How to train that dragon

'Training someone is easier said than done...' I thought as a flash covered my view.

I came to a startling  realization that I don't have any idea on how to train someone.

Right now I'm sitting on the ground barely paying attention to anyt-

"How is this training?" Rias said as she hurled another ball of destruction at my face...


Smoke covered my view as I thought of a good bullshit to answer(stall) her.

"We are trying to increase your limit on how long you could keep using your Power of Destruction before tiring out..." I said while thinking of a good training method.

"How are you training Kobayashi-sensei anyways?" Rias asked as she remembered we splitted up like the Mystery Gang when we started training.

"I'm not training her at the moment." I said as Rias was about to open her mouth in response- "Tohru and Kanna is still teaching her the basics on being a dragon." I finished while stalling for an answer. And luckily I finally thought of a better training plan for Rias.

"Rias, Devil magic is powered by imagination right?" I asked Rias as she gave me a quick nodded in confirmation.

"Huh, then that means you could get some ideas from your manga and games right?" I said as Rias' eyes widened in realization as a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Hoho~! With this~!" Rias said in delight as she's probably thinking of all the possibilities she could do with this information.

"I'm going to let you experiment for a bit." I told her as she just nodded in return as I went to Emi's location, curious on their progress.
After a couple of minutes of walking I finally see the dragon trio.

"How's training progress going?" I asked Tohru as I approached them with Tohru watching in the sidelines as the other two sat on the ground.

"Kobayashi-san is doing really well with her training as she seems to grasp the basics with ease." Tohru said as she watched Kanna teaches Emi on forming attacks with her hands instead of firing them through her mouth like Tohru does.

"So instead of 'Guiding' the flow of energy to my hands, I should just focus on 'Pulling' it into my palms instead, basically ?" Emi said as Kanna patted Emi's head "Kobayashi is correct!" as she praised Emi in a monotone voice.

At least she doesn't sound like she's just reading anymore...

Emi then tried to manipulate her energy into her hands and succeeding, but after a few moments later  it blinked out ofmexistance when she lost her hold on the energy.

"Ah, so you have to maintain it if it's in your hands." Emi said in observation as she stared at her hand.

I think she's not aware I'm here though. That's better I suppose so, as she won't get distracted by my sudden appearance.

But it's too tempting!

I then tapped Tohru's shoulder and pointed at something behind her "What's that!?

"Huh?" Tohru looked at the object I'm pointing at and saw... nothing.

She then looked back to me only to see nothing again.

'Good thing this area has a lot of trees!' I thought as I hid behind a tree not five feet away from Tohru...
I did it... I batman'ed...

Damn... So that's what it feels like when you do the 'Batman'.

As I sat behind the tree and took my next course of action.


I then turned myself into...

3rd Person POV

When Tohru looked at the direction Y/n pointed she saw nothing in particular. Confused she looked back at Y/n to ask him what he saw but instead Tohru could only see the spot where Y/n used to be.

"Huh? Red-sama?" Tohru said getting the attention of Emi and Kanna.

"Hmm? What is it Tohru?" Emi asked as she and Kanna stood up to join Tohru.

Tohru said as she looked at Emi. "It's Red-sama."

"Red?" Emi said in confusion.

Seeing Emi's confused expression Tohru elaborated. "Red-sama was here a few moments ago, but he suddenly disappeared when I looked away for a moment."

"You probably got too excited over your deal that you've imagined him being here." Emi said as turned back on her training.

'Hmmm... I guess... Haaaa... Red-sama~' Tohru thought with a sigh.

A sound of an object being uprooted from the ground distracted Tohru from her thoughts as a huge dragon from out of nowhere appeared next to them.

Emi looked at the noise and her eyes widened as she sees a traditional looking dragon with long serpentine neck and tail along with a pair of large wings. It's glowing hot body is covered in rigid reddish crimson scales and lined with crimson spines. Its head features four backwards facing horns with one of them being extremely overgrown in comparison to the rest.


The dragon menacingly growled at the trio as the other trees around the dragon is starting to burn due to its proximity.

"W-Wha!?" Emi startled voice ridded Tohru and Kanna from their shocked stupor.

"How did that dragon got here!?" Rias yelled as she came out from her side of the training area. She immediately went to the trio's side when she saw the towering dragon that suddenly appeared out  of nowhere.

Artoria and Akeno arrived at scene as Akeno asked Rias. "What's going on Rias?"

Rias immediately responded to her. "I don't know Akeno... But for this dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere inside this fixed dimension is worrying."

'What are you doing darling?' Artoria asked Y/n from their bond as rhe latter is disguised as the dragon in front of them.

'Training!' I simply said to her as she just chuckled at my antics.

'I guess I'll join then...' Artoria said through our bond as she prepared herself for the 'fight' about to occur.

"Get ready everyone!" Rias commanded as everyone got ready for the incoming fight.

The dragon(Y/n) looked at the group ready to attack as it let out a loud roar.


Let the fight (training) begin!
Chapter 24 End
