Chapter 38: A War God?

After firing a cero that literally reduced the wave of enemies in half.


The wave that were charging at us suddenly stopped and silence engulfed the entire battlefield on both sides.
"M-monsters!" "They have a War God on their side!" "A God walking among us!?" "And dragonoids too!" "Did this God answered their call!?" "We can't defeat them!" "Retreat!" "They'll slaughter us!"

"They're retreating!" A warrior bunny cried triumphantly to her allies who cheered.

'!!!' I could only look in shock as the army that was so eager to spill blood were now running like a bunch of cowards.

"I'm a dragon NOT a dragonoid!" Tohru yelled at their retreating backs knocking me off from my shock.

"Wait! No! Come back! I promise I won't do it again!" I yelled at the retreating army.

"Change of plans Nana! Instead of Combat training, we will learn about how to properly apprehend an enemy!" I said before starting to give chase at the retreating army in a speed where Nana could keep up.

"C'mon Nana! You too Emi! Rias!" I yelled while running.

""H-hai!"" They said in unison, probably shocked as I am at the enemies reaction.

"Hora! Get back here you punks!" I yelled at these retreating Joestar wannabes.

3rd Person's POV

Nana watched Y/n as the latter disappeared faded from view.

"He's getting too excited... He's forgetting that they are only people with normal physical capabilities." Emi said as she could barely see Y/n's movements anymore with her dragon enhances senses.

'There!' Emi looked at Y/n's blurry form crashing at the center of the retreating army.

Crash! Boom!

Standing up inside the large crater he made Y/n turned to Nana and Emi "I've already placed a barrier to keep these guys in. Now what's left is to defeat these guys here." Y/n yelled towards them.

"And by I mean defeat I don't care even if you end up killing them as long as they're down!" Y/n added terrifying the soldiers in the process.

"Y/n-kun is a bit aggressive towards them for some reason..." Nana said feeling a bit disturbed at seeing a different side of Y/n.

"Yeah." Emi said before unfurling her wings and flew above them. She then started to rain down bolts of electricity towards their trapped enemies.

Zzzsszzzt! BzzzsstT!

Enemies hit were then either stunned and paralyzed or knocked unconscious.

"My turn then!" Nana said as she jumped into a group of orcs that were eyeing her cautiously.

Punching the nearest orc next to her and sending it flying with a broken jaw she then faced the other orcs without fear charged.

Punch! Punch! Dodge! Punch! Kick! Dodge! Punch! Divert sword swing! Elbow to the gut!

Going on a rhythm Nana's body slowly went on autopilot as her movements became more fluid with each dodge and attack.

With Emi

"Look at her go..." Emi commented while in the air.

"Take down that dragonoid!" A group leader from what Emi could assume ordered, as a group of soldiers armed with bows crossbows longbows fired at her.

Unaware that these attacks won't even faze her. Emi subconsciously covered herself with red aura. The arrows then bounced off her surprising the soldiers that fired those arrows.

After blocking the arrows fired at her, Emi in retaliation threw a ball of electricity at the soldiers who fired at her.

Zzzzzsttt! Boom!

The ball detonated in a shower of sparks leaving the soldiers that were in range of the attack paralyzed.

"Dang..." Emi said as she surveyed the effects of her attacks.

'Let's try this...' Emi said internally as she formed another ball of electricity on her hands. Throwing it at her enemies bellow she willed the ball of electricity to not explode on contact. After her attack hit the ground the ball didn't explode like how she willed it to. The ball then suddenly expanded around twice the size of the previous basketball sized ball of electricity.

ZzzzzznnnnttT! Bang!

The ball detonated in a larger explosion of sparks leaving all that were affected unconscious and slightly burnt.

'That's... Pretty cool!' Emi thought in surprise as did not expect her attack to behave that way.

Emi then went back to subduing her enemies with her newly discovered attack.

With Rias

Rias watched Emi and Nana as they defeat their in the distance with a competitive look on her face "I won't lose!" She said before blasting her enemies legs off with her Power of Destruction."

"You bitch!" A man from behind her cried while swinging her sword down.

But before he could hit Rias-

Crackle! Crash!

"Gah!" The man cried as he was hit by a thunder bolt.

Rias looked behind her and saw her attacker being blown away by a thunder bolt.

"Ara~ Rias you should pay attention to your surroundings~!" Rias turned to her friend Akeno who is walking towards her.

"Akeno? How did you get here?" Rias asked in confusion.

"Ufufufu~ Rias you were too focused on L/n-sensei that you didn't noticed us running beside you~?" Akeno said to her.

"Us?" Rias asked while casually dodging a swords strike from her right before blasting her attacker away.

A large wave of water suddenly appeared at the edge of her view and crashed into a group of spearmen making Rias turn her head and saw Sona controlling of the water wave.
With Sona

"Hmm... Training with Onee-chan did made me stronger." Sona said while observing the size of the wave that she created. It suprised her that the wave she manage to create is two times bigger than what Sona could create before training with her sister. Hearing Sona's words Serafall gleefully said. "I told you So-tan! You could depend on your cute Onee-chan!"

"Hai hai..." Sona said with a mild blush on her face before turning to her Queen who's fighting a couple of soldiers on her own. "How's the spear Tsubaki?"

"It's a Naginata Sona." Tsubaki corrected Sona as she swiped her weapon sideways hitting some enemies with the blunt side of her weapon.

"Why are you even here Serafall-sama?" Tsubaki asked her King's older sister who's looking distracted.

"Haa~ O-oh! I-I just want to see So-tan's progress in person-Yeah!" Serafall said with a faint blush on her cheeks. Tsubaki only smiled a bit at Serafall's flustered reaction as she could tell what's distracting her.

Y/n's POV


From out of nowhere I suddenly felt a shiver run down my spine while I was having fun.

"Take this seriously!" "Stop looking down on me!"

I hear angry yells on my right and saw two soldiers with their blades raised up in the air.

"You're some bad extras you know that?" I said paying no mind on their swords that were about to hit me.


"Ack!?" "Urk!?"

"Oh, that's unfortunate..." I said in a toneless manner after seeing their sword beak and hit their wielders with their bladed ends that broke off.

This guys are pathetic! It's feels like I'm slaughtering some younglings.

Might as well have fun...

Summoning a shinai with a tiger talisman on its handle I then began to hit everyone in my immediate vicinity.

Whack! Pak! Twack!

Using my enhanced senses and insane reaction time I began to fight my enemies with just pure swordsmanship alone. And by I mean swordsmanship, I mean attacking at exposed openings of my enemies' attack or poor stances. I actually started dodging attacks instead of tanking them to simulate a fight. And for first time ever I began to feel some enjoyment in a fight.

Of course I had to hold back alot on my swings as some of my enemies actually died from just a casual swing alone.

"Stay still!" An mace wielding orc yelled as I dodged a wild swing from him. Did this guy already forgotten that I just literally reduced the size of their army in half?

"Why?" I asked.

"So I can hit you! Of co-" I didn't let him finish as I hit him in the head with my shinai knocking him ou-.


"Oops..." I muttered to myself after accidentally breaking the orc's neck and smashing his skull after I hit his head too hard.

Damn! Should I put pillows on my weapons then!?

"Next!"I yelled while doing some practice baseball swings.

Clang! Clang! Clang!
Thud! Clang! Clang!
The group I'm fighting then immediately surrendered after seeing my most recent accidental kill. Throwing down their weapons they all knelt down.

"We surrender!" "Please spare me!" "I don't want to die!" "No! Don't kill me"
"D-d-don't k-k-kill-!"

The soldiers and monsters hysterically cried in submission.

'...My fight...' I thought sadly at the once blood thirsty group of people in front of me suddenly turned into a cowering mess.

'I'll just mentally break them then.' I thought before my eyes shifted.
What? They're pathetic and they deserve this treatment!

'Tsukuyomi' I mentally casted while activating the technique.

A second after that all of them slumped unconscious.

I just left them there as I know they will regain consciousness by the next morning. I think...

Walking away from the group I then went towards Rias' location.

Crackle! Boom!

Lightning and demonic power rained down the area as the enemies who got hit are either knocked unconscious or maimed. Well at least they didn't outright killed them.

Crackle! Boom! Boom!

"Mhnn~ Here's some more~!" A sultry voice came from above.

I looked up and saw Akeno-san in her miko outfit with her fallen angel wings out. She is currently raining down lightning at the battlefield at the moment.

Hm... Something is strange with her thunder at the moment. It's not because she's not using her holy lightning, but it's because on how weak her thunder attacks at the moment. The power behind her attacks right now is not even enough to knock a normal human out, but only enough to inflict damage to the target.
Wait. Don't tell me she's deliberately trying to weaken her attacks so she could inflict as much pain as possible on her targets!?

This girl!

Crackle! Crackle! Boom! Boom!


3rd Person's POV

Y/n watched as the thunder that Akeno summoned came down and struck her targets.

"Gyaaahh!!!" "Guwoooohhh!!!" "Gahhh!!!" Loud pain filled voices echoed across the battlefield.

"Damn... Her range got bigger!" Y/n muttered in mild suprise as he observed the size of the magic circle that Akeno is using.

"Louder~! Scream louder for me~!" Akeno moaned loudly while writhing in the air.

"WE SURRENDER!!!" "PLEASE MAKE HER STOP!!!" "I GIVE! I GIVE!!!" Screams of submission echoed across the battlefield as the ENTIRE army surrendered while protectively placing their hands on top of their heads.

Y/n could only stare at what's happening in front of him as Rias landed beside him.

"...You know Red? Akeno will become famous with this feat of making an ENTIRE army surrender..." Rias said proudly to Y/n.

"Akeno the Sadist. Huh." Y/n said to himself which Rias heard. "Nah! Let's try The Sadist Queen- Wait no- The Ultimate Sadist! What do you think?" She said as she turned to Y/n who nodded. "I think Akeno-san will like it." Y/n said in an unsure voice.

"What happened to the enemy?" Nana said in confusion as she run towards Y/n.

"Akeno made our enemies surrender Shimura-sensei!" Rias said proudly.

"Akeno-chan!? She made them surrender!?" Nana said wide eyed from the information she just heard. "Wow! How did she do it!?" She then asked.

"She-" "-You don't want to know" Y/n said interrupting Rias.

"O-ok?" Nana said unsure as Emi and Akeno landed next to them.

"Good job! Akeno-chan you defeated the enemy!" Nana said as she congratulated the Akeno.

"Ara, Shimura-sensei I didn't get to do much~!" Akeno modestly said to her. "Unfortunately, I didn't get to much as well~" Akeno added sensually making everyone shiver.

"What's with them?" A faintly blushing Rias asked while pointing at some of the men that surrendered. The girls looked at the man and noticed that he's frozen stiff.

"What happened?" Sona asked as she, Serafall and Tsubaki made their way towards them.

"Oh, these guys? After they surrendered I casted a freezing spell on them that covered the entire area." Y/n said.

'A-amazing! For me to not notice that kind of spell being caster around me!' Serafall thought in astonishment.

"Well it's good that L/n-sensei did that. Who knows that they might just be faking their surrender just now right?" Sona said while opening a can of soda making Y/n twitch.

"Y-yeah" Y/n agreed.

'Where did she get that!?' Y/n screamed mentally.


After defeating and capturing the retreating army
Y/n and the group went back to the warrior bunny kingdom.

As their group reached the gates they saw the warrior bunnies celebrating their victory over their attackers.

"Red-sama! Kobayashi-san!" Tohru's yelled as she and Kanna flew over to them.

Landing next to Emi, Tohru asked "Did they got away?"

"Y/n-kun's eye ate them!" Nana said.

"Huh?" Tohru asked in confusion.

Hearing Tohru's confused response Nana explained. "After defeating the army we had them gathered up in one spot then Y/n-kun's eyes turned red after that his eyes went 'Hwiishhhh!!!" and thent the enemies go 'Hwooommm!!' Then after that Y/n-kun's left eye ate them!" Nana said as she animatedly tells Tohru what happened.

'I didn't understand anything from her explanation...' Rias and Sona thought after hearing Nana's 'explanation'.

"Sugoi!" Tohru and Kanna said in amazement as well as shocking both Rias and Sona who simultaneously thought 'They understood that!?'

Y/n and Emi could only chuckle at Nana and Tohru's silliness.

"Oh! You guys are back!" Mordred said as she and Arturia walked up to them.

"Hey..." "Hai..." Y/n and Emi said respectively.

"Where's Lily-chan, Altria-chan and Nero-chan?" Serafall asked Arturia.

"They're with Master, Serafall-sama" Arturia answered respectfully which made Serafall pout. "Mou! Call me Sera-chan! Arturia-chan!"

"Yes, Serafall-sama, my apologies..." Arturia said with a bow that hid her hidden smile, which Y/n and Mordred caught.

A group of warrior bunnies then approached their group and started thanking Y/n. "Thank you for aiding us in our battle War God!" "Yeah that green thing earlier scared me but you also scared the enemies as well!"

'War God?' Y/n thought in suprise.

"My Lord! Our Queen would like to talk to your group!" A warrior bunny said to Y/n.

"Lead the way." Y/n said to her.

The warriors then escorted their group through the city.

"Look! It's the War God!" "He and his followers helped in defeating the attackers!" "I heard he blew away the enemies!" "Yeah he did! You also saw that light right?" "Yeah! It's not like any magic I've seen before!"

'Good thing you girls are cute or else my weird irritation towards staring might've kicked in.' Y/n thought while trying to ignore their stares.

"Thank you for helping us back there! We've been fighting against them for months now. And with their numbers today being bigger than their last attack we might have been defeated." A black haired warrior bunny said to them.

Nana, Akeno and Tsubaki looked on confused at what the natives are saying as they couldn't understand the language the natives are using.

Seeing their confused expressions Serafall smiled and said to them. "I'll explain later!"

"This way my lord" a petite warrior bunny said as she led them inside a large structure.

Inside, they saw Irisviel and Tyuule talking with one another. Not far from them are Artoria, Jeanne, Riko and Yui teaching them about the supernatural world.

Noticing their presence Tyuule welcomed them "You're here. Please take a seat."

Grabbing a floor pillow Y/n sat next to Irisviel. Arturia and the others then went and grabbed a seat as well, next to Jeanne and the two human girls.

"I would like to thank you, War God, for helping us defeat the army that the Empire have sent to attack us."

"It's nothing!" Y/n said in response before asking Tyuule "But why is everyone calling me War God?"

"It's because of that power you've showed during the battle. That light erased literally half of the army we were fighting. In all my life I have never seen anything like that..." Tyuule said in awe as she looked at Y/n's golden eyes.

'Oho~! Wait 'till you see me do my 'God' attacks!' Y/n thought in amusement.

Artoria not liking Tyuule's staring, stood up and sat next to Y/n and hugged his arm possessively.

Noticing her behavior Y/n rubbed Artoria's head "Haa~" Artoria happily sighed making Irisviel giggle at their cute interactions.

"Truly we are lucky that you helped us. If not for you and your followers... I might've sold myself as a slave to the Empire so that they will leave my people alone and spare them from destruction." Tyuule confessed as her words shocked her guards stationed inside the room.

"M-my Queen!" "You mustn't!" Came the surprised reactions of Tyuule's guards.

"I have to! As your queen it is my duty to do what is best for my people! Even if the cost is my own wellbeing!" Tyuule bravely said as she turned to her guards.

All of the guards in the room kneeled as they all said together. "We shall faithfully serve you for the rest of our lives!"

"Thank you!" Tyuule said to them as bowed from her seat.

'It's nice to see her subjects declare their loyalty to her after hearing her words just now...' Y/n thought with a small smile on his face.

Turning back to Y/n "Please War God let us the Warrior Bunnies be your humble servants!" Tyuule said as she and her guards pleaded with their heads bowed low on the floor.

"What did you do Irisviel-san?" Y/n turned to Irisviel who is sporting an innocent look. "Ara, I only said that we are looking for an alliance with them. I may or may not have said that you might require more followers though~" Irisviel said innocently.

[She's a scary woman Darling. She and Serafall-chan...] Artoria mentally said to Y/n through their bond.

"Yeah... I know..." Y/n said out loud confusing everyone except Artoria who giggled at his mistake.

'Followers huh.' Y/n thought.

Chapter 38
