Chapter 76: YGGDRASIL

A hulking red demonic creature roared defiantly as it charged at team RWBY. The creature's charge was halted when its feet were frozen by Weiss, rooting the demonic creature in place, allowing Blake and Yang to attack it on both sides while Ruby took out its eyes with her Crescent Rose.

With Yang landing a literal exploding punch, the demonic creature let out a final cry of pain before perishing.

Ruby and her team let out a sigh of relief as they all sat tiredly on the ground.

"Impressive, you girls took down that level 27 Imp Brute without going below 25% of your health. " Y/n's voice came from behind as the latter walked towards them.

"*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* I'm more surprised that none of us were smashed flat in the first 10 seconds of fighting that thing." Yang said 

"Yeah, that's the usual opening attack of that monster. They're quite notorious for blitzing low-level players that are new to the area. And with your levels ranging between 12-17, fighting that mob monster would've been like a Souls boss fight for you girls.

"Sensei, you do remember that our levels in the game are basically irrelevant at the moment because all of us here are physically inside the game. With our aura's tanking the hits, we could literally walk away unscathed after being hit by a car." Blake said, being the first one to recover her breathing.

"I wouldn't say your levels are irrelevant..." Y/n replied, earning a confused look from Team RWBY.


"If you increase your racial levels, you can unlock perks and abilities. It would also improve the abilities that you have already unlocked, making you stronger the more you level them up. Of course, I also made sure that your ingame abilities would carry on to the real world so that your 'training' here wouldn't be wasted." Y/n said, shocking them.

"Wait, then that means I can actually use light-based abilities even though I'm a devil!?" Weiss said in shock.

"Yeah, but there are still limitations for the race that you took. Huh, didn't I already explained the basics to you?" Y/n asked.

"No, I don't think you did, Sensei." Blake replied, idly checking her inventory for the drop that she received from defeating their opponent.

"I guess, I forgot about that one, but yeah, the abilities you get here would carry over to the real world." Y/n said.

"THAT. IS. AWESOME!" Ruby cried out as she started to jump around in excitement.

"Woah! Easy there, sis. You're going to end up hitting us with your scythe." Yang said, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder, preventing the latter from bouncing off the ground. She paused when she remembered something. "Speaking of which, how did you manage to bring your scythe here? Everyone in our group aside from you didn't come with their weapons  and was forced to use a beginner weapon provided at the start." Yang said.

"Oh, I was holding Crescent Rose when we logged in." Ruby replied, earning her looks from everyone.


"Well, when we log in, we kind of go to 'sleep'. I don't know about you guys but I can't sleep without Crescent Rose beside me, so yeah!" Ruby replied, earning her several sweatdrops from Y/n and her team.

"To be honest, I'm not really surprised hearing this from her." Blake whispered to Weiss and Yang.

""Same."" Weiss and Yang whispered back, while Y/n just shook his head in amusement.

It has been a day since Y/n presented the idea of training through a video game. Currently, Y/n is teaching Team RWBY the basics of the game while at the same time power-leveling them.

Turning his towards their second group, Y/n watched as Summer and Raven inflict several cuts on another Imp Brute, while Akeno provided support in a form of disruptive spells, stunning their opponent, allowing Summer and Raven to land several clean hits on the mob monster.

With a swift strike from both Summer and Raven, the Imp Brute fell on its knees.

Rias, who is coaching the battle, nodded in approval. She then looked at her Queen and told the latter to finish it off.

"Ara, such a cruel command, Rias~ I didn't even get to do much damage to it and you're already asking me to finish it off-" Akeno said, before being cut off by Rias, "If you don't kill it now, that Imp Brute will activate its skill Rampage Mode, making the fight three times harder for you three. And I'm not going to coach you or even help you on taking it down." The Crimson-haired otaku said in a warning tone, causing her Bishop, Knight, and Queen to visibly sweat.

"Please die, True Lightning!" Akeno quickly yelled out, vaporizing the incapacitated mob monster in an instant.

"Good." Rias commended, knowing that it's vital for everyone in their club to learn to finish off the enemy as swiftly as they can. That way, their enemy wouldn't get the chance to activate their skills, item, or plan that may turn the fight in their favor.

Here in YGGDRASIL, underestimating the enemy is the biggest mistake a Player could do and it heavily punishes Players when they do it. Because of that, almost every high-leveled Players in the game learned to be cunning and vicious to thrive in the cutthroat environment they're playing on.

Y/n's and Rias' ingame HUD pinged when Sona finally logged in.

[Red-sensei, could you and the others meet us up in Midgard? Onee-chan and Tsubaki are already in the game, I just need you to form a party with us. We're in the beginner's area, Town of Banquets.]

'Alright, just give us a few minutes.' Y/n replied.

"Hey guys, Sona, Tsubaki, and Serafall are finally in the game. Let's meet them up in the starter town of Midgard."

Everyone nodded being aware of the places in YGGDRASIL after Y/n and Rias gave them a crash course on the game's basics.

"Red, can you open us a portal? I couldn't use a normal Devil teleportation spell and my avatar doesn't have any mass teleport skill either." Rias asked.

"Sure" Y/n obliged, summoning a large gate-like portal in front of them.

Walking towards the portal, the group emerged in front of the Town of Banquets gate entrance.

"Oh, so this is what the entrance of the town looks like. The architecture of the building here looks good." Summer remarked as she walked towards one of the NPC guards standing by the town's entrance.

"Yeah, it's almost like I'm just looking at the beginner town of Muspelheim, minus the bright blue skies. That skies in there felt like it was always in sunset." Yang said.

Y/n and Rias entered the town with the latter's Peerage following close behind. Y/n looked around the plaza, trying to spot Sona and her group, but instead, he found Raven's students.

"Oooiii, Pyrrha!" Y/n yelled out causing the girl in question to snap her head towards him.

"Everyone!" Pyrrha waved at Y/n's group, causing Cinder and Neo to turn towards them.

Walking towards them, Rias greeted the three, "Good, you're here, now that only leaves Artoria-chan, Shimura-sensei and Neko-san. Hey, when you three logged in, have any of you seen Sona, Sera-chan or Tsubaki?" She asked.

"Nope, haven't seen them." Cinder replied with a shake of her head.

"Sorry, me either." Pyrrha said apologetically.

Everyone then turned to Neo making the latter blink at them.






Everyone waited for her reply, only to realize that they're waiting for Neo's verbal response.

Neo offered them an amused smirk before shaking her head no, answering Rias' question.

"Huh, where are those three?" Rias wondered out loud as she looked around her.

"Heeeyyyyy!!! Rias-chaaannn!!!" Serafall's voice called from behind making everyone turn to see her, Sona and Tsubaki making their way towards them.

Rias smiled in seeing the three, "Alright, everyone's here. Now, we're only waiting for Artoria-chan, Shimura-sensei, and Neko-san to finally log into the game." Rias said.

Rias' head snapped up when a notification pinged in her HUD, indicating Gabriel logged into the game.

A wide grin crept on her face as she opened a private message towards her angelic friend.

[Message] Hey Gab, guess what?

A moment later, Gabriel replied.

[Message] We have an EXP event today?

A giddy laugh escaped Rias' lips making Y/n, Sona and the rest of the present Otaku club members look at her strangely.

[Message] Nope! Even better! I got Spears-sensei to play the game!

As soon as Rias sent the message, she instantly received a reply from Gabriel.

[Message] No way!

[Message] Uh-huh! And she's still stuck in the character creation menu!

[Message] Oh, she'll definitely going to enjoy this game! Hey, let me know when Sensei finally logs into the game. I'll just work on my Daily objectives, k?

[Message] Will do!

Finishing her chat with Gabriel, Rias looked back at her club, only to see them staring back at her with varying expressions.

"She's giggling on her own." Ruby whispered to Yang.

"Not to mention that creepy grin." Yang added, causing Rias to awkwardly cough on her fist with a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"I was just chatting with Gab. I told her that Artoria-chan's playing this game and she said that she'll join us when Artoria-chan's done with her 'character' creation." Rias said.

"Honestly, Artoria-chan only needs to decide what race her avatar is going to be and she been at it for more than three hours now." Rias complained.

"Well, she is creating her character... And from what I know, one of her major creations took about a week to finish. Maybe this one will take a week too." Y/n said with a small grin on his face.

"A WEEK!?" Everyone cried in shock.

"Yeah, or longer. Hun seems really interested in this." Y/n said, missing Rias' pout when he referred to Artoria as 'Hun'.

Rias stomped on Y/n's foot as hard as she can without being noticed by anyone, even Y/n himself.

"Grrrr! Let's just get started with leveling your avatars." Rias grumbled.

"Alright, but before we start. What are your base levels when you finished creating your avatars?" Y/n asked Raven's students, Serafall and Tsubaki.

"I'm level 20." Tsubaki said, a little bit confused at why this is her starting level.

"I'm level 24." Pyrrha said after asking for Sona's help in accessing her Character page.

"I'm at 21." Cinder said, a little bit disappointed that her level's lower than her partner.

Neo held up a signboard that she grabbed from nowhere with a large number 28 printed in the middle.

"Have you been holding that this entire time?" Cinder curiously asked her mute teammate.

Neo shrugged her shoulders at Cinder's question before casually throwing the signboard behind her, not caring if the thrown object hit a patrolling NPC guard's head. Luckily the NPC didn't seem to take it as an attack and just continued on with his patrol.

Looking at the last person, Serafall asked Sona how to access her Character page and did as instructed.

"Ooooh! I win! I am at level 87! I am the winner! Bow to the greatest gamer that ever existed!" Serafall boastfully shouted.

"Level 87 right from the start!?" Weiss said as she gave Serafall a disbelieving look.

"Wait- what?" Rias said as she used a skill called [Appraise Level]  to see Serafall's current level.

"She's not lying..." Rias numbly said as she turned off her skill.

"I guess that is expected. She's a Satan-class Devil after all." Y/n said, not that surprised at Serafall's absurd starting level.

"But Sensei, didn't you said before that the strongest Players around here are at level 100, and they're comparable to Ultimate-class Devis?" Tsubaki said with Team RWBY nodding beside her.

Y/n sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, I guess, I underestimated their strength, my bad." Y/n apologized.

"But hey, if Serafall's only at level 87 even though she's a Satan-class fighter, then that means there are stronger people here. People that I can confidently say, number to ten thousands. That means there are plenty of opportunities for you girls to get stronger quickly and curb stomp the beginner league in the Rating Games." Y/n said.

"You're just looking for a reason to beat people up." Rias pointed out with a dull look on her face, which Y/n didn't deny.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's get started with this power leveling. I already got a good spot for everyone to level and gain actual combat experience." Y/n said to everyone.

"Alright. Buuuut, Sona, and I know some good spots to grind EXP as well. Let's go there first as they're 'beginner friendly' areas. I have a feeling that those spots Red is talking about have monsters that are 10 levels ahead of you. Nobody here wants to start their gaming experience dying to an over-leveled monster, right?" Rias said, making everyone side with her.

"Sure, ruin my fun. Why don't ya?" Y/n grumbled.

Rias giggled, "Your definition of fun, goes to the extreme most of the time, Red. I remember before you momentarily left the game, you made Sona and I go with you and raid a large guild. Just for fun. All of us almost died on that raid, Red. I could've lost some rare items that I grinded for weeks, you know?" Rias said with an amused smile on her face, reminiscing how she and Sona were almost caught by the enemy before getting lost in their base. Luck somehow worked its magic leading them to the enemy base's treasury. There she and Sona took their time looting the place while Y/n served as the perfect distraction for them, caused chaos and wanton destruction upon the enemy base.

Y/n avoided everyone's dull look directed at him.

"It worked out in the end, didn't it?" He mumbled to himself.

Y/n's POV

I hate to admit it, but Rias' way is better. I mean, most of the club is gaining a good amount of EXP from farming these EXP mobs.

And we're only been in this spawn area for about 30 minutes!

I still hate it though.

I mean, where's the fun if everything is going to be easy? Sure, it's fun for a while, but it's going to get old really fast.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. When these girls reach level 50 -ohohoho! This cheap power leveling method won't work anymore and they'll have to turn towards monsters that are higher level than them, or even farm bosses for their EXP, which is quite time-consuming, I tell ya!

There is also a drawback with Rias' method. While the mobs in this area do drop a sizable amount of EXP when killed even for Players that are 20 levels higher than them, these mobs literally don't drop anything!

Literally nothing!

It is one of the things I quickly noticed in this game. EXP rich mobs are not that great in the long run. Players that usually rely on this method often find themselves ill-equipped and would have to grind the normal way, making things annoying.

The last parts are of my own opinion, of course. But my point stands regardless!

Looking back at the girls, they are currently scattered around the spawn area, killing their share of mob monsters. Rias suggested that everyone should group up and form a single party to maximize the EXP gain from the monsters killed.

Good thing the game developers didn't remove this broken feature of the game, where a party would have to split up the rewards from a single monster and each member would get the full reward from the kill.

"Ooooh, I leveled up!" Ruby excitedly said as she decapitated another monster level 20 monster, known as Savage Gargoyle.

"Me too!" Yang and Cinder said with the latter now at level 41, while the former sat at level 36.

"Here too." Tsubaki said as she used her own demonic power to blast a hole on the monster's chest, causing it to crumble into a pile of rocks when slain.

Thankfully, all of the remains of the monsters slain disappeared after a few seconds, leaving the ground flat and even.

"Mou! How come I haven't leveled up yet? It's been hours and I still haven't leveled up yet!" Serafall complained as she incased a large group of Savage Gargoyles in ice.

"That's because you're at level 87, Onee-chan. Your EXP bar would take a lot more EXP points to fill it compared to most of us. The only people that are higher level than you are Rias, who is level 94, and Red-sensei, who is level 91." Sona said, much to everyone's shock.

"Higher than Sensei... Does that mean, Rias-san is stronger than him!?" Weiss asked.

"Impossible." Came my instant reply, causing Rias to pout.

The only reason why she's higher leveled than me is because we're both using our old avatars. So while I was on haitus, Rias didn't stopped playing the game and gained several levels.

"Rias-san's level 94!? Then, does that mean she's stronger than Serafall-san while in the game?" Summer said as she looked at her King in surprise.

Rias then gave me a hopeful look, as if she was asking me to confirm Summer's words.


I gave her a smile and said to her, "Why don't you confirm it? Invite Serafall to a one-on-one duel."

"Wha-" was all that Rias managed to say before being interrupted by an excited Serafall.

"Let's go try it! Duel me, Rias-chan! I will destroy you~!" Serafall cheerfully said, causing Rias to pale in fear.

I placed a hand on Rias' shoulder, making the scared girl look at me. "Hey, you're at level 94. Serafall's only at level 87 and she's a Satan-class Devil. I'm pretty sure with your level, you're a Satan-class Devil as well, or maybe even in the upper tier." I said to her

That seemed to completely bring Rias' head back into the game as a smirk crossed her face.

She looked back at Serafall and confidently said, "Alright, I'm game!"

"If you two are going to have a duel, then let's all move out of the spawn area. I'm pretty sure, everyone wants to watch the duel, so that way we won't be interrupted by a bunch of aggroed mob and ruin the duel." Sona suggested.

Everyone has no complaints and followed along as we all left the spawn area.

While looking for a good spot for a high-level duel, Sona would occasionally use a type of taunt skill and aggro any enemies she would spot nearby and would ask for either Ruby or Weiss to take out the taunted enemy because out of everyone in the party, they are the lowest level of 32.

"Huh, Rias-san' method is really effective. Compared to those Savage Gargoyles earlier, these monsters could barely make my EXP bar move. And these monsters are seven to ten levels higher than those EXP monsters." Ruby said, noting the EXP reward she received after killing a Level 28 Stone Wolf.

"I think everyone might have to get their gear updated to fit their level. It's a miracle you guys could still take down monsters above level 20 with only using beginner gear." I said to everyone, making them all look at me.

Rias nodded, "Red's right. If we were to encounter a PK'er. You guys would be the first ones to go down, including Sera-chan." Rias said, surprising Serafall.

"Onee-chan, with your current level, you're basically walking around naked with your current gear." Sona bluntly said.

"S-S-S-So-tan!?" With her face red, Serafall let out a squeak and hugged herself in embarrassment.

"It's just a figure of sp-" All of a sudden, a huge bolt of demonic energy suddenly detonated on my face, interrupting me, courtesy of an embarrassed Serafall.

"Kyaaaah! Don't look!" Serafall cried out as she went to bombard my face with demonic energy.

"What the hell are you embarrassed about, woman!?" I yelled out in irritation as I dropped a fist on top of Serafall's head.


"Sera-san, stop overreacting and taking it out on Sensei. You are appropriately dressed!" Tsubaki scolded the former maou.

"Sorry." Serafall meekly apologized, sounding like a scolded child.

After a couple of minutes of following Sona, we came to a stop when our HUD announced that we've reached an area called Ancient Ruins.

Sona surveyed the area around her and nodded in satisfaction, "Alright, this is a good spot to conduct a duel- Sensei? What is that in your hands?" Sona suddenly asked after seeing something in my hands.

"Cards?" I replied, showing her a deck of cards with a brown and black back design.

"I... I don't wanna know why you are pulling cards out of your pocket. Let's just get Rias' and Onee-chan's duel started." Sona said while turning to Rias and Serafall.

"So who will serve as a referee? Red-chan? I mean, he's the only person at the moment who could keep up with our movements." Serafall said, making Rias shake her head.

"No need for Red to oversee the match. I will just issue a duel invitation to you and when you accept it there will be a ten-second countdown before the duel starts." Rias said to Serafall.

"I'll watch over the duel, Rias. So that I can provide everyone a clear view of the duel without being too blurry because of your movements." I said as the air behind me rippled and turned into a holographic screen. Looking over at some of the ruins, I used my avatar's skill [High-tier Transmute] to transform some of the smaller ruins into comfortable chairs and couches.

"Okay Rias we're set here." I said while taking a seat at one of the transmuted couches.

Rias only gave me a dull look and- Oh, yeah! I'm supposed to oversee the duel.

Linking my vision to the holographic screen I signaled Rias to begin.

Looking back at Serafall, Rias said to her. "Okay... Sending a duel invitation... now..."

Serafall's eyes widened for a moment, hinting that a notification window appeared in her HUD. 

She then gave us a confused look.

"Um... How do I accept this? Oh wait, never mind! I think I've accidentally accepted it." Serafall said, giggling at her silliness.

As she said that, a large 'X' then appeared above Rias and herself, signaling the start of the duel countdown.

Without any word, Rias hopped back, creating some distance between her and Serafall.

Heh, that reaction from Rias just now was her pvp instincts kicking in, courtesy of Warrior Takemikazuchi and myself. Man, I remember how angry Rias gets when every time we blitz her after the duel preparation countdown reaches zero.


Like a well oiled machine, Rias immediately went to prepare herself and started applying buffs to herself.

"Dark lord's reach! Mirror shield! Infinity Wall! Greater Hardening-"



Rias' gave me a dirty look but still continued her buffing.

"-Greater Magic Shield! Absorption! Heavenly Aura-"


"-Magic Boost! False Data, Life!, See Through! Greater Resistance-"


"Hey, that's unfair, Rias-chan!" Serafall said before striking a pose- Yes, it's a reference, and Serafall literally did struck a pose before her body was covered in pink light.

When the light died down, Serafall emerged and outfitted with her magical girl uniform and her trusty pink magical wand.

"There you go, I'm ready to kick Rias-chan's butt!" Serafall cheerfully said while throwing a peace sign towards us spectators.


"Rias' going to wipe the floor with Onee-chan." I heard Sona mumble from  her comfortable couch.

I... Completely agree with her. Serafall's underestimating Rias.

While this was going on, Rias didn't stopped her actions and continued to buff herself. With the amount of buffs she applied on herself, I'm not surprised that she can take on a level 100 pvp focused players by herself with her current stats alone.

As the count down reaches down the zero, the two moved and launched their attacks.

Or one of them tried.

"Cross Celsius T-" Serafall tried to nuke Rias from the start.

Unfortunately for Serafall, Rias was faster.

"Swords of Revealing Light!" Rias said summoning forth three swords of light from the skies and down towards Serafall's location.  The speed of the swords was faster than what Serafall could perceive, allowing it to cage her in between the three swords.

"!?" I felt the others behind me, shifted in their seats as they watched Serafall get restricted at the first few seconds of the duel.

"De-Spell!" Rias then threw her left hand forward, shooting a pale bolt at Serafall,who tried to move out of the way.

As she is still caged by the three swords of light, Serafall wasn't able to dodge or even block the pale bolt, allowing it to hit her directly in the chest.

"Guh!" Serafall grunted at the hit.

A second after the bolt connected, the magical aura on Serafall's clothes disappeared.

Ah, yes that tactic of her... To make a solid hit. Get rid of your opponent's shield first.

"Wha- my specially enchanted magical sailor fuku!" Serafall said in shock, as she noticed the lack of magical glow of her dress.

Rias, being the experienced and efficient pvp player that she is, didn't let up with the offense and finished off her combo with a.

"Raigeki!" Rias yelled, summoning forth a huge bolt of lightning from the skies to strike down Serafall.

*Crackle!* *Boooom!*

Rias' lightning attack gathered a large amount of dust, covering Serafall form from everyone.

But we didn't need the visual confirmation of Serafall's condition as a large window of texts appeared on top of the battlefield.

"RiAS Wins!"








""What!?"" Everyone in the club that is new to the game yelled out in shock.

"What? Did you guys honestly expected that a level 87 Player that is poorly equipped would win against a level 94 Player equipped with endgame gear?" I rhetorically asked the girls sitting beside me.

"Ow ow ow ow, that really hurt, Rias-chan!" Serafall said as she stepped out of the dispersing dust cloud.

"YGGDRASIL Rule number #1: Never under estimate anyone in the game." Rias cheekily replied.

"Sorry, Onee-chan. But to show you how poorly equipped everyone is, we had to use you as an example." Sona said in a regretful tone.

She only received a pout from Serafall, prompting a response from her, "I promise I'll make it up to you, Onee-chan!"

Serafall perked up from Sona's words as she gave her sister an excited look. "So a Yuri-Yuri hot bath-"

"No." Sona instantly shot down Serafall's request, prompting the latter to wail.

"Why!?" Serafall said as she went to clutch onto Sona's leg.

Honestly, these two...

I opened my inventory and took out a large flask filled with red liquid and tossed it towards Serafall.

"Drink that health potion. Your duel with Rias brought your hp down to one." I said, while keeping an eye out for any Players nearby that might try to ambush us.

Crouching down, I touched the ground with my hand and sent out a weak pulse of energy to sense any nearby Players within a twenty mile radius.

Within a few moments, the pulse that I sent out sensed several players located several miles away from us. Thankfully, there are no other player near our area.

While, Rias and the others are discussing the reason how she easily defeated Serafall, I was contacted by Artoria.

[Hey, Darling... I'm finally done creating my avatar. Where is everyone?] Artoria said.

Where are you?

[I'm inside a temple and- Oh, Shinomiya-san and Hayasaka-san are here too! I just saw them exit the temple.] She replied.

Oh, good! Just group up with them. I'll tell everyone that you three finally logged into the game, then we'll regroup at the town plaza that you three are in.

[Okie Dokie!] Artoria said, ending our conversation.

Looking back at the group I-

"Red, Shinomiya-san and Hayasaka-san are now in the game. They also said that they found Artoria-chan in there as well." Rias said.

Huh, I was about to tell them that but I guess those two have already contacted Rias.

"Did they tell you what city they started at?" I asked Rias.

"Shinomiya-san said that she and Hayasaka-san picked Álfheim as their starting region. Coincidentally, Artoria-chan said that she just pressed random and ended up there." Rias said.

"That was lucky." I said to her, which she nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, normally if you pick the random option from a selection, you would get the worst possible option. But I guess that makes it easier for us to regroup." Rias said as she turn to the others.

"Everyone, we're going to head to Álfheim to meet up with Artoria-chan, Shinomiya-san and Hayasaka-san." Rias said.

Once again opening a large portal, I led the group and stepped into the portal.

On the other side of the portal we were greeted by the sight of an elegant-looking town.

"Ah, the land of the High Elves. It's been a while since I've last been here." Rias said before turning towards everyone.

"Come on. I'll lead you guys to the city plaza so that we could regroup with Artoria-chan's group and get everyone's gear updated." Rias said before stepping through the city gates.

Upon entry, Rias didn't waste any time and went to led the group through a few districts. After about a few minutes of navigating the city, we've finally reached the city plaza.

And of course, like most DMMO-RPG (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game- Sheesh! What a mouthful!) the city plaza or sometimes called as the city market district. The area is filled to the brim with Players of different levels, classes, and race classification.

One thing that stood out in the plaza is the large group of Players gathered near the General Goods Vendor.

Based on my experience with watching anime, a large group that is mostly compromised by dudes, usually means that they are all crowding over a pretty girl. And that 'pretty girl' is usually an important character.

That means, Artoria, Kaguya and Hayasaka are highly like being harassed by that group.

I was about to walk towards the large crowd and part them like the red sea when I noticed something when I got closer.

I didn't sense Artoria's, Kaguya's, or Hayasaka's presence within that crowd.



Then what the hell are they crowding up on!?

I focused my hearing and directed it towards the crowd.







"ALL WOMEN... ARE QUEENS!" I heard someone yelled from within the crowd.

"IF SHE BREATHES... SHE'S A THOT!" An emotion-filled cry followed right after.

"Uwooooooohhh!!!" The crowd suddenly went mad as the group in front of me let out a wild cheer.

"Rargh!" "Grrraaghh!"

Grunts from two Players quickly followed after as the sound of clashing steel rang from within the crowd, causing them to go crazy again.

Huh, it must be past midnight by now if these types of Players are now online.

Walking back towards my group, Rias went up to me and asked. "What going on? What's with the crowd?"

"It's nothing. It's just something stupid and marvelous at the same time." I said, confusing her as well as Team RWBY, who were listening in our conversation.

"Has any of you spotted those three yet?" I asked.

Before Rias, or anyone in the club could answer. A pair of hands blocked my sight.

"Guess who?" A very familiar feminine voice asked.

Deja vu?

Hm. Might as well try out a new response.

"Hmmm... Base on this softness and the way they squeeze onto my back. I'd say... Hayasa- *Smack!* -ka." I said, prompting the person currently blindfolding me to turn my person towards her.

"What do you mean by that, Darling!?" Artoria demanded with a scary tone in her voice.

Behind her, a cooked lobster, named Hayasaka hid behind Kaguya while continuously releasing steam from her ears.

"Relax, I'm just messing with ya!" I said, pecking her lightly in the forehead, causing the latter to mimic Hayasaka's reaction.

"W-we will talk about using such jokes later, Darling!" Artoria said with a huff.


"*Sigh* Rias, stop pinching me. Doing that crap won't hurt me." I said, earning myself a kick to the shin, which I ignored as well.

"Mouuuu!" Rias pouted.

"H-Hayasaka, Y-you're choking me!" Kaguya gasped out while being choked out by Hayasaka.

Oh, did Kaguya tease her because of my joke? That's a little too much don't you think? And strange thing to do to someone being essentially your employer, you know?

Ignoring Kaguya, who's being choked to unconsciousness, I look at our group, I guess that's everyone playing today.

The Dragon Trio said that they'll join us next time.

Irisviel-san's Peerage said that they have some devil work for the night so they couldn't come.

Nana and Neko-san are unavailable at the moment, due to Nana meeting some old colleagues from her time as a Pro Hero.

I'm fine with that. If literally, everyone in the club came tonight, hoho! It's going to be a nightmare for me to keep track of everyone. Maybe when EVERYONE'S here, we could split into groups. That way we wouldn't attract that much attention.

I mean, one guy and a large group of attractive girls- Kanna doesn't count, she's way above such description!- is definitely attention-grabbing.

I would look like a womanizer, and I don't like that title.

I would prefer to be referred to as an OP MC, thank you very much!

"Hmph! Hang on, I just remembered to contact Gab, she said she'll join us for today." Rias said to me before turning away from us and using the spell Message to contact Gabriel.

Within moments every club member present watched as Rias' shoulders shook and giggles escaped her lips.

"Rias-san is doing that creepy laugh again..."

Say it louder so she could hear it, Ruby.

"By the way, Darling. Is it normal for a beginner to start with level 100? Or is it just me?" Artoria discreetly asked.

Huh? A hundred?

I turned towards her and used Greater Reveal to scout her level and race.


[Artoria - Level 100 - Divine Spirit]


Oooohhh this going to be a bit tricky to tell anyone with being suspicious of you, Hun!

Still... A Divine Spirit? What are the odds, huh?


