Chapter 50: The calm before the Storm II


A figure leaped out a cloud of dust revealing Rory with a bloodthirsty grin on her face.

"You're slowly getting better Velvet!" Rory yelled at the person responsible for the huge cloud of dust.

"It's all thanks to Red-sama unlocking my Aura and getting my counterpart's memories as a side effect." Velvet replied from the cloud of dust that is now settling down revealing her form to Rory. On her hand is a massive single-edged broadsword spanning around six feet long from pommel to the tip of the blade with two holes on its side near the handguard.

"Does this 'Aura' you're talking about also includes that massive sword that you're wielding right now?" Rory asked with a raised eyebrow while planting the pommel of her halberd on the ground.

"Oh! I have Anesidora to thank for that."  Velvet said getting a confused look from Rory.

"It's the name of my weapon that I received from the Dwarves in Tempest village." Velvet said while stabbing Anesidora on the ground.

"To be honest I find myself quite envious with you for having such powerful weapon. Still... I also find it quite suiting for you to wield it as well. With its many forms and uses, it compliments your specialty of being a Weaponsmaster of the Warrior Bunny Kingdom." Tyuule said walking up to the two girls.

"I don't think you should be envious of me Lady Tyuule. I mean, didn't Red-sama directly gifted you those two swords of ligh-"

"-They're called Lightsabers, Velvet! Red-samna called it as such so don't disrespect it!" Tyuule said interrupting and correcting Velvet.

"M-my greatest apologies Lady Tyuule!" Velvet bowed her head deeply.

"It's fine Velvet. Haaaa~ I still remember when Red-samna handed me these two~" Tyuule said pulling out the two lightsabers from their holsters held them in front of her with both hands as she rubbed her face over it."

"Haaaa~" Tyuule sighed dreamily to herself.

"And there she goes again..." Rory said in a tired tone.

"Ahahaha..." Velvet laughed awkwardly, now used to her queen daydreaming whenever their God Great Red is mentioned.

"Should we check out how everyone's training is going?" Velvet asked hoping to spend some time with two girls that's familiar to her counterpart.


"Let's go." Rory said ignoring Tyuule's daydreaming.


Y/n's POV

"Grrrr! Stand still!" Yang's yelled in a frustrated tone as her punch was easily dodged again by her sparring partner.

For the past five minutes, I along with Artoria, Rias and her peerage watched Yang spar with Neo as the former kept missing her hits against the nimble ice cream.

"Go get her Yang!" Ruby cheered just as Yang missed her roundhouse kick that was aimed towards Neo's head as the latter backflipped away while landing a kick on Yang's chin in the process.


Aaandd that's a critical...

"Grrrr!" Yang growled as multiple magic circles appeared on next to her forearms. It then wrapped around her arms and formed into gauntlet made out of multiple magic circles woven together with multiple magic sigils revolving individually on both of her arms.

"Haaa!" Yang cried while punching the air, firing multiple fireballs from her magic gauntlets towards Neo.

Widening her eyes in surprise Neo began to dodge Yang's barrage with each fireball barely being dodged due to the speed and size of the attacks.

"I taught her that!" From the sidelines I heard Raven's bragging voice.

"You taught her on how to throw punches?" I asked.

"Nah, that's all her! I've only taught her how to use magic and some few tricks along with it." She said with a  proud tone on her voice as she watched her daughter spar with one of her apprentices.

Turning my attention back to the spar that is now leaning towards Yang's favor, with her endlessly firing fireball barrages at Neo and the latter being slowly pushed back by the amount of fireballs she's dodging. I then watched the blonde haired girl as she used her magic gauntlets' closed ranged blasts behind her to propel herself forward and to quickly close the distance between herself and Neo, re-engaging the tri-colored haired girl again in close quarters combat.

With her magic gauntlets Yang began to incorporate close ranged blasts on her attacks causing her to land a few hits on Neo, although only with the closed ranged blasts reaching Neo.

Neo, noticing Yang's advantage began to move faster and began to attack Yang as well, compared to her earlier tactic of counter-attacking and dodging.

Oh? She's taking Yang a lot more seriously now.

"Good!" I heard Raven said approvingly towards Neo.

"Mhm. Miss Neopolitan made a good call to take Yang seriously, otherwise I would've find it quite insulting myself if she didn't." Summer said with a nod.

"So Ruby?" I called to the girl in front to me.  "Who do you think is going to win?"" I asked her without taking my eyes off the spar.


"Ruby?" I said turning to the girl who is being quiet for some reason.

"..." Again, I'm still getting nothing from her.

I noticed that Rias, Nana and Akeno are giggling next to her making me curious. Deciding to check it out on my own I grabbed her shoulder and turned her aroun-

Ah, so that's why she's not talking... Her face is stuffed with cookies that you could easily mistake her for a hamster stuffing it's face with food. In her hands is a large cookie around the size of her head and is currently being nibbled on by the cookie monster.

Where did she even got that?

"Summer?" I asked the possible culprit.

"I'm sorry." Summer apologetically replied with practiced ease.

And so culprit was easily found guilty, both physically and judicially.

Turning back to the cookie monster who is having the time of her life, I sighed and-

"Oof!" Suddenly I heard Yang's voice taking my attention back to the spar and see Yang on her back with her left cheek red and smoking. Turning to her opponent whom I saw in a perfect post golf swing, with her holding the tip of her umbrella and the handle smoking, heavily hints of it being used as club that knocked Yang on her back.

"Lesson one! Don't ever get overconfident just because you're winning. The tables can turn at anytime and easier with you underestimating your opponent." Raven said lecturing the blonde haired brawler.

"Hai... Ow..." Yang replied.

"Now..." Raven said approaching Yang before suddenly pulling out various first aid kits and remedies while forcing Yang to lie her head on top of Raven's thighs.

"Let your loving mother take care of you~" Raven cooed before shooting Neo a death glare but weirdly giving her a thumbs up at the same time, leaving the poor girl confused from her mentor's mixed message.

"Maaaaa~ Ow..." Yang wined in embarrassment before giving up and just closed her eyes in an attempt to least mitigate her embarrassment.

"Alright... Who's next?" I asked with both of Cinder and Pyrrha's hands shooting upwards.


"Alright, step into the sparring ring."

"Um... What we meant is that the two of us against you, Red-san?" Pyrrha said while practicing using honorifics.

"You two serious?" Emi asked the two girls with a raised eyebrow.

"This is going to be fun~" Akeno said with a giggle.

 "Hehe" Nana giggled while giving the two volunteers a pitying smile.

"GG" Rias said with a bored look on her face.

That's... An actually pretty accurate description with my 'fights' lately. Damn, I need something or someone stronger to fight against!

Hearing their comments Pyrrha began to lose her confidence "O-On second thought Cinder will fight alo-"

"Alright you two~ Let's go~" I sang, interrupting Pyrrha's withdrawal and assisted murder on her teammate.

"W-why would you attempt to send me alone to my death!?" I heard Cinder harshly whisper towards Pyrrha.

"Are you seriously asking me or someone else to die alongside you!?" Pyrrha uncharacteristically replied in the same manner.

Now standing in the sparring area I waited for the two girls to step in the 'ring' to finally get started.

As I was about to call on the two girls for stalling I noticed Mordred along with her fellow Peerage members approaching our group.

"Oh? L/n-sensei's fighting? This I got to see!" Mordred said.

"Five minutes?" Lily said.

"Make it three." Arturia replied.

"That's harsh Mama, even if your including him trying to make the fight last longer." Mordred said to Arturia.

"Four minutes then..." Arturia said getting a sweatdrop from her fellow peerage members.

"Does anyone needs healing?" Jeanne asked while looking around.

"You can relax Mercy-san nobody is hurt." I said to her while ignoring Rias' laugh in the background.

"Mercy-san?" Jeanne asked in confusion before being ushered by Rias to sit near her Peerage.

"Hehe, don't mind him Jeanne-san." Rias said to her.

"O-okay?" Jeanne replied with an unsure tone in her voice as she sat next to Neo.

"Hello." Jeanne greeted getting a smile in return.

"Alright." I said as my two sparring partners finally stepped into the 'ring'.

"Against the odds. Like what we used to face, eh partner?" Cinder smirked with her previous nervousness now gone. In her hands two magic orange circles sprung to life as fire began to form above the magic circle.

"Based from your side of story I guess, yeah." Pyrrha said brandishing her sword and shield.

"Ohhhhh! A xiphos! Wait-! That design! Those are Pyrrha's original weapons!" I heard Ruby said excitedly, now probably done with the huge cookie earlier.

"Cover me." I heard Pyrrha whisper to her partner.

"Got it!" Cinder replied before focusing her determined eyes on me.

Oh? They're ready? Might as well...

Using Gate of Babylon I pulled out a sword sheathed on a shield.

"T-That looks like..." Rias said with wide eyes before grinning madly to herself upon recognizing the pair of sword and shield in my hands.

"Red-sensei with a weapon, huh. Two minutes." Arturia said with a sure voice.

Oi. You're not even their opponent and you're the one already dealing some damage here!

Whatever! Let's get started.

I brought my attention back to the two girls in front of me and-Pang!

A dull sound of impact rang next my ear making my head turn to the side and see Pyrrha looking at me with wide eyes due to her sword or what Ruby calls xiphos is being blocked by my shield.

Ah, my body moved on it's own. That's... Convenient I have some sort of battle instincts even though I never had that much battle before. Hmmm... It's probably because of this body then.

My musing was cut short when a large fireball went towards me as Pyrrha used my distracted state to plant her feet on my shield before jumping off, getting out of range of the fireball in the process.

'At least they know how to take my distracted state to their advantage .' I thought while bringing down my sword in front of the approaching fireball reducing it to nothing after coming in contact with the shockwave from the sword swing.

Cinder, unfazed by her attack being cut in two summoned multiple magic circles behind her that began to fire dozens of fireballs at me.

"I hate my instinct to always go on Battle mode whenever I'm on a fight.' I thought in annoyance as the rain of fire came at me at a snail's pace allowing me to easily zigzag my way through the barrage.

Quickly closing the distance between Cinder and I who is wide eyed from my speed.

'Let's see if you're gonna fire those at close range.' I thought before tilting my head sideways to dodge' Pyrrha's javelin coming from behind me. The thrown javelin was then caught by Cinder who began to skillfully wield it to create some distance us.

Blocking a thrust with my shield before quickly sheathing my sword onto my shield.  Pressing a trigger on the sheath caused my sword to get pushed out it's sheath before locking in place midway making the sword half sheathed. While this is going on, the shield in the meantime began to shift extending to it's the sides, revealing moving gears underneath it. It then began to rapidly spin before sliding across the sheath behind it and stopping by tip.

The entire process took about a second to happen turning my sword and shield into a two headed axe.

"A TRANSFORMING WEAPON!!!THAT'S SOOO AWESOME!!!" I heard Ruby yell on the background alongside Rias who is yelling about my powers being unfair.

They're unfair alright but it's awesome as well!

Back to the spar, due to the positioning of my sword after being sheathed my is pointing downwards.

"Hmph!" Swinging the axe upwards with the axe head shield spinning causing Cinder to hop back several times to avoid getting hit the spinning axe head.

Normally when the weapon is in this form the wielder's movement would be put into a crawl due to it's unbalanced weight. But with me being it's wielder I have no problems of swinging it one handed and still maintain my mobility.

Not letting Cinder out of my melee range I dashed towards her closing the gap between us in a blink of an eye. I then began to wildly swing my weapon at her which she parried each on of them successfully. Tossing the javelin in the air Cinder then summoned a pair of fire sabers to combat me on 'even' grounds.

Pyrrha decided to rejoin the fight when she leapt over us and catching the javelin in the air before twisting in the air and shifted her javelin into a rifle and aimed it towards me.


Lifting the axe in front of me, I blocked the fired bullet with the 'sheath' part of the transforming axe before lifting my foot to kick Cinder away. My kick missed it's mark when Cinder sidestepped from my attack just in time to let Pyrrha's thrown shield to collide with my face.


The shield bounced off my face causing it to hit Cinder in the face hard, making the black haired girl drop her swords.

"Ack!" Cinder cried lifting cradling her face with her hands.

"I-I swear, I didn't mean to do that!" Pyrrha said with wide eyes not expecting her shield to hit Cinder as well.

I know you didn't. It's just my weird relationship with weapons harming unintended targets with their wielders being the usual victims...

Kicking Cinder away causing the black haired girl's body to collide with the still wide eyed Pyrrha.

"Wha-!?" "Gah-Oooff!" The two girls cried in pain.

"Match!" Artoria announced making the two defeated girls to groan in pain.

"One minute and seven seconds." Altria said causing Mordred and Arturia to glare at Jeanne..?

"I-It was just a wild guess!" Jeanne yelled making the 'mother and daughter duo' to glare at her harder.

When did they made a bet? And with Jeanne joining them!? I thought she's the 'Asia' of the group.

[It's always the quiet ones, Darling...] Artoria helpfully added her input.

...Thanks, Hun.

[Hehe~ No problem, Darling.]

Sighing at Artoria's antics I walked over the two girls to check on Cinder health as she was the one I kicked. Yes, a normal kick may not harm Cinder with her Aura on, but it's me were talking about so it's just normal for me to worry about Raven's apprentices.

"What did we learn?" Raven asked while prodding Pyrrha with her foot getting groan of pain in return.

"D-Don't freeze." Pyrrha groaned before turning her attention to the person laying on top of her.

"You okay, Cinder-san?" I asked.

"Yeah... Gimme five minutes and I'm good." Cinder groaned.

Looking at her sprawled form on top of Pyrrha, I couldn't help but compare her to her counter part. Yes, she got her counterpart's looks, but that's where the comparison ends. Her skill in combat seems to be lacking compared to her counterpart and her personality? It's like a mix of Jaune and Weiss.

Speaking of those two... I closed my eyes and tried to sense the two in this reality.







Huh, that's surprising... Jaune is part of Ophis' organiza- nope better not dwell on it. I don't want to risk Ophis potentially knowing my location. I still want my peace ya know!

Still the most surprising of the two is Weiss. How does she have her memories already and being the canon one at that!?

Ah, forget it! I'll take care of this matter when it shows up but first...

"Hey, Ruby, Yang! Come over here I have good news for ya!" I yelled.

"Are going to show the mechanics behind your transforming axe?" Ruby excitedly asked.

"Maybe later?" I asked unsure how to answer the girl who is now shaking in excitement.

Her excited shaking stopped all of a sudden when Yang whispered something to her causing Ruby to freeze and turn red.

"I-It's not like that Yang!" Ruby yelled at her sister who only laughed in return.

"Hehe... A-Anyway, Red-san what's is the news you're talking about?" She asked, turning her attention to me.

"I'll show you but you must not tell anyone about this, alright?" I said, making the two girls look at each other before nodding at me.

 Poking their foreheads I sent the information about their friend Weiss directly into their minds.

"Weiss! She's here-Mhmph!" Ruby excitedly said before being silenced by Yang who quickly placed a hand on the silver eyed girl's mouth.

"What about our other teammate? Her name's Blake and she's my partner. Do you know if she here?" Yang asked in a hopeful tone.

"Oh, she's here alright and quite close in fact! She lives with her family here in the underworld." I replied getting wide eyed looks from the two.


"I'll tell you two later." I promised before picking up Cinder and slinging her on my shoulder, which was a bad idea or a good one depending on who's perspective. The reason why is because of Cinder's skirt is too short that it gave everyone except me a view underneath her skirt.

"A black laced thong..."

Ah, thanks, Yang.

"No problem!" She grinned while giving me a thumbs up.

Oh, I thought out loud again...

"Now remember, Ruby, you don't need to go all out to attract men, panties are a woman's virtue..." I tuned out Yang's lecture on the wide eyed Ruby and instead, focused on the words of the girl resting on my shoulder.

"Please don't carry me like this..." Cinder said in a pleading tone, not moving to do anything with her current situation.

Taking pity at the embarrassed girl I shifted her position and instead placed her under my arms-Hey, I have no choice as a piggy back ride will only make things worse.

"T-That's better... Thanks..." She said while averting her eyes.

Please don't be this easy...

[What are you complaining about? And she's just embarrassed not falling yet...] [Is that public 'special' carry really that effective?] Cortana and Artoria asked respectively.

Public special carry?

[Well there is a couple of special carry's and all of them are reserved in the bedro-]

-Got it! A-Anyway! Where are you, Cortana?

[I'm currently watching Serafall-san train Sona-san and so far Sona-san is doing great work with her training.] Cortana replied.

Then from out of nowhere a sound of crashing water was heard in the distance making us look and see a titanic tidal wave towering over the forest in front of it. A moment later the tidal wave turned to ice before shattering into millions and millions of pieces.

"That's where Sona and Sera-chan is training." Rias said with wide eyes before quickly turning to me.

"Red-" "Yes, I train you some more but for now let's get everyone back at the Gremory Manor to get some rest." While discreetly glancing at Ruby and Yang.

'Oh, the surprise...' I thought with a smirk.

"Red-san, where did your weapon go?" Ruby asked, now noticing my 'free' hands. 

I moved my left hand higher just and inch below Cinder's butt, which got negative reactions from mostly everyone.

"Ohohoho~ Right in front of me, eh? I'll make sure to kick your ass later..." Rias said in a scary tone. And I'm pretty sure I'm the one who would be doing the ass kicking not you.

"Could you pick the time and place to perv on someone?" Mordred said.

"Ero Sense-Pang!" Altria's words were cut off when a ladle struck her right in the face, courtesy of my Gate of Kitchen.

"I'm doing this to keep her dress from flashing someone! And you girls know how short it is! Raven! Help me out here!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Red-san is right... He's just saving what's left of Cinder's dignity. As I tried multiple times to get her to adjust the length of her skirt but she won't listen for some reason..." Raven said getting a raised eyebrow from Summer.

"Probably because you're no better than her as your skirt is only two or three inches longer than her." Summer flatly said, getting an 'Oh.' from Raven.

"Sensei is not that kind of person to take advantage of someone." Arturia defended me getting her fellow peerage members to quiet down.

I nodded at her in thanks, which made her bashfully turn her head away from me.

Turning to Emi, I asked her about our two missing girls "By the way Emi, are Tohru and Kanna coming later tonight?"

"Yes and No, Tuhru is joining us tonight after she finishes with her grocery and shopping, while Kanna is invited to a sleepover at her friend's house, so she's coming for this weekend's training session." Emi replied as she folded her arms while looking at Cinder's position with envy in her eyes.

"Ooookayy... HOW about Let's get back at the Gremory Manor so we COULD all Rest!" Nana said behind me as she gripped and squeezed my shoulders really hard. I would know it's hard, because of I could feel the fabric of my shirt straining under Nana's grip.

"If you tear my shirt I'll do the same to yours, got it?" I warned only for her gripping and squeezing to intensify.

Ah, crap!

"Let's get back, Darling~" Artoria said with no hidden malice in her voice. Ah~ through thick and thin she's really my waifu!

"Hehehe~ Darling called me his Wife again~!" Artoria giggled, getting murderous looks from almost everyone.

Might as well get out of here before a fight breaks out...


Teleporting in front of the Gremory manor Ruby, Yang, Neo and Pyrrha looked at the insanely huge building with wide eyes.

"Woooaahhh" "Yanggg..." Ruby and... Yang said respectively.

Of course this the first time that mostly everyone saw Rias' household manor as we've skipped going here first and immediately went to the training grounds to start our/their training.

The doors of the manor opened as a person walked out and greeted us.

"Welcome, Rias-sama, Minna-sama." A silver haired woman greeted while bowing towards us.

"Woahhh... Now that's a maid!" Emi said in an impressed tone as she only met this silver haired Onee-sama today as we didn't meet this person the last time we were here.

Looking behind her the silver haired woman called someone. "Blake! Get over here and properly greet Rias-sama and her guests!"

Ruby and Yang's eyes widen after hearing the woman's words, while Pyrrha looked confused as if remembering something.

Stepping next to the silver haired woman was a black haired girl wearing a maid's outfit with amber colored eyes with the most notable part of her feature is a pair of cat ears sitting on top of her head.

"H-Hello, Rias-sama." The girl nervously greeted making the silver haired woman sigh.

"I apologize on her behalf Rias-sama as she only started being trained as a maid three days ago." The silver haired woman said.

"It's alright Grayfia." Rias said while smiling at the nervous cat girl.

"Hello, Rias-sama, Minna-sama my name is Blake Belladonna, I am new here so please take it easy one me!" Blake said before looking back at Grayfia who for some reason uncharacteristically gave her an approving thumbs up.

"Don't let Grayfia's strict behavior fool you! She's been corrupted by my brother's knight Okita-san. In the inside Grayfia is a huge Japanophile!" Rias whispered to me making me look at Grayfia, who is giving us a wide eyed look. Oh, she heard her.

Before Grayfia could speak she was interrupted by a red and yellow blur.

""BLAKE!"" Ruby and Yang yelled as they tried tackled the poor cat girl only for the latter to swiftly sidestep the projectile duo.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Blake quickly apologized to girls, but before she could say more apologies she was tackled by Yang.

"Eeeep! W-where you're touching!?" Blake shrieked.

"The Bellabooty... RUBY! SHE'S THE REAL DEAL!"

""BLAKE!"" "Kyaaaa!!!" 

And chaos ensues at the front door.

"What's going on Grayfia-sama?" A squeaky feminine voice asked.

The person in question is young red haired girl around Rias' age.

"Ah, Millicas-sama. Please don't mind the noise. I was only showing Blake here how to greet our guest and Rias-sama's guest got excited. Wait. What happened to your dress Millicas-sama?" Grayfia said to the girl.

"My dress? I dumped it because it's too restricting while this one here is cute and you also got this for me on my birthday!" She replied as she skipped towards to Grayfia.

"Millicas-chan!" Rias happily said getting Millicas' attention.

"Ah! Rias-Onee-chan!" Mio-err Millicas greeted.

Nibble~ Nibble~ Nibble~

"Can we go inside now? This girl I'm carrying fell asleep a while ago and is now nibbling on my neck." I said stopping everyone's current activity.

"NO NO NO NO! RED'S FIRST HICKEY IS MINE!" "What are you talking about!? It's mine!" "Get her off him!" Rias, Artoria and Emi angrily yelled as they jumped at me or more like jumped on Cinder. I think...


3rd Person's POV

Some time had passed and it is now evening with everyone sitting at the dining table.

"So Millican-san is Rias-san's niece?" Tohru said getting a nod from mostly everyone.

"Mhm! Rias-Onee-sama is actually my aunt, but for some reason she doesn't like being referred as 'Rias-Oba-sama'." Millicas said getting an annoyed look from Rias.

"You're only a few months younger than me." Rias said roughly stabbing the ham on her plate.

"Now, now Millicas, no antagonizing your aunt in front of the guest." Venelana teasingly said making most of the people on the laugh at Rias' expense.

"Okaa-sama!" Rias yelled indignantly.

"Oh, I'm just teasing Rias! Let me have my fun as it's been a long time since I last saw a genuine smile on your face."  Venelana said to Rias with a motherly smile on her face.

"But I'm okay now! I'm truly free from the person responsible for it!" Rias said trying to reassure her mother who only smiled in return.

'It's not Raiser I'm talking about, Rias... It's your so called Father' Venelana thought doing her best to not make her smile looked strained.

"Psst!" Y/n turned to the sound and noticed Yang baiting Blake with a Tuna on her plate.

Y/n then watched as Yang began tauntingly dangle the tuna in front of Blake with the latter's lips and ears twitching every now and then.

"Mhmm~ Delicious~" Yang said after popping a tiny chunk of tuna into her mouth causing Blake's ears to stiffen.

"This is cruel..." Sona whispered to Serafall who nodded.

"At the same time exciting~!" Serafall replied.

While this is going on Venelana and Grayfia are having a hidden conversation.

'Two minutes.' Venelana raised two fingers getting a subtle scoff from Grayfia.

'I know her better than you, Venelana-sama! I say- Three minutes!' Grayfia signaled Venelana with three quick winks.


Venelana and Grayfia turned to see Blake over the table, devouring the tuna that Yang's using earlier to bait her.

"Okaa-sama, Grayfia-sama, does this mean I won?" A third person happily said making the two women turn their attention towards the speaker.

"Uh, I guess you won Lily-Lilitifa." Venelana said with a chuckle in seeing her daughter-in-law holding up a single finger.

"That means I get to pick the next vacation spot the three of us going to right?" Lilitifa asked with a smile getting reluctant nods from the two women.

Pop! Crash!

All three of them looked at the source of the sound and was surprised to see a young black haired girl and a blonde haired girl on top of the table both holding a knife and a fork.

""Kaguya-san!?" "Hayasaka-san!?" Mordred, Arturia and Jeanne said in surprise in seeing their classmate suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh, it worked!" Y/n said while munching on a turkey leg.

"W-Where are we!?" Kaguya asked before her eyes widened in surprise after seeing many familiar faces.

"L-L/n sensei!?" Hayasaka said in surprise before going stiff after realizing the current state she's in.

 "Ah- Ah- Ah-" "Hayasaka!? S-Sensei what's going on!?"


A few minutes later after the commotion at the dinner table, everyone is in the living room currently discussing the reason behind the mess earlier.

"The reason why Shinomiya-san and Hayasaka-san is here is because of the summoning ward I placed on them when they first came to Kouh Academy." Y/n said confusing the two girls.

"Oh, so that's why Darling is not that alert in regards of the bodyguarding assignment given to you by Irisviel-san." Artoria said getting a nod in return from Y/n.

"Yep, I designed that summoning ward to individually teleport either Shinomiya-san, Hayasaka-san or Fujiwara-san to me, whenever there's a life threatening danger directed at them in close proximity." Y/n explained surprising Kaguya and Haysaka who could barely keep up with the conversation.

"Life threatening danger?" Hayasaka worriedly muttered to herself before turning her gaze towards Kaguya.

"Sensei, what's going on?" Kaguya asked making everyone look at her.

"Shinomiya-san, Hayasaka-san are you two aware of the supernatural?" Y/n asked.

"The supernatural?" "I think so?" Kaguya and Hayasaka answered respectively.

"The reason why we're asking you this is because, aside from Shinomiya-san coming from a financially powerful family, which the supernatural has no need for, one of you may have something they wanted." Y/n said.

" Haysaka-san, I've noticed that your answer earlier seems like you're somewhat aware of it, could you explain?" Tsubaki asked causing Hayasaka to nervously rub her arm. This action wasn't missed by Serafall, Artoria and Y/n who narrowed their eyes in suspicion.

"W-well, I think it's best if I show you." Hayasaka said looking at everyone with her gaze towards Y/n being unnoticeably longer than the rest.

"Hayasaka?" Kaguya asked her close aide in confusion.

"Please don't think differently of me after this Kaguya-sama." Hayasaka said before bringing her arms out.

"Appear." Haysaka said in a barely audible whisper.


A pair of red fingerless gloves covered both of Hayasaka's hands surprising everyone in the room.

"A pair of red gloves?" Kaguya said in surprise due to the way the gloves magically appeared.

"It kind of looks like a pair of glove-type Twice Critical" Rias said making everyone knowledgeable in the supernatural nod, except for Artoria and Y/n.

[I don't think that's a Twice Critical...] Artoria mentally said to Y/n.

'Yea, that's what I am also thinking...' Y/n replied.

[Moh~! It's not fair to use this 'canon' knowledge that you often to talk about, Darling~] Artoria said sending Y/n a wink, which Nana noticed.

'What are they talking about? Wait-! A-Are they actually flirting at this time!?' Nana thought before narrowing her eyes at the duo with her being secretly jealous of Artoria.

'Just you wait Y/n-kun!' Nana thought while looking at Y/n with determined eyes.

Y/n ignored the chill running down his spine as he walked up to Hayasaka who instantly got nervous upon noticing his approach.

'Please don't call me weird! I don't know why, but I don't want Sensei to think I'm weird.' Hayasaka thought with her body going stiff from dreading at what Y/n is going to say to her.


Hayasaka blinked after Y/n poked her forehead with his finger.

"Relax Hayasaka-san, you're not in trouble." Y/n said slightly calming Hayasaka.

Touching her forehead, Hayasaka's cheeks turned pink, but before she could say anything a voice interrupted her.

{*Yawn* A new host? Hmm... Where are we...} A booming feminine voice said that came from Hayasaka's gloves.

Looking closely Rias noticed a green hollow circle blinking to the rhythm of the voice on both of Hayasaka's gloves causing Rias to conclude that the voice is coming from Hayasaka's gloves.

{Wait. I-Is G-Great Red-Sama here!? I-I can sense him!} The voice said in a stuttering tone.

"There's a voice in my gloves." Hayasaka said in surprise causing Ruby to pout.

'I wish Crescent rose could do that!' Ruby jealously thought getting a deadpanned look from her older sister who somewhat knows what Ruby's pout mean.

{I'm not just a voice girlie! I am Ddraig! The Red Dragon Empress!} The voice or Ddraig proudly said causing most of everyone's eyes to widen in shock.

"T-The Red Dragon Empress!?" Rias, Sona and Serafall said in shock.

"Don't you mean 'emperor'?" Artoria said with a raised eyebrow.

{They only called me Emperor, because most of my well known hosts in the past were males! Gah! I still can't believe they would just ignore Elsha, who was my strongest host! By the way, I have to get this out. You girl, for some reason I hate you. No offence..." Ddraig said to Artoria getting a sweatdrop from the latter.

'Huh, no offence indeed.' Artoria thought.

"By the way, who is this Great Red you spoke of earlier, Ddraig-san?" Hayasaka said in a surprisingly calm manner.

{Wait? You don't know Great Red-sama!? *Sigh* Well, I guess it's my job as his Number One Fan to educate you of Great Red-sama's greatness!} Ddraig said before going on a long lecture about 'Great Red'.

'I'm pretty sure my number one fan is Ophis and with her reason not being on the positive side' Y/n thought barely listening to Ddraig's lecture about him.

"I should've seen this one coming." Y/n muttered to himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So mythological beings do exist..." Y/n heard Kaguya's disbelieving voice.

"What Ddraig-san said is true about Red-chan here casually ignoring Tannin-chan's assaults in the past, as it happened again pretty recently here in the underworld." Serafall said backing up one of Ddraig's stories.

"Who is this Tannin guy anyway?" Yang asked.

"Tannin-sama is a former dragon king with the strength on par with the former maou's. His fire breath attack is said to be comparable to a meteor strike-no, his fire breath is a literal meteor!" Sona explained getting wide eyed looks from most of the younger listeners.

"I don't think he's that strong Sona." Y/n said

"To you, Red, everyone isn't." Rias and Artoria deadpanned which got a response from Ddraig.

{Kyaaaa!!! Great Red-sama is really here! Great Red-sama, I am Ddraig, your Number One Fan!} Hayasaka's glove squealed loudly getting mixed responses from everyone.

'Great Red?' Hayasaka and Kaguya thought while looking at Y/n with confusion in their eyes .

"For a moment I thought Tyuule was sealed in a glove..." Rory deadpanned getting an annoyed glare from the Warrior Bunny Queen.

"That's something you don't hear everyday..." Rias said.

"And it's now going to be everyday, with Haysaka-san here being the current Sekryuutei."

"Aaaaannddd now she has to come with us for training." Y/n said confusing Kaguya and Hayasaka.

{Yesss!!! I'm going to train with Great Red-sama! This is the greatest day of my life!}

"You're already dead." Artoria's comment was ignored by the squealing glove.

"Calm down Ddraig." Y/n said getting a louder squeal from Ddraig.

{KYAAA!!! HE KNOWS MY NAME!!! HE KNOWS MY NAME!!! HA! SUCK IT ALBION!!!} Ddraig yelled loudly before suddenly going quiet.

"Ddraig-san?" Rias said confused with the sudden loss of the mad squealing coming from Hayasaka's glove.

"I think she retreated into my mind..." Hayasaka said to Rias, deciding not to mention the mad giggling that is ringing within her mind.

"I don't think it's necessary for you to train Hayasaka, L/n-sensei. Hayasaka here is skilled in multiple forms of martial arts and is a skilled in using different kinds of firearms." Kaguya said.

'Please don't say anymore Kaguya-sama! I-It's making me less girly in Sensei's eyes!' Hayasaka mentally pleaded while trying her best to ignore Y/n's surprised look directed at her.

"I don't think that would cut it when it comes to the supernatural world." Summer said, stopping Kaguya from speaking.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how about let's get back to the training ground so that Kaguya-san and Hayasaka-san would personally know what Mom means." Yang suggested getting a nod from everyone.

"Can I come?" Millicas asked.

"Sorry, Millicas but you still have lessons remember?" Lilitifa said.


Grayfia looked at Blake and noticed the girl trapped under Yang's arm.

"Blake you go with them. As you are training to be Rias-sama's personal maid."

"Hai..." Blake barely managed to say under Yang's iron grip.

"Red show no mercy." Rias said before turning to Haysaka and Kaguya. "Prepare to be humiliated."

"Show no mercy on Sensei, Hayasaka." Kaguya whispered.

Receiving no response from her friend, Kaguya thought that her friend is in deep concentration, but in reality...

'W-what do I do!? I'm feeling a strange feeling in my stomach... Just thinking of hurting Sensei is causing my hands to shake. Focus Hayasaka Ai! What's going on with you!?' Hayasaka thought stepping out of the room.

Hayasaka's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Kaguya's surprised gasp.

Looking around her, Hayasaka noticed that they're not inside the huge house anymore but instead they're in a clear field with the only landmarks visible in the area is an obsidian colored obelisk and a forrest not far away from them. She also noticed that the sun is up in the sky, confusing her as she knew it was evening when she and Kaguya arrived in Rias' house.

"Where are we?" Kaguya asked while looking around.

"In our training grounds that is located within the Gremory territory." Y/n answered her before turning to Hayasaka. "Hayasaka-san, you will be going against Tohru-" Y/n was interrupted by Kaguya. "Why Tohru-san? I thought Hayasaka will be facing off against you L/n-Sensei"

"I don't want to accidentally kill her." Y/n replied not mentioning his ability to bring the dead back to life.

"Sensei, Hayasaka could handle herself just fine-" Kaguya's words suddenly stopped when she saw Y/n casually punched the air on his right, blowing away the nearby forest along with the mountain behind it from the sheer force of his punch.

"Wha-" Kaguya stared at the devastated forest with wide eyes along with Hayasaka, Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Neo and Cinder doing the same.

Cinder's legs shook before falling on her rear as she remembered her spar with Y/n earlier. 'Red-san kicked me earlier...'

"-That's why I'm not fighting her and instead Tohru will be taking my place as Tohru here missed our earlier training."

"Don't worry Red-sama I won't let you down!" Tohru saluted before turning to Haysaka.

"Let's do our best Hayasaka-san~!" Tohru politely said, but her words didn't matched her smug facial expression and body movement, which got an eyebrow twitch from Hayasaka.

"Yes, let's!" Hayasaka gritted out, annoyed from being underestimated.

Everyone aside from the two girls backed away and sat on the seats near the sparring 'ring'.

"Alright, you only lose when you can't continue anymore and anything goes, except lethal attacks. I am talking about you Tohru." Y/n said giving Tohru a look, getting a giggle in return.

"With that said... Begin!" Y/n said as the two combatant's eyes zeroed in onto the other before rushing in. The two girls immediately engaged one another in a swift hand-to-hand combat with the two girls both utilizing quick and efficient punches, kicks, elbows and knees. Neither scored clean hits on the other as both combatants countered the other with deadly efficiency only to be countered in return which went into an endless loop of counterattacks. This bout lasted for a while as their speed increase with every strike missing their mark, until finally one of them decided to back off.

That person will be Hayasaka, as she quickly realized that she is being slowly pushed back from Tohru's increasing speed and ferocity in her strikes. Deciding that it's best to lose ground to regroup, Hayasaka backed off only for Tohru to quickly close her distance with a claw thrust aimed towards Hayasaka's face.

Noticing the opening, Hayasaka bent her head backwards, while grabbing the incoming claw attack with her hands and legs. Hayasaka used Tohru's momentum to put the latter into a choke hold where Hayasaka used her legs to trap both of Tohru's attacking limb and head in an attempt to choke the dragon girl into unconsciousness.

Normally, this technique would prove effective to victims under the hold, but the 'victim' in question is Tohru, a supernatural being with physical capabilities considered as superhuman. Which meant that Hayasaka's hold won't mean anything to Tohru as she lacks the physical strength to make her hold effective against Tohru, which Hayasaka quickly noticed due to Tohru's lack of struggle. I didn't help either with Tohru easily keeping her full body weight off the ground with just a single arm.

Deciding that a triangle hold won't work on Tohru, Hayasaka instead decided to deftly change her position into a standing one with both of her hands still locked onto Tohru's offending limb. She then went for a shoulder throw take down, which she failed midway when she couldn't make Tohru's arm budge an inch.

'This girl! What the hell's with this physical strength!?' Hayasaka yelled in her mind as she quickly released her hold on Tohru before jumping back several times to give herself some space to regroup and think for an another way to defeat Tohru.

But before she could think of anything Tohru suddenly appeared right in front of her, greatly surprising her. In her panic, she threw a knifehand stab towards Tohru's eye, which the latter easily dodged before planting a fist onto Hayasaka's gut.

"Guhah!" Hayasaka sharply gasped as large amounts of air left her mouth and left her legs weak, causing her to collapse on her knees while holding her gut in pain.

"Matc-" "Hayasaka!" Kaguya rushed towards her kneeling friend.

"*Pant* I'm... Fine Kaguya-sama *Pant*" Hayasaka said with a pant before shakily standing up with Kaguya's help.

"So did you two realized what I was saying earlier?" Summer said, walking up to them.

"Um, about Hayasaka's training not being enough." Kaguya said.

"Yes, while Hayasaka-san's training is impressive. Her training is only limited to dealing with normal humans not a dragon like Tohru-san here." Summer said.

"Dragon?" Kaguya and Hayasaka said in confusion.

"Mhm~! I'm a dragon!" Tohru said, revealing her tail, horns and wings to the two shocked girls.

"T-Then why didn't L/n-sensei told us that you're a dragon!? And then asked Hayasaka to fight you!?" Kaguya asked in anger.

"Because, I wanted to simulate a possible fight between Hayasaka-san and a supernatural being. To show you both the outcome if Hayasaka-san herself faces off against a supernatural being without proper training in dealing with such beings." Y/n answered making the two girls think about the spar earlier.

"Hayasaka-san, you have the potential to get stronger to the point that you can kill a god due to you possessing the Boosted Gear." Y/n said surprising her.

"Boosted Gear?" She said in confusion.

"It's the name of the gloves that you were wearing earlier. Normally it would manifest as a single red gauntlet on your arm, but for some reason it manifested as a pair of red fingerless gloves, a good sign of it being a subspecies Sacred Gear. As being a subspecies Sacred Gear at it's base form alone shows your potential being greater compared to it's previous hosts." Y/n said.

"Um, uh... What?" Hayasaka said, unable to keep up with the conversation due to some terms being foreign to her.

"Heh! I'll explain later, but for now take a rest by the benches there." Y/n said pointing at the spot where Rias and the others were spectating.

"Now... Rias, Akeno, Sona, Tohru, Emi, Nana! It's your girls' turn. You all against me!" Y/n yelled.

"Is L/n-sensei going to be okay? He'll be facing multiple people all at once with Tohru-san among them." Hayasaka asked worriedly as she and Kaguya sat next to Artoria.

"Oh, don't worry~! Darling will wipe the floor with them~!" Artoria said with a giggle getting wide eyed looks from the two.

"In case that you didn't know Darling's real name is Great Red. He's the Dragon of Revelation and the strongest being in existence." Artoria added shocking the two even further.

{She's right. Not even Ophis the Infinite Dragon God could beat Great Red-sama if he gets serious!} Ddraig said, joining in the conversation.

"Ophis? Dragon God? Could you at least explain first before throwing those terms at us!" Kaguya said in annoyance, forgetting to put up her elegant persona.

Artoria only giggled in return as she happily listened on Ddraig, Kaguya and Hayasaka's three-way conversation.


"Nice one, Nana!"

"It didn't even fazed you!"

'Ah~ this is a good weekend~!' Artoria thought to herself.


Chapter 50 END
