They are amazing and scary...

"My turn!" Tohru said as she's still hugging me and pulled my head towards hers resulting in a-


Soft. incomparably soft.

I was then removed from my thoughts as a pair of slender arms took me away from Tohru who is now in her own world.

As I looked at the person who pulled me I saw Emi, whose face is about to turn into a new shade of red as she held my cheeks and slowly pulled my head. As my lips got closer to hers I felt a weird sensation in my lips. It was quick but I know what was that.

A pair of fingers...
Did she just 'Tsugumi' kiss'ed me!?

"I-I can't do it Tohru! It's too embarrassing!" Emi said as looked away from me with her hands covering her madly blushing face.
T-that was so cute...


The sound of sliding doors slamming got my attention as I saw Rias with her hands on her knees panting.

"*pant* What did *pant* I miss!? *pant*" Rias being obviously out of breath asked.

"R-red-chan... kissed..." A red faced Serafall stuttered.

That's new...

"NOOOoooooooooo!!!" Rias yelled in despair as her knees hit the floor.


*Smack!* "Ouch!"  I smacked the person upside in the head.

"One Akeno is enough Artoria!"


"Uuuuuuu... Red's first kiss..." Rias depressingly said as she drew small circles on the ground.

"There there. It's okay Rias." Akeno tried to comfort her "he could just take yours instead."

"!?" Rias Ahoge Straightened.

Rias suddenly perked up as she imagined something that made her-


"Haaaa... That would be nice..." Rias said to herself as she went to dreamland staring at nothing with a red face.
I'm right here you know...

Still, it does feel really great when a you know a pretty girl is having romantic thoughts of you.

'I do it all the time Darling!' Artoria boldly claimed which surprisingly caught me off-guard

I-I don't know how to react to t-that!

'Operation: Heart attack is a success!' Artoria celebrated internally but did a fistpump on the outside

Name it properly woman!


Sona cleared her throat getting mostly everyone's attention.

"The reason that we were called by Irisviel-sama is because that 'WE' the Otaku club is going to be giving the new transfer students a tour of the school next week!" She announced as she took a sip from her drinking can.

Wha-!? Where did she get that!? I didn't see her holding one when she entered the room!

"Anyways that's all for today! We'll see you all next week."
Timeskip- Emi's house

"Training? What for? " Emi asked.

"Yep for the first one and for the second one, you do remember that you're a dragon now, right?" I told Emi as she looked down at her chest while placing her arms under them. She then blushed in realization. "Right..."

I don't think being that's how you classify as a dragon Emi...

I then continued "and changing from one race to another is a big change as it changes your grasp in your physical capabilities. Like for when you accidentally applied more force in your arm when you punched your supervisor. Granted I would've put more power in my punch, enough to knock his head off if I was in your shoes." Emi blanched as she remembered that man.

"What I'm saying is that you need to pull your punches, else you might seriously harm someone accidentally. " I said to her.

Emi bowed her head in thought but after a few moments she looked up meeting my eyes with her determined ones "I accept."

Oi! I wasn't asking for permission!

"Dinner's ready!"

As we were eating I told everyone on the table "Okay! From today onwards we will be training every weekends, except when there's exams."

"Why?" Tohru asked in confusion.

Too easy.

"Why not?" I asked back making her pout.

"Kidding aside this training will make you three stronger. Yes I included you Kanna." I said as Kanna looked at me in confusion before she gave me a look that I recognize." "Sweets." Yes I'll give you sweets as a reward." Kanna nodded in satisfaction and went back to eating as Tohru said "How about me Red-sama?"
"Hmmm... What do you want?"

"How about we go on a date? Just the two of us! We could also try out that Maid café that I heard from my classmates. I heard their Special Love-love Strawberry Shake is really popular!" Tohru said as she planned our 'future' date.

"..." Emi and I were shocked in silence at Tohru's bold move. As Emi and I expected Tohru to bring Emi along for another 'triple' date.

I guess a little incentive wouldn't hurt "Sure-" Tohru eyes sparkled in which I held my hand up "-only if you impress me!" Tohru only took it as a challenge. As the sparkles in her eyes were replaced by burning determination.  "Then! I will make you so impressed of me, that you will ask me out personally in front of the school!"

Damn, she got me good! And I can't back away now!

""Deal!"" We agreed as we shook hands on the table.

"Ehem! And me?" Emi asked.

"Well we coul..." I slowly leaned closer to her ear as I whispered my 'reward'

*Poof!* Emi short-circuited as she could only blush and nod.

A real maiden in heart.
Timeskip-after dinner

After finishing washing the dishes as it's my turn today. I then decided to wash my clothes...
Yes, I brought clothes as I would still like to feel human.

After I placed my clothes on my own wash bin, I headed downstairs to the laundry room but as I opened the door...

"Kobayashi-san's clothes..." Tohru muttered as she licked the unwashed clothes of Emi.

Of course! I nearly forgot!

Tohru then turned slightly with a thinking expression on her face.

"After this I have get Red-sam-"

*SLAM!* I slammed the door shut as I immediately run upstairs not caring of the noise I'm making. *Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

As I reached my room which I immediately- *SLAM* *CLICK!* slammed the door closed and locked it.

But just to be safe...
'Seal: BEDROOM' 'Dimension Lock: BEDROOM'


That was both hot and creepy at the same time.

I wasn't ready for that one to be honest.

I then laid on my bed 'I'll probably wash those tomorrow as I'm not really running out of things to wear.'

I then looked at my alarm clock "Smash you tomorrow. " and went to sleep.

Here's chapter 21 everyone!
