Chapter 92: Warrior Bunny Kingdom

"I WANNA DIE!" A wail of despair sounded at the camp as Summer tried her hardest to convince the earth to swallow her whole.
Her hangover being practically non-existent compared to the sheer embarrassment she's feeling right now as memories from last night's party hit her like an isekai delivery service.

"Woooooh! Gimme a Rajang duo!" Summer's recorded voice yelled over Rias' phone as Ruby held it next to her mother.

"STOP! I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" Summer desperately cried as she fruitlessly hit her head, hoping to knock herself out and end her embarrassment.

"No. It's a core memory. Cherish it." Ruby refused as she looked at her mother with stone-like expression on her face.

"Somehow, watching those two cured my hangover." Raven quietly said as she kept a healthy distance away from the mother-daughter duo.

Yang, who is standing next to Raven silently nodded as she carefully made herself unnoticeable, lest she get Ruby's attention.

'So that's what it looks like from an outsider's perspective.' Weiss thought, remembering when she would torment her sister, Winter the next morning after getting drunk from single glass of wine in a gala.

Rias herself felt self-conscious watching the two as she turned to her personal maid, "Blake, did I do anything embarrassing last night?"

"No, Rias-sama. You only cuddled with Red-sensei last night." Blake honestly replied without any signs of hangover, thanks to treating herself eith senjutsu.

"How's Akeno?" Rias asked with a wince after hearing another wail from Summer.

Looks like her youngest pawn is really mad at her mother.

"Still asleep, Rias-sama." Blake replied with a hint of smugness in her tone.

"Figured. Red did her dirty last night." Rias said, remembering Y/n slipping concentrated droplets of the sake he brought on Akeno's drink as a prank.

The sight of Akeno letting out a belly laugh at everything still made Rias contemplate of doing the same thing to her Queen in the future.

Payback for the teasing was Rias's main reason.

The other? Well... it's just funny.

'Red's type of pranking is seriously rubbing off me.' The redhead thought as she brought her attention back to her other peerage members as Ruby finally stopped tormenting her mother.







Because it's now Raven's turn on Summer.

Looks like her family is forming a line in bullying Summer. Better put a stop to it now before Summer actually kills herself.


"Suuu... Suuu..." several soft snores escape Enkidu's lips as she slept peacefully in one of the enchanted carriage's rooms.

Gil lightly sratched his head as he observed his care taker slept while hugging a bottle of sake to herself.

"Um... ano... Enkidu-san, please wake up. It's morning already." He said while lightly shaking the sleeping green-haired woman.

"You... promised..." Enkidu muttered in her sleep as she slightly turned away from Gil. Her eyes then fluttered open as she slowly woke up.

"Oh, Young Master." Enkidu said as she rubbed her eyes clean and sat up from her bed.

"Mou! I told you to hust call me Gil-kun, Enkidu!" Gil pouted as he took away the bottle now freely laying on the bed.

Enkidu seeing the bottle grimaced, remembering some of her unsighty actions from last night. Unbefitting for a maid of the Ainsworth Family.

Apologizing to Gil for her actions last night, Enkidu requested for her charge to vacate the room so she could get changed.

Lightly breathing on her hand, Enkidu's face scrunched in disgust at the smell, already assuming her body probably smells the same.

"A bath will do." She nodded to herself.


Emi arched her back as she did some stretches, preparing herself for her morning exercise. Happy that she didn't suffer any hangovers anymore as a Human-Dragon Hybrid.

'Or is it just Dragon now?' Emi wondered as she began to lightly jog around the perimeter of the camp.

She soon joined by Artoria with the latter still looking a bit sleepy, but is slowly shaking off the sleepiness in her system.

"Must be nice to be part goddess, huh? Artoria-san?" Emi started, making the blonde look at her in confusion.

"Oh, yeah. Good morning. Anyways, you don't get to suffer from hangovers because of your goddess origins, right?" Emi said making Artoria chuckle a bit.

"No, I do suffer from it and just because I used to be a goddess it doesn't mean I'm immune to being hangover. My body is still Human, you know?" She replied.

"Then why do you look fine this early?" Emi wondered.

"Oh, I had Darling make me some Hangover pills that instantly works." Artoria smiled.

"Well that's convenient." Emi said making the blonde woman giggled, followed shortly by Emi.

A few minutes later the two women retured from the camp and see the others now awake and having breakfast.

"Ah, I was wondering where did Kobayashi-san and Spears-san went. Here's your breakfast you two. Red-san made it." Toshinori said as he approached the two with plates in his hands.

Noticing the apron on his person, Artoria wondered, "Did you helped Darling cook, Yagi-san?"

Toshinori nodded. "Yes, Red-san was asking some American breakfast recipes so I decided to help him prepare them."

"I thought Americans only do bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Sometimes only cereal and milk if you guys are short in time." Emi said with a tilt of her head.

Toshinori chuckled, "Oh that's fairly accurate, most of the time. But in America, we also do toasts, waffles, some breakfast wraps. The usual ones that you see in diners. I, myself when I was still living there still had Japanese breakfast. So my morning palette is quite varied."

"That looks very efficient. But I don't think I will survive to lunch break with just that. Ironically, I did went to work with just a piece of toast on my mouth before."

Artoria and Toshinori listened as Emi muttered to herself as the latter sat on one of the wooden chairs transmuted by Y/n. Artoria followed suit while Toshinori went back to the kitchen inside the wagon, leaving the others to have a relaxing outdoor breakfast.


Two hours later, the group finally closed camp and are now on their way to the Warrior Bunny Kingdom.

"And this here is our farmlands where our livestock and crops originally came from trading. Thanks to our ancestors' farming techniques, our farmlands grew in prosperity and ensured my kingdom's economy." Tyuule proudly said as she sat next to the coach's seat next to Y/n.

"It's nice to see this first hand instead of a sped up version of Civ-six -Wait, no wonder why you beat everyone up in that game." Y/n looked at her in shock.

Tyuule threw him a cheeky peace sign before bringing her attention back in driving the carriage.

Driving past several Warrior Bunnies going about with their daily life. Y/n wasn't surprised to see them waving enthusiastically at him and Tyuule, given that the latter is their queen coming back from vecation.

Reaching the main gates of the kingdom, Tyuule didn't bothered stopping as the gates swung open as the noise of drums and horns greeted their carriage.

Y/n, hearing a mental request from Rias willed the carriage to transform into a wagon, exposing everyone to the festive welcome of the kingdom.

Looking back at Tyuule's fond expression, Y/n took the lines off her hands.

"R-red-samna, you can't-" she excaimed.

"None of that. Go greet your people, they obviously missed you." He said to her making her look around.

Seeing her people's joyous expression, Tyuule couldn't help but stand up and wave with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey Red, go stand up too. I know this one still has a self driving feature in it." Rias said tapping his shoulder.

'Oh, right I forgot.' Y/n thought before activating said feature and standing up next to Tyuule, causing the crowd's cheering to intensify.

Emi, feeling a bit silly decided to lean towards Tyuule's shoulder and whispered, "Your people is probably thinking their King and Queen has returned to their people."

Artoria, Emi and Rias giggled when Tyuule's waving became frantic as the latter tried to control her smile from going even wider as she already failed to hide her bright red face.


With the festive air still going strong, the wagon finally reached its destination and stopped in front of a large building.

"Oh, they renovated the palace. It's really been a while since we've been here." Emi mused as the others who were here before audibly agreed with her statement.

"Without the constant threat of the invaders on our doorstep, I assumed some of the funds focused on warfare were relocated to improve the buildings here and the quality of life." Tyuule said, happy to see the improvements in her kingdom without her supervision.

"That would be correct, My Queen." Delilah, the Queen regent said as she stood in front of the palace doors accompanied with four Warrior Bunny guards.

Upon seeing her, Delilah and her guards took a knee and greeted Tyuule. "Welcome back, My Queen! Our people rejoice of your return!"

Tyuule smiled as a memory of a younger Delilah dreaming of becoming a great service to the kingdom.

Y/n the others didn't say a word as they watched everyone knelt towards Tyuule with a welcoming smile on their faces.

Approaching the kneeing regent, Tyuule commanded, "On your feet, all of you. I don't deserve such things."

Delilah tried to protest and deny their queen's statement, but Tyuule continued, "Seeing the massive changes in this Kingdom. My heart rejoices at the improvements you've done. The wooden huts are now proper buildings. The people walk around with smiles on their faces instead of the determined frown as they prepare themselves to face another invasion. This kingdom now looks like a proper one instead of the old tribal primitive days. For that, I thank you Delilah. For making this all this changes happen." Tyuule said as she wrapped her arms around the startled Delilah.

"Hey, wanna be the Queen? You see... I'm planning to make the Priestess of the War God an actual title." Tyuule whispered to Delilah, much to her shock at the her queen's easygoing tone.

"I-I..." Delilah looked at Tyuule in shock as the latter smiled.

"Let's head inside, shall we?"

Delilah could only nod numbly as Tyuule strode past her as she and her guards followed suit along with Y/n's group.

Inside, Rias and Sona marveled at the building's interior as they remembered the old palace closely resembled a decorated barracks, now it resembles an asian-themed palace.

Sona had to physically rein in Rias, grabbing the back of the latter's shirt by the neckline.

"Sona, let go! I wanna see if they used black-lacquer iron on that samurai armor!" Rias pointed at one of the displayed armor, resembling Y/n's Susanoo constructs.

Delilah, who overhears this said to them. "Apologies, Rias-sama. But we didn't used the strange metal that you were saying. Our blacksmiths used a rare metal called Magisteel. Sadly, the ores doesn't naturally form around this land as we can only got the metal ores from our neighbor nation, Jura Tempest Federation."

"Oh, wow. Rimuru-chin's really moving up to the world, huh?" Serafall mused.

"Oh? You know of Tempest sovereign well, Serafall-sama?" Delilah asked.

"Uh-huh! Red-chan's friends with them and we also helped them in a small battle!" Serfall replied.

'You call that battle small!? That was a full-on war, Onee-chan!' Sona looked at her sister incredulously which was mirrored by Rias.

"Ah, so you really are Gureat Reed-samna's followers." Delilah said, missing Y/n's twitching eye in the background. She felt humbled and honored to be interacting with her new patron god's close followers.

Delilah certainly hopes that she is making a good show of relation to her queen and not dishonor her by offending the her god and his close followers.

A few minutes later the group plus Delilah are currently having lunch in the palace dining room with Tyuule seated at the center of a long table much to her protest that Y/n should be seated at the center as the kingdom's patron deity.

"Now this is meat!" Y/n happily said as he devoured a sizable Well-done Steak.

"I am glad that you find your meal to your liking Gureat Reed-samna. I am will personally tell our cooks that their cooking is up to your minimum standard. I am sure they would greatly honored." Delilah happily said, internally wiping a nervous sweat at the suspense of Y/n's judement of their food.

She was glad that a messenger from Axel arrived just in time to inform her of their patron god's plan to arrive in their kingdom. She had their healthiest Aptonoth slaughtered and put on a ritual for cleaning, purifying it of any filth. She was thankful for the palace finest cooks' efficiency that they managed to prepare the food during the welcoming fest and was finished just in time for the divine transport's arrival at the palace.

Tyuule silently watched as Y/n and Toshinori in his muscled form devoured the food laid in front of them. She couldn't help but wonder how long has her people been expecting their group's arrival that they managed to serve them Meat of the Bountiful Harvest, that normally takes days to prepare that is always served in harvest festivals, not only that but the portion would be normally small, the size of a fist, which the sovereign would be the only one allowed to eat. The rest of the prepared meat would be scattered and buried across the farmlands as an offering for another bountiful harvest next year.

'Did Delilah panicked?' Tyuuled wondered to herself as she idly helped herself with the served rare food. Internally torn between being proud of the royal treatment being shown and worried for the offering for next year's harvest would be subpar.

"This one is really good! What is this?" Aqua wondered as she looked at the liquid in her wooden cup.

"That is called Whiskey, Miss Aqua. It is one of Jura Tempest Federation's exports that we are fortunately able to acquire in our trade agreement. And because of our country's patronship to Great Red-samna, we were given a boon of getting this product on a lesser value.

"Wow, this Whiskey came from that country? One of this days I'm going to go there and get myself one their bottles." Aqua said as she began planning on saving up money to go there and afford a single bottle as she knew for certain that a drink as exquisite as this would be surely pricey even with its local price.

On a another part of the table, Ruby's group in enjoying their meal, Blake savouring her high-class Fighting Fish dish, Yang helping herself on a another serving of that really good steak, Weiss silently enjoying the GreatSword shark dish peppered with herbs and spices, to Ruby having an expensive Choclate glazed cake from Axel. Everyone on the table is enjoying their food, unaware of the royalty treatment they are receiving from the sheer rarity of their food.

"There's so much food!" Gil-kun exclaimed as he observed the diversity of the dishes served. Even with his wealthy status his family rarely go all-out like this and stick to a simplier but still fairly high-class cuisine.

"Gil-sama, please control yourself. You and Lady Angelica experience this fairly often on dinner parties with other wealthy families. We are guest of a royalty, you shouldn't be surprised by this." Enkidu said while mentally taking notes of the food served to replicate when she and her charge returns home.


Finally, I leveled up!

Looking at my adventurer card where the experience bar war located I watched as the bar reset and fill out an eighth of the bar. On the corner of my card I watched in satisfaction as my level changed from fourteen to fifteen.

A level checkpoint where I can finally gain some and improve my skills, and maybe gain a Unique Skill, given it's increased acquisition rate.

Five more levels to go and I would have enough skill points to advance my class profession of Arch-Priest.

Unique Skill: Sage has been obtained.

Unique Skill has evolved to Great Sage.

I'm so lucky that my goddess powers are only dormant and not completely removed, or else thay new skill would've just stayed in its base level and I would have to cultivate it on my own.

Very nice~

[Mystical Magic Tree has been unlocked.] Avoice in my head echoed, allowing me to tell that my new unique skill is now fully functional.

But the voice of in my head or Great Sage's seems awfully familiar.

[The voice this one is using is a default setting from the Nexus Terminal.]

Nexus Terminal? The Voice of the World, huh.

[Correct. But the common name of the Nexus Terminal has been updated and been assined with a different call sign. The Voice of the World now goes by the name Cortana. As assigned by the World's RULER]

Ruler!? Wait what!? When did the ruler has been assigned? The last one has been Veldanava!

And Cortana? Why is it similar to the girl-

[This being called Veldanava, is originally an overactive imagination by a higher being that gained sentience. Currently, this Veldanava unit has merged back to its source.]


[The source of the Veldanava unit goes by the name Great Red, The True Red Dragon Emperor, The Source of everything and the end of everything. Unfortunately, the World's Ruler's true name cannot be discerned by this current evolution level of Great Sage, nor can the Nexus Terminal, Cortana can discern it. As a result, the name Great Red, The True Red Dragon Emperor will appropriately suffice until further notice.]

I felt numb all of a sudden as memories of that last quest kept repeating in my mind. It's all a coincidence right?

[False. The World Ruler is currently in the mortal plain and has been in close proximity of this Unique Skill's current holder.]

Are you an idiot!?

Hey, you knocked off my food, you better pay for it!

How the hell are you doing that!?

My words that I don't even remember all came back to hunt me as cold feeling formed in my stomach.

[This user is highly recommended to focus on breathing. Erratic thoughts. Pulse rate is going higher than normal. Recommended action? Use passive/active skill: Relax.]

What in the world is going on? Why is Red... G-Great Red-sama the World's Ruler? Why is he here? And why now? Was it because of how long the other gods are taking down the Demon King and is now taking matter into his own hands? Is that why he decided to be an adventurer? B-but we're all trying our best! Is the End coming near!?

With my numbness, I barely felt the hand that touched my shoulder, as a voice spoke next me, "Ooh nice! Level fifteen, eh? Did ya get some new skills? Hey can you check my card? I can't get any EXP on thing."

I shifted my eyes to the owner of the voice and met their slitted golden eyes.

[Temporary suspending recommended action of being in close proximity of the RULER to dramatically enhance this skill's cultivation into a possible Ultimate Skill. Highly recommend, deep breaths and stay collected. Forcefully activate skill: Relax?]

I could barely understand Great Sage's words as everything fell mute and then darkness-

I opened my eyes in a groggy manner and the first thing I immediately noticed was a large piece of fabric covering my face along reaching down just above my ankles.

Pushing the fabric off me, I sat up from my position as I looked around and noticed that I was lying on a patch of grass behind some bushes and a few trees.

Did... did someone thought I was dead and tried to hide the body!?

Hah... what a strange way to wake up...

[This unit's pulse rate as returned to normal levels.]

Great Sage! Wait, everything that happened was real, right!?


So Red... Great Red-sama is really the RULER...


Is he going to end this world soon?

[Answer not found.]

"That is worrying." I couldn't help but mutter before taking a few deep breaths to calm myself.

But he's been here for a while now, right? And so far I've only seen him do nothing about the Demon King problem and just messing around. From what the other's said about them being only here for vacation then that's most likey what they're doing right now. I don't want to further think about what Great Red-sama is doing behind the scenes. Just a hopeful thought that maybe he's already solving the problem without everyone knowing and not affecting them. Yeah, that sounds a lot better!

But I would still need to continue working to defeat the Demon King. If Great Red-sama sees me slacking off in my task then he might just go end everything in frustration.

Wait... he does know that I'm a goddess turned mortal, right?

[Answer. Affirmative, the RULER is aware of this user's current status.]

So he's just testing me and in turn the others to see if we're slacking off.

[Proability of- INITIATING SKILL TAKEOVER- You're not wrong in that thought process, goddess.]

Great Sage's tone suddenly changed from sounding artificial to sounding like I'm talking to Cortana-san.

[Master, doesn't like slackers. Servants like us loses their purpose if he has to do the tasks himself, wouldn't you agree?]

I felt a chill ran down my spine at those words as Great Sage continued speaking.

[If a servant messes up it is only natural that they should be punished. Master, being the ever forgiving and generous he is kept giving out second chances even if it's their fifth offense, like your fellow deities.]

I subconsciously imagined a phantom hand touching my chin and lifting it up as the hand slowly traveled down to my neck where it merely stayed there.

[As such, here is an advice from his most loyal servant. Master's patience is not endless.]

The phantom hand surged forward-


I held my chest tightly as my hands traveled up to my throat where an imaginary hand has been a second ago.

[User is undergoing another panic attack. Forcefuly activate Rest ability?]

I flinched at Great Sage's voice echoed in my head, but I held down the sob that was about to escape my mouth as I realized that this is the normal Great Sage.

'No, I'll be fine. Thank you...' I replied to her? She sound like one, right?

I stood up from the grass I was sitting on and went towards the palace to grab some refreshments while wiping off any traces of tears in my face.

While she might be still there, I wouldn't cower away to safety and make things even worse for me.

Just breathe Aqua. Just breathe.

Eris is going to owe me big for being in this situation in the first place!


"My Lord, you are removing your guardian spirits surrounding the Kingdom?" Delilah asked as she watched me dismantle my Susanoo constructs

"No, I'm only putting them in a dormant state. They look kinda intimidating to outsiders and might hurt your trades if other merchants are to afraid to step close to this lands." I replied as one Susanoo construct merged with a nearby hill.

"Hmph. Then they're not worthy of entering this kingdom if they couldn't appreciate the sight of the kingdom's guardian spirits." Delilah stubbornly said.

"B-but I see your point and my queen would be troubled at our sudden shortage of trading partners when that happens." She bashfully added.

"I thought you're the queen now? Didn't Tyuule said that earlier during lunch?" I asked.

The girl shook her head, "While that may be true. We would still have to hold a ceremony for my queen passing down her rule to me. But everyone knows that Lady Tyuule is the true queen and I agree with it. After everything she has done and willing to do for this kingdom and our people, she deserves her rest." Delilah passionately said as she watched the other Susanoo constructs dissolve to merge with their surroundings.

"Lady Tyuule is Great Red-sama's direct servant. His priestess. Above a queen's station, which would only hinder her in serving our god to the best of her abilities." She said as she turned to me.

"You guys don't have to go all out for me, ya know? I appreciate it, but don't forget about yourselves. " I said, feeling slightly embarrassed at the sheer devotion I'm receiving from these people.

"And my people and I are glad to serve, Great Red-sama." She probably noticed my embarrassment. Thanks for not pointing it out.

Also, you guys are capable of saying my name properly. So why are you purposely butchering it earlier, huh!?

I then felt a ping in my mind as information rushed in like a flood.

A large army is headed towards Tempest.






Well, well, well...

Some people never learn, eh?


