing their favorite sensei, especially Kotomi-chan~" Rias said teasingly in the end.

"I guess the substitute is not that great if she's missing me already. Man, I should've checked if my substitute is worthy of teaching my class." Y/n said making Rias, Artoria, Sona and Serafall laugh at his words.

"-And that's how Red-samna saved our kingdom!" Tyuule said to the impressed Kuroka, Shirone and Soka.

"Won't be able to forget that flash of light." Velvet said as she recalled the events during that battle.

"Incredible! I wish I was there to see that attack!" Soka said making Shirone nod in agreement.

"Same here~! Too bad I only felt their deaths~" Rory said while remembering the sensation of the souls that went through her body causing her to shiver.

Luckily, Kanna was trading some Pokémon with Rias on her own gaming device.

"Don't worry! Now that you are travelling with Red-samna you will be able see his 'awesomeness' as what he always say!" Tyuule said to her.

"Oi. I don't say that." Y/n said from the table behind them.

A few minutes then passed as everyone tried to kill time as they waited for their food.

"I did it! I caught Latias! Look Red I did it!" Rias said triumphantly before passing her gaming device to Y/n as the latter took a look.

"Nope. I said catch Latias with a regular ball not a masterball. Do it again." Y/n said before suddenly snapping the gaming device in half shocking Rias.

"Noooo! My hard work!" Rias said in despair causing Sona to raise an eyebrow.

"By 'hard work' you mean when you were looking for cheat codes in the past two days?" Sona commented making Y/n turn his head at Rias who quickly looked away.

"I-I did not!" Rias weakly denied while trying to avoid Y/n's accusing eyes.

"Whatever, do it again." Y/n said while pulling out a gaming device identical to the one he just snapped in half before handing it to Rias who took it.


Y/n's POV

Immediately after handing the gaming device to Rias the girl began to zone out and fully concentrate on pulling off a speedrun.

She better not neglect her studies.

[Could you at least try to be sincere with your thoughts?] Cortana asked in amusement.

Fine... She better not get caught when playing that during class, happy?

[I did ask you to be sincere...] Cortana said.

[Yep, you did.] Artoria agreed surprising me a bit.

So what did you get?

[Breakfast!] Artoria immediately answered. Is this store twenty- four seven?

Not a bad choice. I would have gotten that if I didn't see that huge steak in the menu.

"By the way do you guys know who those four new students are? I'm feeling that they are not normal humans" Nana said while peeking out from the table behind Rias, Artoria, Serafall and Sona.

"Gab-san, Raphi-san, Tsukinose-san and Argento-san?" Sona asked getting a nod from Nana.

Argento... Asia Argento? Damn! This AU is really throwing me off!


While we are talking a violent sound reached our ears making us look at the source of the sound.

What greeted me is kind of unusual...

A group of baseball bat wielding gangsters suddenly entered the restaurant and started making a mess inside.

"HORA! WHERE IS THE BITCH THAT KICKED MY BROTHER!?" A man with a hideous shiny pompadour yelled.

Holy that pompadour though... I thought he placed a log cake there for a second...

"Emi." I said making her nod fully understanding what's on my mind as she placed her hands on Kanna's ears.

"Alright Red, whoop their ass!" Emi said as she and Kanna stood up to allow me get out of the table.

And there it is again. Dang, she accidentally used her dragon taming ability again...

While this is going on most of the customers got scared and started to leave only to be blocked by the angry gang members.


I then walked towards them which they immediately noticed, the man with the pompadour angrily yelled. "DIDN'T YA HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID!? I SAI-

Not wasting any second I immediately grabbed the man's face and slammed him on the floor.


"W-wha-!?" "ANIKI!" "BOSS!" "MY LOV-!"

I immediately swung the punk I was holding onto his group before proceeding to beat them up one by one using the punk I am holding.

Bam! Pak! Crash!

Of course I made sure the hold back my strength a lot and by I mean a lot. I mean a lot.

"Release Aniki!" A bat wielding punk yelled as he swung the metal bat he is holding on the side of my head.


A dull sound of the metal bat hitting my head made everyone in the restaurant go quiet.








Bam! Pak! Crash!

"Oi. Don't ignore me!" The punk angrily yelled after I ignored him and went back to beating up his friends using their boss.

"Okay." I complied before grabbing his face and using him as a weapon alongside with his boss against their gang.

A few seconds later, all of the annoying punks are knocked out cold.

Dusting my hands off I turned around to get back at my table before stopping a I noticed that everyone is looking at me with weird expressions.

Ah, this doesn't look good.

[How about you try apologizing? It might work.] Cortana suggested.

"Everyone, I apologize for the violence that you've saw just now. I was only doing my responsibility as a sensei and as an upstanding citizen to maintain the peace." I apologized while politely bowing in front of everyone.

[That's some impressive BS there Red.] Cortana complimented sincerely making me sweatdrop.

Oi. You're the one suggested it.

[Sorry, Darling but I agree with Cortana-san here. That's some impressive BS you've came up with just now. I mean, look at the understanding looks everyone is giving you.] Artoria said making me actually look at everyone's faces.

While I was observing everyone's faces I noticed the manager who is looking at me as well.

"Ah! I'm sorry for the mess.Don't worry! I would pay for the damages." I said to her.

"A-ah! T-There's no need for that! These guys will pay for the damages C-Customer-san!" The manager said with a stutter and a visible blush on her face.

Hah!? How!?

[[Dunno.]] Artoria and Cortana answered in a toneless voice.

""K-kyouko-san!?"" All of the working staff said her name with each of them having disbelieving look on their faces.

"Okay? I'll get back to my table then." I said to her making her dumbly nod at me.

"Oh by the way, is our food on tables thirteen, fourteen and fifteen ready?" I asked.

"A-ah! Yes! Don't worry! I-I'll bring them to your tables personally!" She said before quickly dashing away from my sight.

"W-what is going on with Kyouka-san!?" I heard from one of the employees which I ignored as I quietly headed to my table making everyone mind their own business again.

Upon returning to my seat I was greeted with silence from everyone in the table. "What?" I asked them only to get a "Hmph!" From everyone.

"Oh? What did I missed?" Rias asked in confusion as she looked up from her game.

"Red being Red." Emi answered getting an understanding nod from Rias.

"Oi. You were the one who sicked me onto those punks why am I getting this treatment!?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You're making more girls fall for you! I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet!" Emi fired back.

Hm... Now that I think about it she's right! Damn...

I sighed after thinking about her words before coming up with a decision as I suddenly grabbed her shoulder surprising her and making her turn her head in my direction.

"*Sigh* I'm sorry for leaving you out." I said before kissing her on the lips only for her to turn her head to the side causing me to kiss her cheek instead.

Damn, I guess... I really messed up, huh?









"D-don't g-get ahead of yourself! I-I want to be the one to initiate the kiss, 'kay!?" Emi said with a heavy blush on her face.


Turning my head to the source of the sound I saw Serafall and Rias snickering with their hands on their mouths, barely keeping themselves from laughing.


"What ar' ye two laughin' at!?" Emi asked with her accent showing up.

"Ne ne, Sera-chan:3" "Nani, Rias-chan~?" "Did we just saw a tsun-tsun act just now?" "I believe we did~! A Grade A at tha-

Pow! Bonk!

I watched as the two girls ruthlessly teased Emi, as the latter's face slowly turned redder and redder to the point she made a new shade of red. She then stood up and mercilessly brought down righteous fists upon their heads getting a "Ouchie!" From the twin haired girl and an "Ow!" From the redhead otaku.

"S-shut up! Before I sick Red on you two." Emi threatened the two-Oi. I'm not a dog ya know?

"Here's your meal~!" Taneshima said as she along with another girl who's for some reason is directing some nasty killing intent at me brought our ordered food on our table.

"H-H-Here's the s-steak that y-you ordered c-customer-san!" A shaky voice said making look and see the manager herself personally bringing the steak that I ordered to our table. She then surprised me when she placed a large parfait next to my steak.

"Um. I didn't order a parfait." I said to her.

"P-Please have this! As a symbol of my -t-thanks!" She said.

After she said that the killing intent directed at me suddenly increased.

"Y-Yachiyo-san! Table Seven needs your attention!" Taneshima shakily said as she and another waitress dragged the weird girl away- wait is that a katana? How come nobody is noticing this!?

"T-that's the parfait I made for Kyouko-san!" I heard her say before being dragged away by the two girls.

[Do you know her, Darling? It looked like she was about to draw her katana on you.] Artoria mentally said to me.

No, I don't know her.

""Itadakimasu"" We thanked before digging in.

"We're good here manager-san! Shoo! Go away!" Rias said to the lady that is still standing next to our table.

"A-Ah! Right!" She said before quickly walking away.


3rd Person's POV

"Thank you, very much! Please, come again!" Taneshima said.

"I'm definitely coming back for the steak! See ya guys!" Y/n said as he and the girls left the restaurant with full stomachs.

"I need Satou to teach me how to make a steak." Kyouko said to herself after overhearing Y/n's words alerting Yachiyo in the process.

"Kyouko-san!?" Yachiyo said in shock from what she is hearing from her idol.


"So, this where we split up." Sona said as she, Serafall and Tsubaki left the group.

"See you guys tomorrow~!" Serafall said as she and Tsubaki waved before catching up to Sona who is already walking away from us.

"Sona, why you didn't say anything?" Tsubaki asked Sona.

"I wanted a cool exit." Sona answered before asking her. "How was it?"

"Sorry, I wasn't looking." Tsubaki apologetically replied getting an "Ack!?" from her King.

Y/n's group watched as the trio slowly fade away from the distance before resuming their walk.

"Fufufu~ Sona is slowly being corrupted by Rias~" Akeno giggled to herself.

"And I'm proud of it!" Rias who heard Akeno's words proudly said to her while doing V sign with her hand, getting a sweatdrop from Y/n, Emi, Nana and Artoria.

"By the way, Kuroka-san." Akeno said getting the Nekoshou's attention.

"Don't you and Shirone-chan live with Irisviel-sama and her Peerage?" Akeno asked.

"Oh, yeah... Aha haha haha." Kuroka said while letting out a nervous laugh.

"Onee-chan pranked Mordred-sama earlier." Shirone said ratting out her older sister.

"Gah!? Shirone!" Kuroka yelled covering her sister's mouth


"Let's go home Onee-chan I'm sleepy." Shirone said getting a defeated "Hai." from her sister as the two of them left the group as well.

"I'm a bit worried for Kuroka-san..." Emi said getting Rias to look at her.

"Wait until she pranks you Emi-sensei" Rias said getting a sweatdrop from Emi.

"You can call me Emi outside of class." Emi said to her.

"Then you can just call me Rias!" Rias replied.

For a few minutes everyone walked in silence while listening to Tyuule, Velvet and Rory's stories about their adventures and battles alongside Y/n for the past two weeks.

"Okay, this turn here is my way home. See you tomorrow everyone!" Nana said to the group as she parted with them.

""See you Shimura-sensei!"" Akeno, Kanna and Rias said getting a wave from Nana.

They then continued their walk for a few more minutes before reaching Emi's house.

"Ah~ home sweet home~!" Rias said as she along with everyone went inside as well. Y/n who was about to enter the gates he felt someone grab the sleeve of his long sleeve shirt. He turned his head to see who is grabbing his sleeve and saw Emi who's head is lowered a bit causing her bangs to hide her eyes from Y/n's view.

Artoria who saw this smile to herself as she went inside. "Ganbatte! Emi-chan!" Artoria silently said before closing the door.

Y/n who is looking at Emi was about to ask what is wrong, but before he could do so Emi suddenly hugged him.

"Emi?" Surprised with the hug Y/n could only call her name in a confused voice.  

"I missed you. You know?" Emi softly said.

Hearing her words, Y/n hugged her back while feeling guilty.

"...I'm sorry I didn't even contacted you guys." Y/n apologized causing Emi to chuckle for a bit.

"Hey, I'm being serious here!" Y/n said to her.

"That's not it! I'm just happy that you're sincere with your apology." Emi said silencing him.

"I like this feeling... This warm and fluffy feeling in my chest that happens whenever you talk to me." She softly said to him.

"Did you know that you are the only person who gives me this kind of feelings..." Emi confessed.

'It's now or never Emi!' Emi internally said to herself as she looked up to Y/n allowing him to see her madly blushing face.

Removing her arms around his waist before wrapping them around his neck she then pulled Y/n's head down while simultaneously pushing herself up to stand on her toes.

Emi's lips then met Y/n's in a soft and gentle kiss.

Separating from their kiss, Emi barely stopped herself from giggling after seeing a blush slowly growing on Y/n's face.

'I can't believe those romance novels I borrowed from the library worked!'  Emi thought to herself.

She then cleared her throat knocking off Y/n from his daze.

"A-Anyway! It's getting late s-so I-I'm heading inside, okay?" Emi said with embarrassment in her voice before quickly turning around.

Y/n watched as Emi went inside and closed the door.

'Damn...' Y/n thought as he replayed everything that happened a few moments ago in his head from Emi grabbing the sleeve of his shirt to their first kiss to one another.

[She got you good!] Cortana commented.

'Yeah, she did...' Y/n replied before going quiet.

[Red?] Cortana called his name worried tone which Y/n ignored as the latter suddenly yelled triumphantly into the night skies.


Emi who was only behind the front door heard his loud celebration outside of the house couldn't stop the silly smile that is forming on her face.

"Hehe~ Goodnight Red." Emi whispered to herself as she left the door and went to her room.

'See you tomorrow!' She added in her head.


Chapter 46 END!
