Chapter 88: Advent of the Other Beings II

Well, this is what I asked for...

I looked across the tree line towards the fictional supernatural being, turned boss known as [Slender Man].

I may be responsible for this guy to be here in the game, but I didn't intentionally pick this guy himself. I remembered vaguely wishing for something interesting to happen and then-boom!

He's here in YGGDRASIL. Standing menacingly in the tree line.

"I suggest we retreat for now. I may be a tank, but our current party is only made for scouting purposes only." Bukuku-chan said with complete seriousness, gone was the high-pitched cutesy voice she usually makes and in place is a stern commanding tone.

"I'm down with that. Don't want to tangle with the tall weirdo over there without good info on its movesets. I may be brash, and I ain't no Takemikazuchi!" Yamaiko said.

Peroroncino looked uncomfortable, "He looks creepy. See those wiggling things on his back? I've seen enou-"

"Finish that sentence and you're going to be bait for our escape." Bukuku-chan growled, causing Peroroncino to 'Eep!'

"!" Yamaiko made a noise when the [Slender Man] suddenly warped in front  of er.

Not on my watch!

Gripping the boss' slender wrists, I pulled him towards me to meet my fist.

The boss was then sent rocketing towards the trees, knocking down several of them in the process while forming a long trench on the ground.

'Heh, one-shot. Wait-' The smirk died before it could even form in my face as I saw something strange.

I was confused when [Slender Man]'s HP bar did something weird as it turned from empty to full in a split second.


I might be the only one that had noticed this as the others didn't said anything about it, but instead they started casting their skills', Bukuku-chan with her hate/aggro management game, Yamaiko with her party buffs, mostly defensive, while Peroroncino went with his go-to opener skill combo.

The end result was several flashes of light exploding in the distance towards where I sent the enemy flying.

I watched as the boss' HP decreased by a ten percent as Peroroncino's skill bombardment did its work. A decent amount of damage, given that the target is a boss and a wondering one at that.

But, all of that damage was wasted when the boss' HP went back to full, shocking everyone in my party.

"So not only this one is quick, but it has regen too!?" Peroroncino said in annoyance as he drew back another energy arrow.

I guess a regenerating boss is not a strange thing to them. I guess it isn't really surprising, given this guild usually fights more bosses in a month than your standard guild. It's one of the top guilds in the game for a reason.

With me being a guild member now, I will be exposed to more bosses than what I'm used too -which is fine, as guild raiding is starting to get old now.

I mean, ambushing people from the front in broad daylight is starting to get old now. I need something new and fun to do so I don't get bored with the game.

"Damn, the teleport runes are not working!" I heard Yamaiko say from the back, making Peroroncino curse.

"Oh, come on! It's a do-or-die boss too!? Did the Devs released that one while still in beta?" Peroroncino whined before snapping his aim to the left where he saw the boss move once again.

"There goes a week's worth of materials I farmed..." Yamaiko sullenly said somewhere behind me as she placed her buffs on me and Bukuku-chan again.

"I am not dying in a stupid forest!" Bukuku-chan yelled as she slammed her two shields together and activated a taunt skill.

The boss in the distance stood back up and then appeared in front of Bukuku-chan the next instant, aggro'ed by her skill.

"How many taunt skills does this girl have?" I asked outloud.

"A more than a keyboard's worth!" Bukuku-chan said as she went to take on the boss' incoming onslaught.

Peroroncino, Yamaiko, and I didn't waste any time as we attacked the taunted boss.

"Urk!" Peroroncino grunted as he was struck by a black limb that suddenly appeared next to him.

"He shook off the aggro!" Bukuku-chan said in shock as she went for a Shield Stun in an attempt to hinder the boss.

Several weapons appeared next to me and shot off towards the [Slender Man], which all hit their mark. I then followed up with a punch to it's featureless face, my eyes then snapped towards it's HP bar and felt both of my eyebrows rise in surprise and confusion as the boss' Hp Bar was shredded down to nothing before filling back up in less than a second.

What the-

"-Fuck!?" Yamaiko cursed as she saw the exact same thing that I saw what happened with the boss' HP bar.

"What the heck is going on!?" Bukuku-chan said in confusion as she tried to and failed to get the boss' aggro as if it gained immunity from hate/aggro manipulation.

I scanned the strange boss and discovered that this is being piloted by a person, a developer of all things.

Huh, I guess they've finally caught up with my bullshit.

Welp, this is what I get for asking something interesting to happen. I get to face one of the 'gods' of this game.

Unfortunately for these 'gods', they're not Kanna-chan so... Sorry, not sorry...

"Well, we finally found a training dummy that fights back. This is gonna be fun~!" I then rushed towards the boss with my fists raised and the number of my portals double.

And because of that, I used my power and willed all of my attacks to hit the boss as well as the Dev piloting it. Of course, I made it that my attacks wouldn't ever kill the pilot but only feel the pain instead. How merciful of me, amirite?

Batting a way a hand that was about to stab my face, my right hand grasped its face and slammed the boss on the ground with a small tremor. The wiggling bits on its back then went on a frenzy as it all lashed out at me in an attempt to free itself.

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!" I slammed its head back repeatedly on the ground, ignoring the wiggling extra limbs uselessly slapping against me.

"He's just manhandling the boss..." I heard some Yamaiko say in the background.

The boss went still for a moment before it once again did something that surprised me.

"!?" A flesh-like slime made a surprised squeak as Bukuku-chan suddenly found herself in my grasp instead of the boss that I was slamming against the ground.

I turned to Yamaiko as the latter let out a war cry as she jumped the boss with her giant gauntlets raised. Instead of her attack connecting, the boss' form flickered for a moment just as Yamaiko harmlessly phases through it.

"What the hell? That's bullsh-!" Yamaiko was then sent flying by the boss as four of its extra limbs lashed out at her, draining her hp down to half,

It was a massive damage, but expected of a boss-type enemy. It doesn't help that this one's being piloted by a GM or actually one of the Devs, so its damage is likely increased as well.

Several arrows or bolts of light then made its mark on the boss, dealing notable damage on its HP Bar. Surprisingly, the damage dealt to it didn't regenerate like earlier.

A cooldown? or a required condition? Whatever that regeneration thing was, at least we've finally dealt some actual damage on the boss.

"Finally!" Peroroncino's voice celebrated in the distance as the Boss continued to look at my direction, even during Yamaiko's and Peroroncino's attacks, the boss didn't break 'eye' contact with me which was kinda creepy but I think its player/pilot is already locking on to me in suspicion.

Which I wouldn't be surprised as I just one-shotted it earlier.

Another volley came from Peroroncino but this time his arrows were absorbed by several tears of static that appeared behind the Boss and those same static tears also appeared next to me that spat the same arrows Peroroncino let loose.

Oi. Oi. This Faker's trying to do my thing-

<Twilight Forest's Guidance +11 Broke!>

Oi! That cloak was a pain to farm and upgrade! I actually used my income to pay for those upgrades!

I released Bukuku-chan as I mentally mourned for my broken equipment.

"So you wanna play like that, huh? K then..." I said to the boss with my tone laced with anger.

"I didn't mean to do that!" I ignored Peroroncino's panicked voice from the distance as I focused on the boss.

"Bukuku-chan, Yamaiko, Peroroncino. None of you three will say anything what happens here, alright?" I said to my party as all of my equipment vanished, leaving me with just my red long-sleeved shirt, grey joggers the same ones that I was wearing when I went to sleep and logged into the game.

"RED-san?" I heard Bukuku-chan whisper beside me,

Cracking my neck and knuckles, I stepped forward towards the boss, "You cost me a piece of good equipment, punk. Imma take off the kiddie gloves now..." I said as I suddenly appeared in front of it with my fist cocked back.

The boss raised its hand to catch my fist, only for it to be obliterated a moment later, allowing my fist to strike true, and boy... does it feel satisfying!

"What is going on?" I heard Yamaiko said as the space around began to tear, leaving a void of codes and pixels that the game is trying to fix as they appear.

The boss got back up after being sent back by my punch and tried to regenerate its destroyed limb only to fail.

Yeah, no healing for you, punk!

It then looked back at me and raised its remaining arm. A corrupted looking heart appeared in its grasp and was about to squeeze it only for the heart to dissappear.

Failing its instant-death spell, the boss sent out the black tendrils on its back at me only for them to slam against an invisible wall that is my sheer presence that I'm slowly letting out.

My hand raised towards it, "Banshō Ten'in."

An invisible force pulled the boss towards me as I met with a fist on its stomach.

"Gukh!" I heard it's player/pilot gasp as it folded on my fist.

Good. They're feeling the pain. Let's continue.

"You are going to be a vegetable after I'm done with you." I whispered harshly to it as I used my free hand to grab the back of its head and slam it on the ground once again.


Oh, no, no, no, you're not getting away that easily!

I then healed the boss back up as I coated my entire body with the Dimensional Gap's energy, causing the air around me to tear into lines and codes.

"W-what is going on!? Is the game breaking!?" Peroroncino said uncertainly.

"GRRYYAHHHH!!!" The person piloting the boss screamed in agony as I tortured it further.

"What is going on down there? I can't see or hear them with that light show!" Bukuku-chan said somewhere near us.

The boss twitched and dissolved into nothingness, leaving me aware that I accidentally squeezed with my real claws.

Damn, I didn't realized that I had those out.

Well, at least that person's a vegetable now.

Hmmm... On second thought? Imma heal them back up. I wasn't satisfied with just that one.

Oh, I'm going to hunt this person down. Probably trap them in the game and put them right next to Hastur as well!

I pulled my energy back to myself as I allowed the others to get closer as I calmed myself down.

I ignored the fanfare Herald Felled as the kill rewards were handed out.

Alright, a hundred thousand data crystals per player and a key..?

I raised the Black Key of the Sleeping One and... isn't this on the nose?

Shame, it's not for that Hastur guy. I wanna try that one out, but I guess I'll bring the girls on that one next time.

That one's good for training. Gods are kinda mediocre from what I got from that Susanno guy.

Not gonna lie. That guy is really weak. Like, low-tier level for being a God-class being, and that's the Shinto's deterrent against other factions? How disappointing.

Anyway, back to the key. As I was inspecting it, a black swirling portal appeared right in front of me where the boss died.

"Offer Black Key x1?" Yamaiko read the action prompt above the portal as she and the two siblings gathered up next to me to inspect the portal.

"I'm getting the feeling that this is an on the spot battle or a new dungeon. I say we leave this one for now and discuss this with the guild before using that key, RED-san." Bukuku-chan said.

"Same here, I'd rather be prepared for a dungeon raid. I don't like getting sudden boss fights and resorting to this." I gestured at my form.

"Now that you brought it up." Yamaiko said as she rounded on me, "What the hell is going on with you? Where did your armor go and why it says 'Error' on your level?"

"Yeah, I'm reading the same thing on your level, man. Are you... hacking?" Peroroncino asked.

Bukuku-chan silently looked at me, waiting for me to explain myself to which I did.

But given that they're normal humans in a dystopian reality, one of them didn't take my explanation kindly, "That is some bullshit there, RED. We're not idiots! If you're just gonna mess around and claim you're a all-powerful higher being that got bored than just admit you're hacking-" I tapped Yamaiko's forehead, causing her form to shift.

"Holy-!" Bukuku-chan exclaimed as she looked at Yamaiko.

Gone were her Nephilim avatar, in place of it is her real body, a tall beautiful woman with long black hair-

"Who's that? Wait, is that's Musclehead Sensei in real life? Damn..!"

Thanks, Peroroncino! That sums up The Christmas Cake!

"Huh, wha-?" Yamaiko said in confusion before looking to see herself in pajamas that she was wearing prior to logging into the game.

"Believe me now?" I asked my fellow teacher in a bored tone, masking my surprise at her state.

"I-I..." Yamaiko tried to formulate her words only to fail as she touched her arms, the cold ground of Alfheim as well as her gauntlets that she re-equipped, distracted by the sudden sense of touch that is more life-like compared to what the game gives.

"Hey, RED do that me too! I wanna try what the game actually feels like!" Peroroncino excitedly said.

I tapped his forehead, and his form shifted into his real-life self.

Being only a few inches shorter than Yamaiko, Peroroncino looked just about in his late teens. With black hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he just looks like your typical freshman is college, only that his looks is kind of familiar to me.

"You actually make our irl bodies appear in-game, that's so sick! Man, it feels so cold but at the same time, it's so refreshing here! Is this what you feel all the time every time you play?" Peroroncino said as he took off the flip-flops his real body is wearing and looked pleased at the cold to the touch ground he's feeling on his bare feet.

A fleshy slime-like limb tugged the back of my shirt, making me look at Bukuku-chan.

"I would like to try that out as well..." Bukuku-chan said in an uncharacteristically meek tone.

A tap on her blob head and-


Standing close to Peroroncino's height, who is a head shorter than me, Bukuku-chan is the shortest of the party with her being an inch or two shorter than her brother. A slender figure with honey-blonde hair, Bukuku-chan looks like Peroroncino's younger sister rather than the opposite. It also didn't help that the orange hamster hoodie this girl is currently wearing made her even cuter.

"So that's what you look like in real life?" Uma-Bukuku-chan wondered as she looked up at me.

"Uh, yeah? The extremely detailed custom appearance was just a cover that RiAS and I made. We're just too excited to play the game when we got it so we basically did the default look and just used my power to put in our actual appearance as our game avatars." I said to her.

"Seriously!? That's so unfair! Rias-san looks like a top model without even trying and then you on the other hand couldn't decide whether you're going to be a bishounen or bishoujo and decided to just pick both!" Peroroncino complained in a joking tone.

Hiratsuka-Yamaiko spoke up as her distraction faded off, "I can get over that using powers to change your appearance bit, but isn't unfair to use your powers to beat content? Like that boss just now. I'm not saying that I'm being ungrateful for that, you saved my gear and months of potential grinding, but morally speaking? Isn't unfair for others that you use your powers to beat content?" She asked.

If I was any other 'powerful' being I would've scoffed at her but instead...

"That's why I pull my punches to the level where it's possible for it happen in game. You don't see me throwing out WCI's by the dozen, ya know." I countered, before a thought hit me.

"Also, I just made the playing field even for that boss fight just now. That one's being piloted by a Dev. I dunno if that stupid healing was the boss' ability or a Dev abusing their power, so I just fought fire with fire." I said, throwing in a distraction to bullshit my way out.

Yamaiko wasn't fazed...

"Pull your punches, huh? How about those other players just now. They got shredded by that weapon portal thing you did earlier. A few of them got one-shotted too, and one of them was a tank!" Yamaiko argued back.

"Hey, you do know I also one-shotted a few of them too, right? They just failed the 'health check', Yamaiko-san." Peroroncino, always the wingman, defended me.

Yamaiko looked at Bukuku-chan for support.

"They were kind of weak, to be honest, Yamaiko-san. I'm actually impressed that those guys didn't get killed by the mobs and the Cold Hazard environment in this area. They wouldn't survived in Jotunheim." Bukuku-chan said to her.

"Haa..." Yamaiko sighed in resignation and thankfully relented. "Alright, alright. You're off the hook for now, mister. But keep those powers of yours to a minimum, alright?" She said to me.

"Got it. But I'm pulling out the big guns as a last resort or if something like this happens again." I replied.

"I'm fine with that. I'd rather not lose my stuff because a Dev went Dev on us." Yamaiko said, causing us to chuckle.

Yamaiko, and I made eye contact, basically telling me that she still hasn't conceaded the argument, but only made it look like she did to the two siblings in our party.

She knows it's bad to have party conflicts while outside of a safe area like a guild base or a major city.

"While we are at the topic of that. Why was a Dev playing as a boss in the first place?" Peroroncino asked as he sat on the ground.

My eyes flashed briefly as knowledge rushed to my head.

"The reason was because they were looking for the 'Anomaly' in the game as the Devs put it." I said, pointing at myself, "The new bosses, like the [Slender Man] earlier have a detection system that would pinpoint the 'Anomaly'. So during the fight the Dev piloting the boss figured themself that I was a hacker so they decided to punish me with a unwinnable boss fight, killing me in the process while simultaneously deleting my entire account of this game." I said to them, causing their eyes to widen.

"Would've that painted a target on our backs as well as the guild's!?" Yamaiko said as a worried look crossed her face.

"Nah. You guys are safe." I waved off her concern, "I made sure to make the system 'forget' about that fight. And Imma do the same to the person who was piloting the boss as well." I said as I snapped my fingers while at the same time making my eyes glow to let them know that I'm using my powers.

Man, that person wouldn't know what hit them when I finally go and hunt them down.


Half an hour later, our group is currently heading back to the guild base, with all three of my party being back to their game avatars, while still retaining their sense of touch, per everyone's requests.

A few stray mobs here and there our group got little loot as we encounter few neutral players that were just grinding and minding their own business. Normally, I would've jumped the gun and go for the frontal ambush in broad daylight as usual, but these guys are pretty low leveled, lower than the ones that we fought before the surprise boss fight. Some of them I recognized being real grinders of the game and will only go for pvp out of self-defense only. Only a real asshole would mess with these guys.

With Bukuku-chan warning a few others that got too close to the cold-hazard zone, the trip back to base was chill. With idle chatters here and there. Loot distribution after some strong mob encounters, our group eventually reached our guild base, with nothing worthwhile to report except for that boss fight.

Now, earlier before we decided to head back, our group discussed how we will explain it to the others what transpired and it was decided as this...


"Wait, you guys encountered a new boss with a Dev playing it!?" Came Momonga-san's shocked reaction to our story as Bukuku-chan recalled the events during our scouting.

We went with half-truth on telling about the encounter

"Yeah, they said they were looking for an 'Anomaly' that has been running around in the game for a few months now. Guy sounded like he has a stick on his ass the entire time, but thankfully he didn't abuse his power and party wiped us." Yamaiko said to him.

I continued after her, "After that, he left and the boss did its thing and fought us. That one had weird mechanics. It could regenerate its health and can make you phase through its body like a ghost, also it won't let you escape the encounter with a Gate scroll or escape crystal. It was an annoying fight, but not too hard for a new content enemy." I then took out the Black Key of the Sleeping One from my inventory and presented it to him.

"The name alone points out that you'll need that to fight the new bosses, also when RED-san recieved that, a portal came out from the boss' corpse. That means you need to kill a boss like the one that we fought first before you can access the portal." Peroroncino said making, Whitebrim who still hasn't logged out yet groan in annoyance.

"Of course the Devs thought it's a good idea to soften us up first before sending us to the actual boss fight." He said as Peroroncino's, Momonga-san's and his shoulders visibly slump in defeat.

"Hey, look on the bright side. At least that boss would provide a good source of data crystals upon defeat." Bukuku-chan optimistically said to the three.

"Alright, that's good to know. Thank you Bukubukuchagama-san, now we have an additional alternative for a data crystal farm. Ahem. Anyway, going back to the topic of that boss, did the portal that came out remained?" Momonga-san asked.

"No, it disappeared after around ten minutes." Yamaiko said, shaking her head, "Even after we brought the key back out of our inventory the portal didn't show up. So what Whitebrim-san said is really accurate and that is without us knowing that if that portal would lead us directly to the boss room or maybe bring us to a dungeon first that we have to actually navigate before fighting the boss."

Discussion about the boss fight continued with some of the guild members logging in and joining the discussion. After a few hours, I eventually logged out of the game to greet the morning.

Ayeesh! Sunlight, how unbearable and hiss inducing...




Waking up first thing in the morning to a girl's sleeping face would normally give an entire day's worth of morale boost to a guy. But to someone who wasn't used to this kind of thing?

It is scream inducing. 

Fortunately, my brain's quick enough to mute myself or else I would've destroyed the peaceful mood.

Turning away from Emi's sleeping face, I came face to face with Sona's wide-open eyes who I just noticed is laying on top of me.

Another soundless scream left my lips as Sona's face quickly turned beet-red in embarrassment.

"T-this isn't what it looks like!" Sona quickly said as she tried to scramble off me only for my hand to placed itself in the middle of her back, freezing her in place.

"Emi's going to wake up if you continue moving!" I loudly whispered at her, unsure if the sleeping girl beside me is a light sleeper or not.

An uncharacteristic giggle left Emi's lips making Sona and I look at each other.

We both looked back at Emi and went to lightly poke her face.

Three fingers touched her face- wait- three?

"That's supposed to be my spot." Rias voice from behind me.

"!?" Sona's hands flew to my mouth to muffle the scream that would've left my mouth if I hadn't muted myself at the last second.

I shifted my body a bit, allowing me to look at Rias, who is thankfully dressed in a black shirt and blue short shorts.

"Sona did it first." Rias said much to Sona's mortification. "I'm just following their example. Also, I'm your girlfriend so it's only natural for me to sleep right next to you." Rias said with emphasis on 'girlfriend' while looking at Sona.

If Sona was wearing her glasses right now, it would've gleamed to match Rias' look, instead she narrowed her eyes at Rias.

I felt Emi shift next to me, making me look back at her. Rubbing her eyes while releasing a soft yawn, Emi opened her eyes and blinked at the three of us.

She then spoke before I could open my mouth, "So this the harem moment that you were talking about, Rias. Good to know that Red and I were facing each other. That means I'm the main girl. Good, good..." Emi said as she wrapped an arm across my chest and went back to sleep.

"Hell no! I'm the main one! I found him first!" Rias indignantly said as she grabbed my head and turned it to face her.

"I-I going to my room to get changed." Sona meekly said as she tried to get up, only to realize my arm is still holding her down.

"If I'm going to suffer the awkwardness here then so will you. Also, you're involved in this mess." I said to Sona while still being forced to face Rias.

"Shoo! Less competition the better!" Rias said while doing a shooing motion with her hand before hugging me close to her chest.


I then felt Sona lie back down on my chest with her pink shirt pressing on my chest just below Emi's arm and-

"Oi! That should be me doing that to him first!"

Holy shit! She's actually grinding on me!

What the hell happened to this girl? She's going OC on me!







Objective: Escape-

Tell that to my body brain!



"Nrm mh fhut hnyu grslR hnny!" I said in fluent motorboat.


Two hours later...

""Grrrr!"" Rias and Sona exchanged competitive looks as we walked to school.

Looking behind me to get some assistance, Emi gave me an amused chuckle while Artoria behind her pouted beside her.

Serafall on the other hand...

"So-tan... Onee-chan here is free!" The ex-maou wave her hand frantically behind us, only to be ignored by her sister.

I can see the imaginary rain clouds forming on top of her head as she gave us a a very effective kicked puppy look.

Before I realized what I was doing, I already had my Kamui activated and slipped off the two girls hugging my arms.

"Eh, what?" I heard Rias said in confusion followed by Sona's "Red-sensei?"

Well... what's done is done, so I just offered my arm to Serafall, who was surprised by my actions.

She looked at me and I shrugged causing a faint blush to cross her cheeks.

She then took my offer and held my hand instead while shyly held her head down, refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"Alright. Too aggressive. Noted." I looked at Rias in confusion as the latter hid a small notebook on her skirt pocket.

Feeling my other hand getting taken as well, I turned to see Tyuule's beet red face. "R-Red-sama requires an escort and it's my duty as your head priestess to escort my patron god!" She explained while fighting down a smile forming on her face.

"Nooo! My chance!" Artoria wailed behind us.

"There, there... you can have my spot later at lunch period." I heard Emi consoled her.

"Really!? Then I can hand feed Darling? Thank you! Thank you! My new best friend!" Artoria happily said.

"Hey, I thought I was your best friend!?" Rias yelled indignantly.

"I guess a replacement is necessary..." Came Artoria's response.

"H-Hayaska, you're choking me!" Kaguya said while trying to pry off her friend's hands on her neck.



"Okay, what did Kaguya do to annoy you this time, Hayasaka?" I asked the two girls waking in front of Emi and Artoria, prompting Hayasaka to release Kaguya and sulk to herself.

"Ufufufu~! This is always the best part of the day~! Tell me Sensei, was that one intentional~?" Akeno amusedly said.

"If this what happens all the time. Then I'm not going to move in and live with you Sona. I'd rather avoid the twenty-four hour head ache with these guys around." Tsubaki said while massaging her forehead.

"Tohru-sama, what is going on?" Kanna asked Tohru, who is currently holding her hand.

"I don't know, Kanna. But I think Red-sama did something mysterious that annoyed some of us." Tohru replied.

Man, the day's only starting...

"Ah! It's Kaguya-san and everyone!" Chika said as she and Lala came out of a turn across the street.

How the hell did that count as me jinxing myself!?

And you two! Weren't you two supposed to be driven to school with Chika's driver!?

Also, I can already feel Nana and Neko-san's presence and are just about to turn a corner!

Why is everyone here!? Is this a Super Smash Bros. Waiting room!?

""I'm not going to lose!"" Rias and Sona said as the two went to glomp me.

"Ara ara~"

"Shut up, Akeno." I said causing her to go 'Ufufufu' on me.


Chapter 88 END
