Talking to God

Later that night after the 'choking' that Emi gracefully has given me we went home. As I opened the door I realized my blunder when I saw the person waiting on the other side of the door. Her welcoming word was.


"Sorry." I replied in kind.

Of course, I'm not looking at her as she was like...

"Here." I offered her a take out food that I was planning to eat later tonight, but I have to make amends to our resident loli dragon.

Come to think of it. Ophis is not the only Loli dragon anymore.

"Thanks." The loli thanked me as she took the bag to the dining room table and proceeds to eat it.

"Emi, Tohru. I'll go to sleep now 'kay? Today's been tiring and all." I said to them.

"O-ok." "I'm so sorry" the two said as Emi apologized for the incident earlier.

"Don't be. I had fun on our date tonight." 'minus the choking part.' I said to her while adding the second part in my head.

Emi still looked down so I decided to say to her. "We could go on a proper date next time, don't worry. Same to you too Tohru." I added Tohru in the end to not make her feel left out.

*Blush* the two blushed hard after I said that.

'For being so forward I'm surprised that she still blushes to this.' I thought referring to Tohru as I went to my room.

When I got to my room I locked the door as I went in and sat on my bed thinking about the mysterious voice that I've heard earlier.

Was that 'God'?
'I can hear you you know?' A distinctively feminine voice echoed in my head.


'It's been a long time Red!' The voice said to me with familiarity.

'You know it get's irritating when you just all of a sudden try to live a 'new' life.' The voice complained.

'I'm God you know? And second as your Wife I have the right to complain about it.' God said.

Wait. What!?

Wasn't God a male?

'And who decided? The misogynistic males back then?' She sarcastically said.

Anyways how are you alive? I thought you died in the war?

'Well I did die but luckily I'm powerful enough to reincarnate myself.' God said.

That's just broken.

'Says the guy that can basically do anything...' She pointedly said.

I know. Like I mean ANYTHING.

Getting back to topic. So you reincarnated- 'Mhmm!' -in my head.

'...Didn't you see me earlier when you were introducing yourself to the faculty staff?' She said in confusion.

In my defense, it was too early for me so I was barely awake earlier.

'So you stopped your OPM training routine?' Interrupted God.

Yep as there's no need to do so anymore.

'Tru.' She agreed in a weird way.

So how come you didn't try to get my attention?

'I-I...' God nervously said.

Go on...

'I-I was scared on how you will react!' She said.

Why? Will I underestimate you? Because right now I'm doing that to almost everyone so that I'll be surprised later on.

'No, the old you will just laugh at me but will endlessly tease me until I cry.' She said with no emotion.

Let's just change topics as this topic might awaken my hidden sadistic side.

'R-Right!' She nervously agreed.

How are you communicating to me right now?

'We are soul bonded and we're communicating through our souls.' She explained.

I don't know what to feel about being soul bonded to someone and being married to the same person.

'Well, suck it up! You're stuck with me forever! We could try dating like what you did with the others, I wouldn't mind sharing even!' She said in a tone I'm not familiar with.

Aren't you against Adultery?

'To my followers yes. But I could make certain exceptions too.' She answered

That's an abuse of power you know...


' *Yawn* Anyways I'll just talk to you tomorrow as I still papers to grade.' She said with a yawn.

Sure. G'night!

'*Giggle* Goodnight Dar-ling~!' She said before cutting the connection.

'That was a really surprising turn of events.' I thought.

I lied to my bed looking through the original Great Red's memories as I found God's history with him and I could say.

"She's a self proclaimed wife."

The 'soul bonded' thing is legit but the marriage thing is all her's. As apparently she has a huge crush on 'me' after seeing 'my' human form and kept annoying the past 'me' she then offered to stop annoying me if 'I' would agree with soul bonding with her.

This is troublesome...

And I haven't gotten to any real fight in this world yet! Tannin doesn't count as that wasn't a fight, that's a fly trying to get my attention and succeeding.
Next day

After leaving Kanna alone to play videogames for the entire day, we of course left some food for her to eat, we then left for school.

After arriving we split up with Tohru going to her classroom, Emi and I to the faculty. I then decided to head to the cafeteria for my coffee while Emi said she'll pass and headed to the faculty.

As I was sitting on of the tables in the cafeteria a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" The obvious person asked.

"Sata-*Headbutt*-n..." I answered ignoring her headbutt on the back of my head.

"Guess who?" The person repeated sweetly.

"God..." I said in a bored tone.

"Nope!" The person said with a pop on the 'P'.

The person then turned my head to face her. Luckily my body followed to avoid snapping my neck as I find that troublesome to explain if I recovered immediately afterwards.

With the hands still covering my eyes the person said. "I have a different name in public you know? But I wouldn't mind you calling me 'God' in the bedroom Dar-ling~"

Would you like to drink my Boiling Hot Coffee instead woman!?

She then removed her hands from my face with me now seeing her personally for the first time.

"So while in public you'll be referring to me as Artoria Spears. So let's get along Dar-ling~" Artoria said as she introduced herself.

'Was that a pun just now?' I thought after hearing her lastname.

'Yeah... After seeing Irisviel-san I'm not surprised...' I thought while taking a sip on my Boiling Hot Coffee.

I have to do this cuz she thirsty asf...

"Kyahhh! Hot!" Artoria said in thanks as she gleefully drank my offered coffee.
There ya go! Chapter 14!
